//============================================================================= // KFProjectileStickHelper_HRGScorcher //============================================================================= // Manages projectile sticking and pinning functionality for HRG Scorcher primary fire. // Overriding stick functionality to not do any damage //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2020 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFProjectileStickHelper_HRGScorcher extends KFProjectileStickHelper; /** Stops movement of projectile and calculates orientation to surface */ simulated function Stick(Actor HitActor, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal, const out TraceHitInfo HitInfo) { local int BoneIdx; local KFPawn_Monster HitMonster; local array HitZoneImpactList; local vector StartTrace, EndTrace, Direction, ClosestBoneLocation; local name BoneName; BoneName = HitInfo.BoneName; HitMonster = KFPawn_Monster(HitActor); if (HitMonster != none) { // get injury hit zone StartTrace = HitLocation; Direction = Normal(Velocity); EndTrace = StartTrace + Direction * (HitMonster.CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius * 6.0); TraceProjHitZones(HitMonster, EndTrace, StartTrace, HitZoneImpactList); if (BoneName == '') { // get the best bone to attach to ClosestBoneLocation = HitMonster.Mesh.GetClosestCollidingBoneLocation(HitLocation, true, false); BoneName = HitMonster.Mesh.FindClosestBone(ClosestBoneLocation, ClosestBoneLocation); } //Deleted damage to monster code, we don't want to do damage on sticking } if (!IsZero(HitLocation)) { SetLocation(HitLocation); } SetStickOrientation(HitNormal); BoneIdx = INDEX_NONE; if (BoneName != '') { BoneIdx = GetBoneIndexFromActor(HitActor, BoneName); } StickToActor(HitActor, HitInfo.HitComponent, BoneIdx, true); if (Role < ROLE_Authority) { Outer.ServerStick(HitActor, BoneIdx, StuckToLocation, StuckToRotation); } if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && StickAkEvent != none) { PlaySoundBase(StickAkEvent); } } simulated function bool GetImpactResult(Actor HitActor, PrimitiveComponent HitComp) { local KFPawn_Human KFP; local KFDestructibleActor D; local StaticMeshComponent StaticMeshComp; if (HitActor == none) { return true; } if (HitActor.RemoteRole == ROLE_None && !HitActor.bWorldGeometry && InterpActor(HitActor) == None)//Added InterpActor to be able to stick to those actors (KII-51625) { return false; } // if we've already been dislodged from an actor, don't keep trying to stick to it while falling if (HitActor.bTearOff || HitActor.bDeleteMe || HitActor.bPendingDelete || HitActor == PrevStuckToActor) { return false; } StaticMeshComp = StaticMeshComponent(HitComp); if (StaticMeshComp != none) { // NOTE: Door actors fall into this category! // pass through meshes that can move return true; } KFP = KFPawn_Human(HitActor); if (KFP != none) { // bounce off of player pawns, stick to other pawns return false; } D = KFDestructibleActor(HitActor); if (D != none) { // don't react to client-side-only destructibles, stick to others return D.ReplicationMode != RT_ClientSide; } return true; }