//============================================================================= // ParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveBase // Base class for setting particle spawn locations based on primitives. // Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //============================================================================= class ParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveBase extends ParticleModuleLocationBase native(Particle) editinlinenew hidecategories(Object); /** If TRUE, the positive X axis is valid for spawning. */ var(Location) bool Positive_X; /** If TRUE, the positive Y axis is valid for spawning. */ var(Location) bool Positive_Y; /** If TRUE, the positive Z axis is valid for spawning. */ var(Location) bool Positive_Z; /** If TRUE, the negative X axis is valid for spawning. */ var(Location) bool Negative_X; /** If TRUE, the negative Y axis is valid for spawning. */ var(Location) bool Negative_Y; /** If TRUE, the negative Zaxis is valid for spawning. */ var(Location) bool Negative_Z; /** If TRUE, particles will only spawn on the surface of the primitive. */ var(Location) bool SurfaceOnly; /** If TRUE, the particle should get its velocity from the position within the primitive. */ var(Location) bool Velocity; /** The scale applied to the velocity. (Only used if 'Velocity' is checked). */ var(Location) rawdistributionfloat VelocityScale; /** The location of the bounding primitive relative to the position of the emitter. */ var(Location) rawdistributionvector StartLocation; cpptext { virtual void DetermineUnitDirection(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, FVector& vUnitDir, class FRandomStream* InRandomStream); } defaultproperties { bSpawnModule=true Positive_X=true Positive_Y=true Positive_Z=true Negative_X=true Negative_Y=true Negative_Z=true SurfaceOnly=false Velocity=false Begin Object Class=DistributionFloatConstant Name=DistributionVelocityScale Constant=1 End Object VelocityScale=(Distribution=DistributionVelocityScale) Begin Object Class=DistributionVectorConstant Name=DistributionStartLocation Constant=(X=0,Y=0,Z=0) End Object StartLocation=(Distribution=DistributionStartLocation) }