//============================================================================= // KFPawn_AutoTurret //============================================================================= // Base pawn class for autoturret //============================================================================= // 2022! //============================================================================= class KFPawn_AutoTurret extends KFPawn notplaceable; `define AUTOTURRET_MIC_INDEX 0 enum ETurretState { ETS_None, ETS_Throw, ETS_Deploy, ETS_TargetSearch, ETS_Combat, ETS_Detonate, ETS_Empty }; var SkeletalMeshComponent TurretMesh; var Controller InstigatorController; /** Speed to rise the drone in Z axis after thrown */ var const float DeployZSpeed; /** Height (Z axis) the drone should position for deployment */ var const float DeployHeight; /** Radius to detect enemies */ var const float EffectiveRadius; /** Radius to trigger explosion */ var const float ExplosiveRadius; /** Rotation Vel for aiming targets */ var const rotator AimRotationVel; /** Rotation Vel for aiming targets */ var const rotator CombatRotationVel; /** Time before refreshing targets */ var const float TimeBeforeRefreshingTargets; /** Time to idle after rotating to a random position (search) */ var const float TimeIdlingWhenSearching; /** Min Value to apply randomness to idling */ var const float MinIdlingVariation; /** Max Value to apply randomness to idling */ var const float MaxIdlingVariation; /** Pitch requested when out of ammo */ var const int EmptyPitch; /** Turret Explosion */ var GameExplosion ExplosionTemplate; /** Weapon the turret carries */ var class<KFWeaponDefinition> WeaponDefinition; /** WIf explodes when an enemy gets nearby */ var const bool bCanDetonateOnProximityWithAmmo; var repnotify ETurretState CurrentState; var repnotify rotator ReplicatedRotation; var repnotify float CurrentAmmoPercentage; var repnotify AKEvent TurretWeaponAmbientSound; var repnotify int WeaponSkinID; var repnotify int AutoTurretFlashCount; var transient rotator DeployRotation; /** Rotation */ var transient rotator RotationStart; var transient rotator TargetRotation; var transient float RotationAlpha; var transient float RotationTime; var transient bool bRotating; var transient KFWeap_AutoTurretWeapon TurretWeapon; var transient KFWeapAttach_AutoTurretWeap TurretWeaponAttachment; var transient KFWeap_Autoturret OwnerWeapon; var bool deployUsingOffsetFromPlayerLocation; var float deployUsingOffsetZ; var transient vector ThrowInstigatorLocation; var transient vector GroundLocation; var transient vector DeployedLocation; var transient float RandomSearchLocation; var transient KFPawn_Monster EnemyTarget; var transient bool bHasSearchRandomLocation; var transient byte TeamNum; var transient bool bRotatingByTime; var transient MaterialInstanceConstant TurretAttachMIC; /** Socket name to attach weapon */ const WeaponSocketName = 'WeaponSocket'; const WeaponAttachmentSocketName = 'WeaponAttachment'; const TransitionParamName = 'transition_full_to_empty'; const EmptyParamName = 'Blinking_0_off___1_on'; const DroneFlyingStartAudio = AkEvent'WW_WEP_Autoturret.Play_WEP_AutoTurret_IdleFly'; const DroneFlyingStopAudio = AkEvent'WW_WEP_Autoturret.Stop_WEP_AutoTurret_IdleFly'; var AkComponent FlyAkComponent; const DroneDryFire = AkEvent'WW_WEP_Autoturret.Play_WEP_AutoTurret_Dron_Dry_Fire'; const NoAmmoSocketName = 'malfunction'; const NoAmmoFXTemplate = ParticleSystem'WEP_AutoTurret_EMIT.FX_NoAmmo_Sparks'; var transient ParticleSystemComponent NoAmmoFX; replication { if( bNetDirty ) CurrentState, ReplicatedRotation, CurrentAmmoPercentage, TurretWeaponAmbientSound, EnemyTarget, WeaponSkinID, AutoTurretFlashCount; } simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName) { if( VarName == nameof(CurrentState) ) { ChangeState(CurrentState); } else if (VarName == nameof(ReplicatedRotation)) { RotateBySpeed(ReplicatedRotation); } else if (VarName == nameof(CurrentAmmoPercentage)) { UpdateTurretMeshMaterialColor(CurrentAmmoPercentage); } else if (VarName == nameof(TurretWeaponAmbientSound)) { SetWeaponAmbientSound(TurretWeaponAmbientSound); } else if (VarName == nameof(WeaponSkinID)) { SetWeaponSkin(WeaponSkinID); } else if (VarName == nameof(AutoTurretFlashCount)) { FlashCountUpdated(Weapon, AutoTurretFlashCount, TRUE); } else if (VarName == nameof(FlashCount)) { // Intercept Flash Count: do nothing } else { super.ReplicatedEvent(VarName); } } simulated event PreBeginPlay() { local class<KFWeapon> WeaponClass; local rotator ZeroRotator; super.PreBeginPlay(); WeaponClass = class<KFWeap_AutoTurretWeapon> (DynamicLoadObject(WeaponDefinition.default.WeaponClassPath, class'Class')); WeaponClassForAttachmentTemplate = WeaponClass; SetMeshVisibility(false); if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { Weapon = Spawn(WeaponClass, self); TurretWeapon = KFWeap_AutoTurretWeapon(Weapon); MyKFWeapon = TurretWeapon; if (Weapon != none) { Weapon.bReplicateInstigator=true; Weapon.bReplicateMovement=true; Weapon.Instigator = Instigator; TurretWeapon.InstigatorDrone = self; Weapon.SetCollision(false, false); Weapon.SetBase(self,, TurretMesh, WeaponSocketName); TurretMesh.AttachComponentToSocket(Weapon.Mesh, WeaponSocketName); Weapon.SetRelativeLocation(vect(0,0,0)); Weapon.SetRelativeRotation(ZeroRotator); Weapon.Mesh.SetOnlyOwnerSee(true); MyKFWeapon.Mesh.SetHidden(true); } } if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client || WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Standalone) { /** If this fails, the AutoTurret is still loading from KFWeap_Autoturret. */ if (WeaponClass.default.AttachmentArchetype != none) { SetTurretWeaponAttachment(WeaponClass); } } } simulated function SetTurretWeaponAttachment(class<KFWeapon> WeaponClass) { local KFWeaponAttachment AttachmentTemplate; local rotator ZeroRotator; if (WeaponAttachment != none) return; // Create the new Attachment. AttachmentTemplate = WeaponClass.default.AttachmentArchetype; WeaponAttachment = Spawn(AttachmentTemplate.Class, self,,,, AttachmentTemplate); if (WeaponAttachment != None) { WeaponAttachment.SetCollision(false, false); WeaponAttachment.Instigator = Instigator; TurretMesh.AttachComponentToSocket(WeaponAttachment.WeapMesh, WeaponAttachmentSocketName); WeaponAttachment.SetRelativeLocation(vect(0,0,0)); WeaponAttachment.SetRelativeRotation(ZeroRotator); WeaponAttachment.WeapMesh.SetOnlyOwnerSee(false); WeaponAttachment.WeapMesh.SetOwnerNoSee(false); WeaponAttachment.ChangeVisibility(true); WeaponAttachment.AttachLaserSight(); TurretWeaponAttachment = KFWeapAttach_AutoTurretWeap(WeaponAttachment); TurretWeaponAttachment.PlayCloseAnim(); } } simulated function UpdateInstigator(Pawn NewInstigator) { local KFPawn_Human KFPH; Instigator = NewInstigator; TeamNum = Instigator.GetTeamNum(); if (Weapon != none) { Weapon.Instigator = NewInstigator; } KFPH = KFPawn_Human(NewInstigator); if (KFPH != none && KFPH.WeaponSkinItemId > 0) { SetWeaponSkin(KFPH.WeaponSkinItemId); } } simulated function SetWeaponSkin(int SkinID) { if (Role == Role_Authority) { WeaponSkinID = SkinID; bForceNetUpdate = true; } if (WeaponAttachment != none) { WeaponAttachment.SetWeaponSkin(SkinID); } } simulated function UpdateWeaponUpgrade(int UpgradeIndex) { if (Weapon != none) { TurretWeapon.SetWeaponUpgradeLevel(UpgradeIndex); } } /** Object states */ function SetTurretState(ETurretState State) { if (CurrentState == State) return; ChangeState(State); CurrentState = State; bForceNetUpdate = true; } function UpdateReadyToUse(bool bReady) { if (OwnerWeapon != none) { OwnerWeapon.SetReadyToUse(bReady); } } simulated function ChangeState(ETurretState State) { switch(State) { case ETS_None: break; case ETS_Throw: GotoState('Throw'); break; case ETS_Deploy: GotoState('Deploy'); break; case ETS_TargetSearch: GotoState('TargetSearch'); break; case ETS_Combat: GotoState('Combat'); break; case ETS_Detonate: GotoState('Detonate'); break; case ETS_Empty: GotoState('Empty'); break; default: break; } } auto simulated state Throw { simulated function BeginState(name PreviousStateName) { super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); ThrowInstigatorLocation = Instigator.Location; if (Role == Role_Authority) { UpdateReadyToUse(false); } } simulated event Landed(vector HitNormal, actor FloorActor) { super.Landed(HitNormal, FloorActor); if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { GroundLocation = Location; DeployRotation = Rotation; SetTurretState(ETS_Deploy); } } simulated event Tick(float DeltaTime) { if (deployUsingOffsetFromPlayerLocation) { // If the drone goes below the offset, prevent from falling more if (Location.Z < (ThrowInstigatorLocation.z - deployUsingOffsetZ)) { GroundLocation = Location; DeployRotation = Rotation; SetTurretState(ETS_Deploy); } } super.Tick(DeltaTime); } } simulated state Deploy { simulated function BeginState(name PreviousStateName) { local float AnimDuration; super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); if (TurretWeaponAttachment != none) { AnimDuration = TurretWeaponAttachment.PlayDeployAnim(); SetTimer(AnimDuration, false, nameof(StartIdleAnim)); } SetPhysics(PHYS_FLYING); if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { Velocity = vect(0,0,1) * DeployZSpeed; UpdateReadyToUse(false); } } simulated event Tick(float DeltaTime) { local float CurrentHeight; local vector LocationNext; super.Tick(DeltaTime); LocationNext = Location; LocationNext.z += Velocity.z * DeltaTime; // If there's little to no movement or we are going to collide if (Velocity.z <= 0.01f || !FastTrace(LocationNext, Location, vect(25,25,25))) { SetTurretState(ETS_TargetSearch); } else { // Check height to change state CurrentHeight = Location.Z - GroundLocation.Z; if (CurrentHeight >= DeployHeight) { SetTurretState(ETS_TargetSearch); } } } simulated function EndState(name NextStateName) { super.EndState(NextStateName); DeployedLocation = Location; Velocity = vect(0,0,0); if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { UpdateReadyToUse(true); if (bCanDetonateOnProximityWithAmmo) { SetTimer(0.25f, true, nameof(CheckEnemiesWithinExplosionRadius)); } } } } simulated state TargetSearch { simulated function BeginState(name PreviousStateName) { super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); bHasSearchRandomLocation = false; if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { GetRandomSearchLocation(); // bHasSearchRandomLocation=true; SetTimer(TimeBeforeRefreshingTargets, true, nameof(CheckForTargets)); } } simulated function EndState(name EndStateName) { if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { ClearTimer(nameof(CheckForTargets)); ClearTimer(nameof(GetRandomSearchLocation)); } super.EndState(EndStateName); } simulated event Tick( float DeltaTime ) { super.Tick(DeltaTime); if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { if (ReachedRotation() && !bHasSearchRandomLocation) { SetTimer( TimeIdlingWhenSearching + RandRange(MinIdlingVariation, MaxIdlingVariation), false, nameof(GetRandomSearchLocation)); bHasSearchRandomLocation = true; } } } function GetRandomSearchLocation() { local rotator NewRotation; NewRotation.Yaw += RandRange(0,65536); bHasSearchRandomLocation = false; RequestRotation(NewRotation); } } simulated