/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class RadialBlurComponent extends ActorComponent native collapsecategories hidecategories(Object) editinlinenew; /** * Draws blur eminating outward from the world location of the component. */ /** Material to affect radial blur opacity/color */ var() const MaterialInterface Material; /** Scene DPG determines order in which effect is drawn */ var() const ESceneDepthPriorityGroup DepthPriorityGroup; /** Scale for the overall blur vectors */ var() const interp float BlurScale; /** Exponent for falloff rate of blur vectors */ var() const interp float BlurFalloffExponent; /** Amount to alpha blend the blur effect with the existing scene */ var() const interp float BlurOpacity; /** Max distance where effect is rendered. If further than this then culled */ var() const float MaxCullDistance; /** Rate of falloff based on distance from view origin */ var() const float DistanceFalloffExponent; /** * if TRUE then radial blur vectors are rendered to the velocity buffer * instead of being used to manually sampling scene color values */ var() const bool bRenderAsVelocity; /** if TRUE the effect is enabled and rendered in the scene */ var() const bool bEnabled; /** The current parent to world transform of the component */ var native transient const matrix LocalToWorld; // Accessors native function SetMaterial(MaterialInterface InMaterial); native function SetBlurScale(float InBlurScale); native function SetBlurFalloffExponent(float InBlurFalloffExponent); native function SetBlurOpacity(float InBlurOpacity); native function SetEnabled(bool bInEnabled); /** Called from matinee code when BlurScale property changes. */ function OnUpdatePropertyBlurScale() { SetBlurScale(BlurScale); } /** Called from matinee code when BlurFalloffExponent property changes. */ function OnUpdatePropertyBlurFalloffExponent() { SetBlurFalloffExponent(BlurFalloffExponent); } /** Called from matinee code when BlurOpacity property changes. */ function OnUpdatePropertyBlurOpacity() { SetBlurOpacity(BlurOpacity); } cpptext { protected: // ActorComponent interface. virtual void SetParentToWorld(const FMatrix& ParentToWorld); virtual void Attach(); virtual void UpdateTransform(); virtual void Detach( UBOOL bWillReattach = FALSE ); } defaultproperties { BlurScale=1.0 BlurFalloffExponent=1.5 BlurOpacity=1.0 MaxCullDistance=2000 DistanceFalloffExponent=1.5 bRenderAsVelocity=TRUE bEnabled=TRUE DepthPriorityGroup=SDPG_Foreground }