//============================================================================= // AICommand_Base_Combat //============================================================================= // Base class for combat related AICommands (based on GOW2-GOW3) //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class AICommand_Base_Combat extends AICommand within KFAIController native(AI); /** Amount of time before initial time check */ var Vector2D InitialTransitionCheckTime; /** Amount of time between timed transition checks */ var Vector2D TransitionCheckTime; /** Default (initial) state for this combat command */ var name DefaultStateName; function Pushed() { Super.Pushed(); } function Popped() { Super.Popped(); ClearTimer( 'CheckInterruptCombatTransitions' ); ClearTimer( nameof(CombatSelectTarget), self ); } function Paused( GameAICommand NewCommand ) { Super.Paused( NewCommand ); } final function float GetInitialTransitionCheckTime() { return RandRange( InitialTransitionCheckTime.X, InitialTransitionCheckTime.Y ); } final function float GetTransitionCheckTime() { return RandRange( TransitionCheckTime.X, TransitionCheckTime.Y ); } function bool TimedTransitionCheck( out class<AICommand> out_NewCommand, out string out_Reason ); function bool CheckTransition( out class<AICommand> out_NewCommand, out string out_Reason ); /** Calls SelectTarget() on a random timer, then resets that timer */ final function CombatSelectTarget() { `AILog( GetFuncName()$"() calling SelectTarget()", 'SetEnemy' ); SetTimer( 2.5 + FRand() * 0.75, false, nameof(CombatSelectTarget), self ); SelectTarget(); } state InCombat { function BeginState( name PreviousStateName ) { Super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); SetTargetSelectionTimer(); } function SetTargetSelectionTimer() { SetTimer( 1.5f + FRand() * 0.75f, false, nameof(CombatSelectTarget), self ); } function EndState( name NextStateName ) { Super.EndState( NextStateName ); // Clear target selection timer ClearTimer( nameof(CombatSelectTarget), self ); } } DefaultProperties { DefaultStateName=InCombat InitialTransitionCheckTime=(X=1.0,Y=1.0) TransitionCheckTime=(X=1.0,Y=1.0) }