state Combat { simulated function BeginState(name PreviousStateName) { super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); /*if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { SetTimer(TimeBeforeRefreshingTargets, true, nameof(CheckForTargets)); }*/ if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client || WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Standalone) { if (TurretWeaponAttachment != none) { TurretWeaponAttachment.UpdateLaserColor(true); } } } simulated function EndState(name NextStateName) { ClearTimer(nameof(CheckForTargets)); if (Role == ROLE_Authority && TurretWeapon != none) { TurretWeapon.StopFire(0); } if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client || WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Standalone) { if (TurretWeaponAttachment != none) { TurretWeaponAttachment.UpdateLaserColor(false); } } super.EndState(NextStateName); } simulated event Tick( float DeltaTime ) { local vector MuzzleLoc; local rotator MuzzleRot; local rotator DesiredRotationRot; local vector HitLocation, HitNormal; local TraceHitInfo HitInfo; local Actor HitActor; local float NewAmmoPercentage; if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { TurretWeapon.GetMuzzleLocAndRot(MuzzleLoc, MuzzleRot); NewAmmoPercentage = float(TurretWeapon.AmmoCount[0]) / TurretWeapon.MagazineCapacity[0]; if (NewAmmoPercentage != CurrentAmmoPercentage) { CurrentAmmoPercentage = NewAmmoPercentage; if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Standalone) { UpdateTurretMeshMaterialColor(CurrentAmmoPercentage); } else { bNetDirty = true; } } } else { WeaponAttachment.WeapMesh.GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation('MuzzleFlash', MuzzleLoc, MuzzleRot); } if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { if (EnemyTarget != none) { // Trace from the Target reference to MuzzleLoc, because MuzzleLoc could be already inside physics, as it's outside the collider of the Drone! HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, EnemyTarget.Mesh.GetBoneLocation('Spine1'), MuzzleLoc,,,,TRACEFLAG_Bullet); /** Search for new enemies if current is dead, cloaked or too far, or something between the drone and the target except a player */ if (!EnemyTarget.IsAliveAndWell() || EnemyTarget.bIsCloaking || VSizeSq(EnemyTarget.Location - Location) > EffectiveRadius * EffectiveRadius || (HitActor != none && KFPawn_Monster(HitActor) == none && KFPawn_Human(HitActor) == none)) { EnemyTarget = none; CheckForTargets(); if (EnemyTarget == none) { SetTurretState(ETS_TargetSearch); return; } } } } if (EnemyTarget != none) { DesiredRotationRot = rotator(Normal(EnemyTarget.Mesh.GetBoneLocation('Spine1') - MuzzleLoc)); DesiredRotationRot.Roll = 0; RotateBySpeed(DesiredRotationRot); if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, MuzzleLoc + vector(Rotation) * EffectiveRadius, MuzzleLoc, , , HitInfo, TRACEFLAG_Bullet); if (TurretWeapon != none) { if (KFPawn_Monster(HitActor) != none) { TurretWeapon.Fire(); if (!TurretWeapon.HasAmmo(0)) { SetTurretState(ETS_Empty); } } else { TurretWeapon.StopFire(0); } } } } super.Tick(DeltaTime); } } simulated state Detonate { function BeginState(name PreviousStateName) { super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); StopIdleSound(); if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { TriggerExplosion(); } } function TriggerExplosion() { local KFExplosionActorReplicated ExploActor; // explode using the given template ExploActor = Spawn(class'KFExplosionActorReplicated', TurretWeapon,, Location, Rotation,, true); if (ExploActor != None) { ExploActor.InstigatorController = Instigator.Controller; ExploActor.Instigator = Instigator; ExploActor.Explode(ExplosionTemplate); } Destroy(); } } simulated