//============================================================================= // KFExplosion_AirborneAgent //============================================================================= // Used by projectiles and kismet to spawn an explosion //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2016 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Christian "schneidzekk" Schneider //============================================================================= class KFExplosion_AirborneAgent extends KFExplosionActorReplicated; var() class<KFDamageType> HealingDamageType; var() float HealingAmount; var AkEvent LoopStartEvent; var AkEvent LoopStopEvent; /** How often to do damage */ var() float Interval; /** How long to do damage for total */ var() float MaxTime; /** Use an AllPawns check rather than CollidingActors */ var() bool bOnlyDamagePawns; /** If using bOnlyDamagePawns, controls whether or not to perform a world geometry trace */ var() bool bSkipLineCheckForPawns; /** if true, damage will ignore fall off */ var() bool bDoFullDamage; var bool bWasFadedOut; var KFPerk CachedInstigatorPerk; var() ParticleSystem LoopingParticleEffect; var transient ParticleSystemComponent LoopingPSC; var private const string AAHealingDamageTypePath; var transient ParticleSystemComponent PSC; var Pawn MyPawn; replication { if( bNetInitial ) MyPawn; } simulated event ReplicatedEvent(Name VarName) { if( Instigator == none && MyPawn != none ) { Instigator = MyPawn; InstigatorController = MyPawn.Controller; Attachee = MyPawn; SetPhysics( PHYS_NONE ); SetBase( MyPawn,, MyPawn.Mesh ); } super.ReplicatedEvent(VarName); } /** * Deal damage or heal players */ protected simulated function AffectsPawn(Pawn Victim, float DamageScale) { local KFPawn_Human HumanVictim; local KFPawn_Monster MonsterVictim; local Box BBox; local vector BBoxCenter; local Actor HitActor; local bool bDamageBlocked; if( HealingDamageType == none ) { HealingDamageType = class<KFDamageType>(DynamicLoadObject(default.AAHealingDamageTypePath, class'Class')); } if( Victim != none && Victim.IsAliveAndWell() ) { MonsterVictim = KFPawn_Monster(Victim); if( MonsterVictim != none ) { if( bWasFadedOut|| bDeleteMe || bPendingDelete ) { return; } Victim.GetComponentsBoundingBox(BBox); BBoxCenter = (BBox.Min + BBox.Max) * 0.5f; HitActor = TraceExplosive(BBoxCenter, Location + vect(0, 0, 20)); bDamageBlocked = (HitActor != None && HitActor != Victim); if(bDamageBlocked && HitActor.IsA('KFDoorActor')) { bDamageBlocked = false; } if( !bDamageBlocked ) { Victim.TakeRadiusDamage(InstigatorController, ExplosionTemplate.Damage * DamageScale, ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius, ExplosionTemplate.MyDamageType, ExplosionTemplate.MomentumTransferScale, Location, bDoFullDamage, (Owner != None) ? Owner : self, ExplosionTemplate.DamageFalloffExponent); } } else { HumanVictim = KFPawn_Human(Victim); if( HumanVictim != none && HumanVictim.GetExposureTo(Location) > 0 ) { HumanVictim.HealDamage(HealingAmount, InstigatorController, HealingDamageType); } } } } simulated function SpawnExplosionParticleSystem(ParticleSystem Template) { local KFPawn_Human KFPH; if( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer ) { return; } // If the template is none, grab the default if( !ExplosionTemplate.bAllowPerMaterialFX && Template == none ) { Template = KFGameExplosion(ExplosionTemplate).ExplosionEffects.DefaultImpactEffect.ParticleTemplate; } KFPH = KFPawn_Human(Instigator); if( KFPH != none ) { KFPH.PerkFXEmitterPool.SpawnEmitter(Template, Location, rotator(vect(0,0,0)), Instigator); } } /* * @param Direction For bDirectionalExplosion=true explosions, this is the forward direction of the blast. * Overridden to add the ability to spawn fragments from the explosion **/ simulated function Explode(GameExplosion