/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqAct_SetMesh extends SequenceAction native(Sequence); enum EMeshType { MeshType_StaticMesh, MeshType_SkeletalMesh, }; /** New SkeletalMesh to use for the target actor */ var() SkeletalMesh NewSkeletalMesh; /** New StaticMesh to use for the target actor */ var() StaticMesh NewStaticMesh; /** Type of mesh to set */ var() EMeshType MeshType; /** if True then the mesh will be treated as if it is movable */ var() bool bIsAllowedToMove; /** if True then any decals attached to the previous mesh will be reattached to the new mesh */ var() bool bAllowDecalsToReattach; defaultproperties { ObjName="Set Mesh" ObjCategory="Actor" }