//============================================================================= // KFPawnVoiceGroup //============================================================================= // Class that contains a character's dialog content //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Jeff Robinson //============================================================================= class KFPawnVoiceGroup extends Object abstract dependson(KFPawnVoiceGroupEventData) hidecategories(Object); /** Class that contains data about how/when this character should use dialog */ var class<KFPawnVoiceGroupEventData> EventDataClass; struct DialogEventLineInfo { /** Line and possible response to play during a wave */ var AkEvent DefaultAudioCue; /** Line and possible response to play during trader, if applicable */ var AkEvent TraderTimeAudioCue; }; /** Actual events for each possible piece of dialog, defined in KFGameContent for each character */ var array< DialogEventLineInfo > DialogEvents; /** For debugging only */ var array< string > DialogEventNames; static function string GetEventName( int EventID ) { `if(`notdefined(ShippingPC)) if( EventID >= 0 && EventID < default.DialogEventNames.length ) { return default.DialogEventNames[ EventID ]; } return "INVALID_EVENT"; `endif return "Event" @ EventID; } /** Gets AkEvent for a given ID */ static function AkEvent GetDialogAkEvent( int EventID, bool bIsTraderTime ) { if( bIsTraderTime && default.DialogEvents[EventID].TraderTimeAudioCue != none ) { return default.DialogEvents[EventID].TraderTimeAudioCue; } return default.DialogEvents[EventID].DefaultAudioCue; } /** Gets info struct for a given event ID */ static function DialogEventInfo GetDialogEventInfo( int EventID ) { return default.EventDataClass.default.Events[EventID]; }