NewExplosionTemplate, optional vector Direction) { local KFPawn KFP; super.Explode(NewExplosionTemplate, Direction); LifeSpan = MaxTime; if( Role == Role_Authority ) { SetTimer( Interval, true, nameof(DelayedExplosionDamage), self ); } if( Instigator != none ) { KFP = KFPawn(Instigator); if( KFP != none ) { CachedInstigatorPerk = KFP.GetPerk(); } } if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { if( LoopStartEvent != none ) { PlaySoundBase( LoopStartEvent, true ); } if( LoopingParticleEffect != none ) { StartLoopingParticleEffect(); } } } simulated function StartLoopingParticleEffect() { LoopingPSC = new(self) class'ParticleSystemComponent'; LoopingPSC.SetTemplate( LoopingParticleEffect ); AttachComponent(LoopingPSC); SetTimer( Max(MaxTime - 0.5f, 0.1f), false, nameof(StopLoopingParticleEffect), self); } /** Fades explosion actor out over a couple seconds */ simulated function FadeOut( optional bool bDestroyImmediately ) { if( bWasFadedOut ) { return; } bWasFadedOut = true; if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && LoopStopEvent != none ) { PlaySoundBase( LoopStopEvent, true ); } StopLoopingParticleEffect(); if( !bDeleteMe && !bPendingDelete ) { SetTimer( 2.f, false, nameOf(Destroy) ); } } simulated event Destroyed() { FadeOut(); super.Destroyed(); } simulated function StopLoopingParticleEffect() { if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && LoopingPSC != none ) { LoopingPSC.DeactivateSystem(); } } /** * Does damage modeling and application for explosions * @PARAM bCauseDamage if true cause damage to actors within damage radius * @PARAM bCauseEffects if true apply other affects to actors within appropriate radii * @RETURN TRUE if at least one Pawn victim got hurt. (This is only valid if bCauseDamage == TRUE) */ protected simulated function bool DoExplosionDamage(bool bCauseDamage, bool bCauseEffects) { if( bWasFadedOut || bDeleteMe || bPendingDelete ) { return false; } if( bOnlyDamagePawns ) { return ExplodePawns(); } return super.DoExplosionDamage(bCauseDamage, bCauseEffects); } /** Stripped down and optimized version of DoExplosionDamage that only checks for pawns */ protected simulated function bool ExplodePawns() { local Pawn Victim; local float CheckRadius; local bool bDamageBlocked, bHitPawn; local Actor HitActor; local vector BBoxCenter; local float DamageScale; local Box BBox; if( bWasFadedOut || bDeleteMe || bPendingDelete ) { return false; } // determine radius to check CheckRadius = GetEffectCheckRadius(true, false, false); if ( CheckRadius > 0.0 ) { foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns(class'Pawn', Victim, Location, CheckRadius) { if ( (!Victim.bWorldGeometry || Victim.bCanBeDamaged) && Victim != ExplosionTemplate.ActorToIgnoreForDamage && (!ExplosionTemplate.bIgnoreInstigator || Victim != Instigator) && !ClassIsChildOf(Victim.Class, ExplosionTemplate.ActorClassToIgnoreForDamage) ) { if ( bSkipLineCheckForPawns ) { bDamageBlocked = false; } else { Victim.GetComponentsBoundingBox(BBox); BBoxCenter = (BBox.Min + BBox.Max) * 0.5f; HitActor = TraceExplosive(BBoxCenter, Location + vect(0, 0, 20)); bDamageBlocked = (HitActor != None && HitActor != Victim); } if( !bDamageBlocked ) { DamageScale = (DamageScalePerStack < 1.f) ? CalcStackingDamageScale(KFPawn(Victim), Interval) : 1.f; if ( DamageScale > 0.f ) { AffectsPawn(Victim, DamageScale); bHitPawn = true; } } } } } return bHitPawn; } DefaultProperties { AAHealingDamageTypePath="KFGameContent.KFDT_Healing_MedicGrenade" HealingAmount=5 Interval=1 MaxTime=8 bExplodeMoreThanOnce=true bDoFullDamage=true bSkipLineCheckForPawns=true bOnlyDamagePawns=true LoopStartEvent=AkEvent'WW_WEP_EXP_Grenade_Medic.Play_WEP_EXP_Grenade_Medic_Smoke_Loop' LoopStopEvent=AkEvent'WW_WEP_EXP_Grenade_Medic.Stop_WEP_EXP_Grenade_Medic_Smoke_Loop' }