//============================================================================= // KFAnimNotify_ViewShake //============================================================================= // Anim notify to play local player camera animations //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Andrew "Strago" Ladenberger //============================================================================= class KFAnimNotify_CameraAnim extends AnimNotify native(Anim); /** Reference to the CameraAnim to play in conjunction with this animation. */ var(Camera) CameraAnim CameraAnim; /** True to loop the CameraAnim, false for a one-off. */ var(Camera) bool bLoopCameraAnim; /** True to randomize the CameraAnims start position, so it doesn't look the same every time. Ignored if bLoopCameraAnim is false. */ var(Camera) bool bRandomizeCameraAnimLoopStartTime; /** "Intensity" multiplier applied to the camera anim. */ var(Camera) float CameraAnimScale; /** How fast to playback the camera anim. */ var(Camera) float CameraAnimPlayRate; /** How long to blend in the camera anim. */ var(Camera) float CameraAnimBlendInTime; /** How long to blend out the camera anim. */ var(Camera) float CameraAnimBlendOutTime; cpptext { // AnimNotify interface. virtual void Notify( class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq ); } defaultproperties { NotifyColor=(R=255,G=64,B=255) CameraAnimPlayRate=1.f CameraAnimScale=1.f CameraAnimBlendInTime=0.2f CameraAnimBlendOutTime=0.2f }