//============================================================================= // LiftCenter. // Used to support AI navigation on lifts. // should be placed in the center of the navigable lift surface. // Used in conjunction with LiftExits // Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //============================================================================= class LiftCenter extends NavigationPoint placeable native; var InterpActor MyLift; var float MaxDist2D; var vector LiftOffset; // starting vector between MyLift location and LiftCenter location var bool bJumpLift; var float CollisionHeight; /** if specified, must touch this to start the lift */ var() Trigger LiftTrigger; cpptext { virtual UBOOL ShouldBeBased(); #if WITH_EDITOR void addReachSpecs(AScout *Scout, UBOOL bOnlyChanged); virtual void ReviewPath(APawn* Scout); #endif void FindBase(); } event PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); if (Base == MyLift && MyLift != None) { LiftOffset = Location - MyLift.Location; MyLift.bIsLift = true; } } /** SpecialHandling is called by the navigation code when the next path has been found. It gives that path an opportunity to modify the result based on any special considerations Here, we check if the mover needs to be triggered */ event Actor SpecialHandling(Pawn Other) { // if no lift, no trigger, or trigger already hit, no special handling if (MyLift == None || LiftTrigger == None || LiftTrigger.bRecentlyTriggered) { return self; } else { return LiftTrigger; } } /* Check if mover is positioned to allow Pawn to get on */ event bool SuggestMovePreparation(Pawn Other) { // if already on lift, no problem if ( Other.base == MyLift ) return false; // make sure LiftCenter is correctly positioned on the lift if ( (Base != MyLift) || (Location != MyLift.Location + LiftOffset) ) { SetLocation(MyLift.Location + LiftOffset); SetBase(MyLift); } // if mover is moving, wait if (!IsZero(MyLift.velocity) || !ProceedWithMove(Other)) { Other.Controller.WaitForMover(MyLift); return true; } return false; } function bool ProceedWithMove(Pawn Other) { // see if mover is at appropriate location if ( Other.Controller == None ) return false; else if ( (LiftExit(Other.Controller.MoveTarget) != None) && Other.ReachedDestination(self) ) return LiftExit(Other.Controller.MoveTarget).CanBeReachedFromLiftBy(Other); else { //check distance directly - make sure close if ( (Location.Z - CollisionHeight < Other.Location.Z - Other.GetCollisionHeight() + Other.MAXSTEPHEIGHT + 2.0) && (Location.Z - CollisionHeight > Other.Location.Z - Other.GetCollisionHeight() - 1200) && (VSize2D(Location - Other.Location) < MaxDist2D || (IsZero(MyLift.Velocity) && Other.ValidAnchor() && LiftExit(Other.Anchor) != None)) ) { return true; } } // if we need to hit the trigger, go do that if (LiftTrigger != None && !LiftTrigger.bRecentlyTriggered && IsZero(MyLift.Velocity)) { Other.SetMoveTarget(LiftTrigger); return true; } return false; } defaultproperties { Begin Object NAME=Sprite Sprite=Texture2D'EditorResources.Lift_Center' End Object RemoteRole=ROLE_None bStatic=false bSpecialMove=true ExtraCost=400 MaxDist2D=+400.000 bNoAutoConnect=true bNeverUseStrafing=true bForceNoStrafing=true CollisionHeight=50 }