state Empty { simulated function BeginState(name PreviousStateName) { super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client || WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Standalone) { // Attach No Ammo VFX if (NoAmmoFX == none) { NoAmmoFX = WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitter(NoAmmoFXTemplate, Location); } // Play dry sound 2 or 3 times SetTimer(0.5f, false, 'PlayEmptySound1'); SetTimer(1.f, false, 'PlayEmptySound2'); SetTimer(1.5f, false, 'PlayEmptySound3'); // When sound finish play animation SetTimer(2.f, false, 'PlayEmptyState'); UpdateTurretMeshMaterialColor(0.0f); } if (Role == ROLE_Authority && !bCanDetonateOnProximityWithAmmo) { SetTimer(0.25f, true, nameof(CheckEnemiesWithinExplosionRadius)); } } simulated function EndState(name NextStateName) { super.EndState(NextStateName); } } // We can't use the same delegate, hence we create 3 functions.. simulated function PlayEmptySound1() { PlaySoundBase(DroneDryFire); } simulated function PlayEmptySound2() { PlaySoundBase(DroneDryFire); } simulated function PlayEmptySound3() { PlaySoundBase(DroneDryFire); } simulated function PlayEmptyState() { if (TurretWeaponAttachment != none) { StopIdleSound(); TurretWeaponAttachment.PlayEmptyState(); } } simulated function StopIdleSound() { FlyAkComponent.StopEvents(); } function CheckForTargets() { local KFPawn_Monster CurrentTarget; local TraceHitInfo HitInfo; local float CurrentDistance; local float Distance; local vector MuzzleLoc; local rotator MuzzleRot; local vector HitLocation, HitNormal; local Actor HitActor; if (EnemyTarget != none) { CurrentDistance = VSizeSq(Location - EnemyTarget.Location); } else { CurrentDistance = 9999.f; } TurretWeapon.GetMuzzleLocAndRot(MuzzleLoc, MuzzleRot); foreach CollidingActors(class'KFPawn_Monster', CurrentTarget, EffectiveRadius, Location, true,, HitInfo) { // Trace from the Target reference to MuzzleLoc, because MuzzleLoc could be already inside physics, as it's outside the collider of the Drone! HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, CurrentTarget.Mesh.GetBoneLocation('Spine1'), MuzzleLoc,,,,TRACEFLAG_Bullet); if (!CurrentTarget.IsAliveAndWell() || CurrentTarget.bIsCloaking || HitActor == none || KFPawn_Monster(HitActor) == none) { continue; } Distance = VSizeSq(Location - CurrentTarget.Location); if (EnemyTarget == none) { EnemyTarget = CurrentTarget; CurrentDistance = Distance; } else if (CurrentDistance > Distance) { EnemyTarget = CurrentTarget; CurrentDistance = Distance; } } if (EnemyTarget != none) { SetTurretState(ETS_Combat); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// simulated event Destroyed() { local KFWeap_AutoTurret WeapOwner; StopIdleSound(); WeapOwner = KFWeap_AutoTurret(Owner); if (WeapOwner != none) { WeapOwner.RemoveDeployedTurret(,self); } ClearTimer(nameof(CheckEnemiesWithinExplosionRadius)); if (NoAmmoFX != none) { NoAmmoFX.KillParticlesForced(); WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.OnParticleSystemFinished(NoAmmoFX); NoAmmoFX = none; } super.Destroyed(); } simulated function CheckEnemiesWithinExplosionRadius() { local KFPawn_Monster KFPM; local Vector CheckExplosionLocation; CheckExplosionLocation = Location; CheckExplosionLocation.z -= DeployHeight * 0.5f; if (CheckExplosionLocation.z < GroundLocation.z) { CheckExplosionLocation.z = GroundLocation.z; } //DrawDebugSphere(CheckExplosionLocation, ExplosiveRadius, 10, 255, 255, 0 ); foreach CollidingActors(class'KFPawn_Monster', KFPM, ExplosiveRadius, CheckExplosionLocation, true,,) { if(KFPM != none && KFPM.IsAliveAndWell()) { SetTurretState(ETS_Detonate); return; } } } simulated function StartIdleAnim() { if (TurretWeaponAttachment != none) { TurretWeaponAttachment.PlayIdleAnim(); FlyAkComponent.PlayEvent(DroneFlyingStartAudio, true, true); } } simulated event Tick(float DeltaTime) { local rotator NewRotationRate; /** This gets reset somehow and causes issues with the rotation */ RotationRate = NewRotationRate; if (bRotating) { UpdateRotation(DeltaTime); } super.Tick(DeltaTime); } simulated function UpdateRotation(float DeltaTime) { local rotator RotationDiff; local rotator RotationStep; local rotator NewRotation; local rotator RotationSpeed; local int Sign; if (bRotating) { if (bRotatingByTime) /** Rotate in an amount of time */ { if(RotationAlpha < RotationTime) { RotationAlpha += DeltaTime; RotationStep = RLerp(RotationStart, TargetRotation, FMin(RotationAlpha / RotationTime, 1.0f), true); RotationStep.Roll = 0.0f; RotationStep.Yaw = RotationStep.Yaw % 65536; RotationStep.Pitch = RotationStep.Pitch % 65536; if (RotationStep.Yaw < 0) RotationStep.Yaw += 65536; if (RotationStep.Pitch < 0) RotationStep.Pitch += 65536; SetRotation(RotationStep); } else { bRotating = false; } } else /** Rotate By Speed */ { RotationSpeed = CurrentState == ETS_Combat ? CombatRotationVel : AimRotationVel; RotationDiff = TargetRotation - Rotation; RotationDiff.Yaw = NormalizeRotAxis(RotationDiff.Yaw); RotationDiff.Pitch = NormalizeRotAxis(RotationDiff.Pitch); RotationDiff.Roll = NormalizeRotAxis(RotationDiff.Roll); Sign = RotationDiff.Yaw >= 0? 1 : -1; RotationStep.Yaw = RotationSpeed.Yaw * DeltaTime * Sign; if (Abs(RotationStep.Yaw) > Abs(RotationDiff.Yaw)) { RotationStep.Yaw = RotationDiff.Yaw; } Sign = RotationDiff.Pitch >= 0? 1 : -1; RotationStep.Pitch = RotationSpeed.Pitch * DeltaTime * Sign; if (Abs(RotationStep.Pitch) > Abs(RotationDiff.Pitch)) { RotationStep.Pitch = RotationDiff.Pitch; } RotationStep.Roll = 0.0f; NewRotation = Rotation + RotationStep; NewRotation.Yaw = NewRotation.Yaw % 65536; NewRotation.Pitch = NewRotation.Pitch % 65536; if (NewRotation.Yaw < 0) NewRotation.Yaw += 65536; if (NewRotation.Pitch < 0) NewRotation.Pitch += 65536; SetRotation(NewRotation); if (ReachedRotation()) { bRotating = false; } } } } simulated function RotateByTime(rotator NewRotation, float Time) { if (NewRotation != Rotation) { RotationStart = Rotation; TargetRotation = NewRotation; RotationAlpha = 0.0; RotationTime = Time; bRotating = true; bRotatingByTime = true; } } simulated function RotateBySpeed(rotator NewRotation) { TargetRotation = NewRotation; RotationAlpha = 0.0f; RotationTime = 0.0f; bRotating = true; bRotatingByTime = false; } simulated event byte ScriptGetTeamNum() { return TeamNum; } simulated function RequestRotation(rotator NewRotation) { if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { /** Set rotation the same as its going to be replicated **/ ReplicatedRotation.Yaw = ((NewRotation.Yaw >> 8) & 255) << 8; ReplicatedRotation.Pitch = ((NewRotation.Pitch >> 8) & 255) << 8; bForceNetUpdate = true; } RotateBySpeed(ReplicatedRotation); } simulated function bool ReachedRotation(int DeltaError = 2000) { local int YawDiff; YawDiff = Abs((TargetRotation.Yaw & 65535) - (Rotation.Yaw & 65535)); return (YawDiff < DeltaError) || (YawDiff > 65535 - DeltaError); } event TakeDamage(int Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser) { } simulated function TakeRadiusDamage( Controller InstigatedBy, float BaseDamage, float DamageRadius, class<DamageType> DamageType, float Momentum, vector HurtOrigin, bool bFullDamage, Actor DamageCauser, optional float DamageFalloffExponent=1.f ) {} function bool CanAITargetThisPawn(Controller TargetingController) { return false; } simulated function UpdateTurretMeshMaterialColor(float Value) { if (TurretWeaponAttachment == none) { return; } if (TurretAttachMIC == none) { TurretAttachMIC = TurretWeaponAttachment.WeapMesh.CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceConstant(`AUTOTURRET_MIC_INDEX); } if (TurretAttachMIC != none) { TurretAttachMIC.SetScalarParameterValue(TransitionParamName, 1.0f - Value); TurretAttachMIC.SetScalarParameterValue(EmptyParamName, Value == 0.0f ? 