/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class MaterialExpressionTerrainLayerCoords extends MaterialExpression native(Material) collapsecategories hidecategories(Object); enum ETerrainCoordMappingType { TCMT_Auto, TCMT_XY, TCMT_XZ, TCMT_YZ }; /** Determines the mapping place to use on the terrain. */ var() ETerrainCoordMappingType MappingType; /** Uniform scale to apply to the mapping. */ var() float MappingScale; /** Rotation to apply to the mapping. */ var() float MappingRotation; /** Offset to apply to the mapping along U. */ var() float MappingPanU; /** Offset to apply to the mapping along V. */ var() float MappingPanV; cpptext { virtual INT Compile(FMaterialCompiler* Compiler, INT OutputIndex); virtual FString GetCaption() const; } defaultproperties { MenuCategories(0)="Terrain" MenuCategories(1)="WorldPosOffset" }