//----------------------------------------------------------- // Debug Camera Controller // // To turn it on, please press Alt+C or both (left and right) analogs on xbox pad // After turning: // WASD | Left Analog - moving // Mouse | Right Analog - rotating // Shift | XBOX_KeyB - move faster // Q/E | LT/RT - move Up/Down // Enter | XBOX_KeyA - to call "FreezeRendering" console command // Alt+C | LeftThumbstick - to toggle debug camera // // * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------- class DebugCameraController extends GamePlayerController config(Input) native; /** The key that triggers PrimarySelect(). */ var globalconfig name PrimaryKey; /** The key that triggers SecondarySelect(). */ var globalconfig name SecondaryKey; /** The key that triggers Unselect(). */ var globalconfig name UnselectKey; /** Whether to show information about the selected actor on the debug camera HUD. */ var globalconfig bool bShowSelectedInfo; /** When true the debug text is drawn. This is passed through from CheatManager's ToggleDebugCamera exec function. */ var bool bDrawDebugText; /** HUD class to spawn. */ var class<HUD> HUDClass; var PlayerController OriginalControllerRef; var Player OriginalPlayer; var bool bIsFrozenRendering; var DrawFrustumComponent DrawFrustum; var Actor SelectedActor; var PrimitiveComponent SelectedComponent; /** * Called when an actor has been selected with the primary key (e.g. left mouse button). * * @param HitLoc World-space position of the selection point. * @param HitNormal World-space normal of the selection point. * @param HitInfo Info struct for the selection point. */ native function PrimarySelect( vector HitLoc, vector HitNormal, TraceHitInfo HitInfo ); /** * Called when an actor has been selected with the secondary key (e.g. right mouse button). * * @param HitLoc World-space position of the selection point. * @param HitNormal World-space normal of the selection point. * @param HitInfo Info struct for the selection point. */ native function SecondarySelect( vector HitLoc, vector HitNormal, TraceHitInfo HitInfo ); /** * Called when the user pressed the unselect key, just before the selected actor is cleared. */ native function Unselect(); simulated event PostBeginPlay() { super.PostBeginPlay(); // if hud is existing, delete it and create new hud for debug camera if ( myHUD != None ) myHUD.Destroy(); myHUD = Spawn( HUDClass, self); } /* * Function called on activation debug camera controller */ function OnActivate( PlayerController PC ) { if ( DebugCameraHUD(myHUD) != None ) { DebugCameraHUD(myHUD).bDrawDebugText = bDrawDebugText; } if(DrawFrustum==None) { DrawFrustum = new(PC.PlayerCamera) class'DrawFrustumComponent'; } if ( bDrawDebugText ) { DrawFrustum.SetHidden( false ); ConsoleCommand("show camfrustums true"); } else { DrawFrustum.SetHidden( true ); ConsoleCommand("show camfrustums false"); } PC.SetHidden(false); PC.PlayerCamera.SetHidden(false); DrawFrustum.FrustumAngle = PC.PlayerCamera.CameraCache.POV.FOV; DrawFrustum.SetAbsolute(true, true, false); DrawFrustum.SetTranslation(PC.PlayerCamera.CameraCache.POV.Location); DrawFrustum.SetRotation(PC.PlayerCamera.CameraCache.POV.Rotation); PC.PlayerCamera.AttachComponent(DrawFrustum); } /** * Function called on deactivation debug camera controller */ function OnDeactivate( PlayerController PC ) { DrawFrustum.SetHidden( true ); PC.PlayerCamera.DetachComponent(DrawFrustum); PC.SetHidden(true); PC.PlayerCamera.SetHidden(true); } //function called from key bindings command to save information about // turning on/off FreezeRendering command. exec function SetFreezeRendering() { ConsoleCommand("FreezeRendering"); bIsFrozenRendering = !bIsFrozenRendering; } //function called from key bindings command exec function MoreSpeed() { bRun = 2; } //function called from key bindings command exec function NormalSpeed() { bRun = 0; } /* * Switch from debug camera controller to local player controller */ function DisableDebugCamera() { if( OriginalControllerRef != none ) { // restore FreezeRendering command state before quite if( bIsFrozenRendering==true ) { ConsoleCommand("FreezeRendering"); bIsFrozenRendering = false; } if( OriginalPlayer != none ) { OriginalPlayer.SwitchController( OriginalControllerRef ); OriginalControllerRef.InitInputSystem(); OnDeactivate( self ); } } } /* * Does any controller/input necessary initialization. */ function InitDebugInputSystem() { OriginalControllerRef.PlayerInput.InitInputSystem(); OriginalControllerRef.InitInputSystem(); } auto state PlayerWaiting { function PlayerMove(float DeltaTime) { local float UndilatedDeltaTime; UndilatedDeltaTime = DeltaTime / WorldInfo.TimeDilation; super.PlayerMove(UndilatedDeltaTime); if (WorldInfo.Pauser != None) { PlayerCamera.UpdateCamera(DeltaTime); } } }; /** * Called from DebugCameraInput * Process an input key event routed through unrealscript from another object. This method is assigned as the value for the * OnRecievedNativeInputKey delegate so that native input events are routed to this unrealscript function. * * @param ControllerId the controller that generated this input key event * @param Key the name of the key which an event occured for (KEY_Up, KEY_Down, etc.) * @param EventType the type of event which occured (pressed, released, etc.) * @param AmountDepressed for analog keys, the depression percent. * * @return true to consume the key event, false to pass it on. */ function bool NativeInputKey( int ControllerId, name Key, EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed = 1.f, bool bGamepad = FALSE ) { local vector CamLoc, ZeroVec; local rotator CamRot; local TraceHitInfo HitInfo; local Actor HitActor; local vector HitLoc, HitNormal; CamLoc = PlayerCamera.CameraCache.POV.Location; CamRot = PlayerCamera.CameraCache.POV.Rotation; if ( Event == IE_Pressed ) { if ( Key == UnselectKey ) { Unselect(); SelectedActor = None; SelectedComponent = None; return true; } if ( Key == PrimaryKey ) { HitActor = Trace(HitLoc, HitNormal, vector(camRot) * 5000 * 20 + CamLoc, CamLoc, true, ZeroVec, HitInfo); if( HitActor != None) { SelectedActor = HitActor; SelectedComponent = HitInfo.HitComponent; PrimarySelect( HitLoc, HitNormal, HitInfo ); } return true; } if ( Key == SecondaryKey ) { HitActor = Trace(HitLoc, HitNormal, vector(camRot) * 5000 * 20 + CamLoc, CamLoc, true, ZeroVec, HitInfo); if( HitActor != None) { SelectedActor = HitActor; SelectedComponent = HitInfo.HitComponent; SecondarySelect( HitLoc, HitNormal, HitInfo ); } return true; } } return false; } exec function ShowDebugSelectedInfo() { bShowSelectedInfo = !bShowSelectedInfo; } /** Overridden to potentially pipe commands to regular PlayerController */ native function string ConsoleCommand(string Command, optional bool bWriteToLog = true); cpptext { /** * Builds a list of components that are hidden based upon gameplay * * @param ViewLocation the view point to hide/unhide from * @param HiddenComponents the list to add to/remove from */ virtual void UpdateHiddenComponents(const FVector& ViewLocation,TSet<UPrimitiveComponent*>& HiddenComponents); } defaultproperties { InputClass=class'GameFramework.DebugCameraInput' OriginalControllerRef=None OriginalPlayer=None bIsFrozenRendering=false DrawFrustum=none bHidden=FALSE bHiddenEd=FALSE bDrawDebugText=true HUDClass=class'DebugCameraHUD' bAlwaysTick=TRUE }