1 : 0); } } /** No AutoAim */ simulated function bool GetAutoTargetBones(out array<name> WeakBones, out array<name> NormalBones) { return false; } simulated function SetWeaponAmbientSound(AkEvent NewAmbientSound, optional AkEvent FirstPersonAmbientSound) { super.SetWeaponAmbientSound(NewAmbientSound, FirstPersonAmbientSound); if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer) { TurretWeaponAmbientSound = NewAmbientSound; bNetDirty = true; } } /** * This function's responsibility is to signal clients that non-instant hit shot * has been fired. Call this on the server and local player. * * Network: Server and Local Player */ simulated function IncrementFlashCount(Weapon InWeapon, byte InFiringMode) { Super.IncrementFlashCount(InWeapon, InFiringMode); AutoTurretFlashCount = FlashCount; // bNetDirty = true; bForceNetUpdate = true; } simulated function ClearFlashCount(Weapon InWeapon) { Super.ClearFlashCount(InWeapon); AutoTurretFlashCount = FlashCount; bForceNetUpdate=true; } defaultproperties { bCollideComplex=TRUE Begin Object Name=CollisionCylinder CollisionRadius=40 CollisionHeight=30 bIgnoreRadialImpulse=true BlockNonZeroExtent=true CollideActors=true BlockActors=false End Object CylinderComponent=CollisionCylinder Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=TurretMesh0 SkeletalMesh=SkeletalMesh'WEP_3P_AutoTurret_MESH.drone_SM' PhysicsAsset=PhysicsAsset'WEP_3P_AutoTurret_MESH.drone_SM_Physics' BlockNonZeroExtent=false CastShadow=false bIgnoreRadialImpulse=true End Object Components.Add(TurretMesh0) TurretMesh=TurretMesh0 Mesh=TurretMesh0 Begin Object Class=KFGameExplosion Name=ExploTemplate0 // @todo: change me Damage=200 DamageRadius=300 DamageFalloffExponent=0.5f DamageDelay=0.f // Damage Effects MyDamageType=class'KFDT_Explosive_AutoTurret' KnockDownStrength=0 FractureMeshRadius=200.0 FracturePartVel=500.0 ExplosionEffects=KFImpactEffectInfo'wep_autoturret_arch.AutoTurret_Explosion' // Original : KFImpactEffectInfo'WEP_Seal_Squeal_ARCH.SealSquealHarpoon_Explosion' ExplosionSound=AkEvent'ww_wep_autoturret.Play_WEP_AutoTurret_Alt_Fire_3P' // Camera Shake CamShake=CameraShake'FX_CameraShake_Arch.Misc_Explosions.Light_Explosion_Rumble' CamShakeInnerRadius=200 CamShakeOuterRadius=900 CamShakeFalloff=1.5f bOrientCameraShakeTowardsEpicenter=true End Object ExplosionTemplate=ExploTemplate0 // sounds Begin Object Class=AkComponent name=FlyAkComponent0 BoneName=dummy bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed=true bForceOcclusionUpdateInterval=true OcclusionUpdateInterval=0.2f End Object FlyAkComponent=FlyAkComponent0 Components.Add(FlyAkComponent0) CurrentState=ETS_None DeployZSpeed=800.0f DeployHeight=200.0f deployUsingOffsetFromPlayerLocation=true deployUsingOffsetZ = 100.f EffectiveRadius=1500.0f ExplosiveRadius=100.0f WeaponDefinition=class'KFGame.KFWeapDef_AutoTurretWeapon' TimeBeforeRefreshingTargets=0.5f TimeIdlingWhenSearching = 1.0f MinIdlingVariation = -0.5f MaxIdlingVariation = 1.0f // Rotation speed per second AimRotationVel =(Pitch=16384,Yaw=32768,Roll=0) CombatRotationVel =(Pitch=16384,Yaw=32768,Roll=0) RotationAlpha = 0.0f RotationTime = 0.0f bRotating = false bHasSearchRandomLocation = false EmptyPitch=0 //-10000 bRunPhysicsWithNoController=true; bCanBeDamaged=false TeamNum=0 bRotatingByTime=false RemoteRole = ROLE_SimulatedProxy bCanDetonateOnProximityWithAmmo=false bIgnoreForces=true bIsTurret=true NoAmmoFX=none bAlwaysRelevant=true AutoTurretFlashCount=0 }