//============================================================================= // KFTutorialSectionInfo //============================================================================= // archetype inside GP_Tutorial_ARCH for kfgameinfo_tutorial //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Zane Gholson 4/21/2016 //============================================================================= class KFTutorialSectionInfo extends Object hidecategories(Object); struct STutorialSlide { var() string TitleKey; var() string DescriptionKey; var() Texture2D UIImage; /** Key binds to locate and merge with description text */ var() array<string> KeyGBAs; /** If >= 0, replace this slide from the GamepadSlides array */ var() int GamepadSlideIndex; StructDefaultProperties { GamepadSlideIndex=INDEX_NONE } }; struct SControllerTutorialSlide { /** Image to use for PS4 builds */ var() Texture2D PS4Image; /** Image to use for xbox one builds */ var() Texture2D XboxOneImage; /** Image to use for xbox 360 builds or on PC with controller */ var() Texture2D PCImage; var() string TitleKey; var() string DescriptionKey; /** Key binds to locate and merge with description text */ var() array<string> KeyGBAs; }; /** Default slides */ var() private array <STutorialSlide> TutorialSlides; /** DEPRECATED - Override slides used only for gamepad */ var() private array<STutorialSlide> GamepadReplacementSlides; /** Override slides for use on controller or with consoles */ var() private array<SControllerTutorialSlide> ControllerReplacementSlides; var() AKEvent VoiceOverOpenEvent; var() AKEvent VoiceOverCloseEvent; /** Delay before this screen opens */ var() float OpenDelay; function array<STutorialSlide> GetSlides(PlayerController PC) { local array<STutorialSlide> MergedSlides; local STutorialSlide NextSlide, NewSlide; if ( GamepadReplacementSlides.Length > 0 ) { if ( PC.PlayerInput.bUsingGamepad ) { foreach TutorialSlides(NextSlide) { // ControllerReplacementSlides supports multiple platforms if( NextSlide.GamepadSlideIndex >= 0 && NextSlide.GamepadSlideIndex < ControllerReplacementSlides.Length ) { NewSlide.TitleKey = ControllerReplacementSlides[NextSlide.GamepadSlideIndex].TitleKey; NewSlide.DescriptionKey = ControllerReplacementSlides[NextSlide.GamepadSlideIndex].DescriptionKey; NewSlide.KeyGBAs = ControllerReplacementSlides[NextSlide.GamepadSlideIndex].KeyGBAs; if( class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild( CONSOLE_Orbis ) ) { NewSlide.UIImage = ControllerReplacementSlides[NextSlide.GamepadSlideIndex].PS4Image; } else if( class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild( CONSOLE_Durango ) ) { NewSlide.UIImage = ControllerReplacementSlides[NextSlide.GamepadSlideIndex].XboxOneImage; } else { NewSlide.UIImage = ControllerReplacementSlides[NextSlide.GamepadSlideIndex].PCImage; } MergedSlides.AddItem( NewSlide ); } // DEPRECRATED! Remove this block once ControllerReplacementSlides is fully utilized else if ( NextSlide.GamepadSlideIndex >= 0 && NextSlide.GamepadSlideIndex < GamepadReplacementSlides.Length ) { MergedSlides.AddItem(GamepadReplacementSlides[NextSlide.GamepadSlideIndex]); } else { MergedSlides.AddItem(NextSlide); } } return MergedSlides; } } return TutorialSlides; } /** Called from GI when tutorial is requested */ function OpenDelayTimer() { local KFGameInfo_Tutorial GI; GI = KFGameInfo_Tutorial(class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo().Game); if ( GI != None ) { // Don't play this if load screen is still up if( class'KFGameEngine'.static.IsFullScreenMoviePlaying() ) { GI.SetTimer( 0.05, false, nameof(OpenDelayTimer), self ); } else { GI.CreateTutorialHUD(self, true); } } }