//============================================================================= // KFBarmwichBonfireVolume //============================================================================= // Barmwich volume used for bonfires. Triggers seasonal progression. //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2022 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFBarmwichBonfireVolume extends KFPhysicsDamageByPawnVolume placeable; /** Objective index for the event this is tied to */ var() int ObjectiveIndex; /** Index of the event this is tied to */ var() int EventIndex; var array<Actor> AffectedActors; var transient bool bIsDataValid; simulated event PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); bIsDataValid = IsObjectiveDataValid(); } function CausePainTo(Actor Other) { Super.CausePainTo(Other); if (bIsDataValid && KFPawn_Monster(Other) != none && KFPawn_Monster(Other).IsAliveAndWell()) { if (AffectedActors.Find(Other) == INDEX_NONE) { AffectedActors.AddItem(Other); NotifyProgression(); } } } function NotifyProgression() { local KFPlayerController KFPC; if (!bIsDataValid) { return; } foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers(class'KFPlayerController', KFPC) { KFPC.ClientOnTryCompleteObjective(ObjectiveIndex, EventIndex); } } function ClearAllActors() { AffectedActors.Remove(0, AffectedActors.Length); } function ClearActor(Actor Other) { AffectedActors.RemoveItem(Other); } simulated function bool IsObjectiveDataValid() { return ObjectiveIndex >= 0 && ObjectiveIndex < 5 && EventIndex > SEI_None && EventIndex < SEI_MAX; } DefaultProperties { bIsDataValid = false; }