/** * This is our base mobile projectile class. * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class MobileProjectile extends Projectile; /** Acceleration magnitude. By default, acceleration is in the same direction as velocity. */ var(Projectile) float AccelRate; /** if true, the shutdown function has been called and 'new' effects shouldn't happen */ var bool bShuttingDown; /** * If TRUE, initializes the projectile immediately when spawned using it rotation. * This is required if you use an Actor Factory in Kismet to spawn the projectile. */ var(Projectile) bool bInitOnSpawnWithRotation; /** Effects */ /** This is the effect that is played while in flight */ var ParticleSystemComponent ProjEffects; /** Effects Template */ /** Effect template for the projectile while it is in flight. */ var(Projectile) ParticleSystem ProjFlightTemplate; /** Effect template when the projectile explodes. Projectile only explodes if Damage Radius is non-zero. */ var(Projectile) ParticleSystem ProjExplosionTemplate; /** This value sets the cap how far away the explosion effect of this projectile can be seen */ var(Projectile) float MaxEffectDistance; /** The sound that is played when it explodes. Projectile only explodes if Damage Radius is non-zero. */ var(Projectile) SoundCue ExplosionSound; /** Actor types to ignore if the projectile hits them */ var(Projectile) array<class<Actor> > ActorsToIgnoreWhenHit; /** used to prevent effects when projectiles are destroyed (see LimitationVolume) */ var bool bSuppressExplosionFX; /** * Explode when the projectile comes to rest on the floor. It's called from the native physics processing functions. By default, * when we hit the floor, we just explode. */ simulated event Landed( vector HitNormal, actor FloorActor ) { HitWall(HitNormal, FloorActor, None); } /** * When this actor begins its life, play any ambient sounds attached to it */ simulated function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); if ( bDeleteMe || bShuttingDown) return; // Spawn any effects needed for flight SpawnFlightEffects(); if (bInitOnSpawnWithRotation) { Init( vector(Rotation) ); } } simulated event SetInitialState() { bScriptInitialized = true; if (Role < ROLE_Authority && AccelRate != 0.f) { GotoState('WaitingForVelocity'); } else { GotoState((InitialState != 'None') ? InitialState : 'Auto'); } } /** * Initialize the Projectile */ function Init(vector Direction) { SetRotation(rotator(Direction)); Velocity = Speed * Direction; Acceleration = AccelRate * Normal(Velocity); } /** * */ simulated function ProcessTouch(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal) { if( ActorsToIgnoreWhenHit.Find(Other.Class) != INDEX_NONE ) { // The hit actor is one that should be ignored return; } if (DamageRadius > 0.0) { Explode(HitLocation, HitNormal); } else { PlaySound(ImpactSound); Other.TakeDamage(Damage,InstigatorController,HitLocation,MomentumTransfer * Normal(Velocity), MyDamageType,, self); Shutdown(); } } /** * Explode this Projectile */ simulated function Explode(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { if (Damage>0 && DamageRadius>0) { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) MakeNoise(1.0); if ( !bShuttingDown ) { ProjectileHurtRadius(HitLocation, HitNormal); } SpawnExplosionEffects(HitLocation, HitNormal); } else { PlaySound(ImpactSound); } ShutDown(); } /** * Spawns any effects needed for the flight of this projectile */ simulated function SpawnFlightEffects() { if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && ProjFlightTemplate != None) { ProjEffects = WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitterCustomLifetime(ProjFlightTemplate, true); ProjEffects.SetAbsolute(false, false, false); ProjEffects.SetLODLevel(WorldInfo.bDropDetail ? 1 : 0); ProjEffects.OnSystemFinished = MyOnParticleSystemFinished; ProjEffects.bUpdateComponentInTick = true; ProjEffects.SetTickGroup(TG_EffectsUpdateWork); AttachComponent(ProjEffects); ProjEffects.ActivateSystem(true); } if (SpawnSound != None) { PlaySound(SpawnSound); } } /** sets any additional particle parameters on the explosion effect required by subclasses */ simulated function SetExplosionEffectParameters(ParticleSystemComponent ProjExplosion); /** * Spawn Explosion Effects */ simulated function SpawnExplosionEffects(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { local ParticleSystemComponent ProjExplosion; local Actor EffectAttachActor; if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer) { if (EffectIsRelevant(Location, false, MaxEffectDistance)) { if (ProjExplosionTemplate != None) { EffectAttachActor = ImpactedActor; ProjExplosion = WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitter(ProjExplosionTemplate, HitLocation, rotator(HitNormal), EffectAttachActor); SetExplosionEffectParameters(ProjExplosion); } if (ExplosionSound != None) { PlaySound(ExplosionSound, true); } } bSuppressExplosionFX = true; // so we don't get called again } } /** * Clean up */ simulated function Shutdown() { local vector HitLocation, HitNormal; bShuttingDown=true; HitNormal = normal(Velocity * -1); Trace(HitLocation,HitNormal,(Location + (HitNormal*-32)), Location + (HitNormal*32),true,vect(0,0,0)); SetPhysics(PHYS_None); if (ProjEffects!=None) { ProjEffects.DeactivateSystem(); } HideProjectile(); SetCollision(false,false); Destroy(); } // If this actor event TornOff() { ShutDown(); Super.TornOff(); } /** * Hide any meshes/etc. */ simulated function HideProjectile() { local MeshComponent ComponentIt; foreach ComponentList(class'MeshComponent',ComponentIt) { ComponentIt.SetHidden(true); } } simulated function Destroyed() { if (ProjEffects != None) { DetachComponent(ProjEffects); WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.OnParticleSystemFinished(ProjEffects); ProjEffects = None; } super.Destroyed(); } simulated function MyOnParticleSystemFinished(ParticleSystemComponent PSC) { if (PSC == ProjEffects) { // clear component and return to pool DetachComponent(ProjEffects); WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.OnParticleSystemFinished(ProjEffects); ProjEffects = None; } } /** state used only on the client for projectiles with AccelRate > 0 to wait for Velocity to be replicated so we can use it to set Acceleration * the alternative would be to make Velocity repnotify in Actor.uc, but since many Actors (such as Pawns) change their * velocity very frequently, that would have a greater performance hit */ state WaitingForVelocity { simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime) { if (!IsZero(Velocity)) { Acceleration = AccelRate * Normal(Velocity); GotoState((InitialState != 'None') ? InitialState : 'Auto'); } } } simulated function bool CalcCamera( float fDeltaTime, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out float out_FOV ) { out_CamLoc = Location + (CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight * Vect(0,0,1)); return true; } /** called when this Projectile is the ViewTarget of a local player * @return the Pawn to use for rendering HUD displays */ simulated function Pawn GetPawnOwner(); defaultproperties { Speed=2000 MaxSpeed=5000 AccelRate=15000 Damage=10 DamageRadius=0 MomentumTransfer=500 LifeSpan=2.0 bCollideWorld=true DrawScale=2.0 bInitOnSpawnWithRotation=true bShuttingDown=false }