/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class Path_WithinTraversalDist extends PathConstraint native(AI); cpptext { // Interface virtual UBOOL EvaluatePath( UReachSpec* Spec, APawn* Pawn, INT& out_PathCost, INT& out_HeuristicCost ); } /** Maximum distance to traverse along a branch */ var() float MaxTraversalDist; /** if this is on instead of throwing out nodes outside traversal distance they will be gradiently penalized the further out they are */ var() bool bSoft; /** when a path exceeds specified traversal distance this penantly will be applied, and scaled up depending on how far outside the dist it is */ var() float SoftStartPenalty; static function bool DontExceedMaxDist( Pawn P, float InMaxTraversalDist, bool bInSoft=true ) { local Path_WithinTraversalDist Con; if( P != None && InMaxTraversalDist > 0.f ) { Con = Path_WithinTraversalDist(P.CreatePathConstraint(default.class)); if( Con != None ) { Con.MaxTraversalDist = InMaxTraversalDist; Con.bSoft = bInSoft; P.AddPathConstraint( Con ); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } function Recycle() { Super.Recycle(); MaxTraversalDist=default.MaxTraversalDist; bSoft=default.bSoft; SoftStartPenalty=default.SoftStartPenalty; } defaultproperties { bSoft=true SoftStartPenalty=320.0f CacheIdx=4 }