 * Responsible for routing input events from the GameViewportClient to the
 * appropriate player.
 * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class PlayerManagerInteraction extends Interaction
	within GameViewportClient

	/* === UInteraction interface === */
	 * Routes an input key event to the player's interactions array
	 * @param	Viewport - The viewport which the key event is from.
	 * @param	ControllerId - The controller which the key event is from.
	 * @param	Key - The name of the key which an event occured for.
	 * @param	Event - The type of event which occured.
	 * @param	AmountDepressed - For analog keys, the depression percent.
	 * @param	bGamepad - input came from gamepad (ie xbox controller)
	 * @return	True to consume the key event, false to pass it on.
	virtual UBOOL InputKey(INT ControllerId,FName Key,EInputEvent Event,FLOAT AmountDepressed=1.f,UBOOL bGamepad=FALSE);

	 * Routes an axis input event to the player's interactions array.
	 * @param	Viewport - The viewport which the axis movement is from.
	 * @param	ControllerId - The controller which the axis movement is from.
	 * @param	Key - The name of the axis which moved.
	 * @param	Delta - The axis movement delta.
	 * @param	DeltaTime - The time since the last axis update.
	 * @return	True to consume the axis movement, false to pass it on.
	virtual UBOOL InputAxis(INT ControllerId,FName Key,FLOAT Delta,FLOAT DeltaTime, UBOOL bGamepad=FALSE);

	 * Routes a character input to the player's Interaction array.
	 * @param	Viewport - The viewport which the axis movement is from.
	 * @param	ControllerId - The controller which the axis movement is from.
	 * @param	Character - The character.
	 * @return	True to consume the character, false to pass it on.
	virtual UBOOL InputChar(INT ControllerId,TCHAR Character);

	 * Process a touchpad touch input event received from the viewport.
	 * @param	ControllerId - The controller which the key event is from.
	 * @param	Handle - Identifier unique to this touch event
	 * @param	TouchLocation - Screen position of the touch
	 * @param	DeviceTimestamp - Timestamp of the event
	 * @param	TouchpadIndex - For devices with multiple touchpads, this is the index of which one
	 * @return	True to consume the key event, false to pass it on.
	virtual UBOOL InputTouch(INT ControllerId, UINT Handle, ETouchType Type, FVector2D TouchLocation, DOUBLE DeviceTimestamp, UINT TouchpadIndex=0);

	 * Process a motion event received from the viewport.
	 * @param ControllerId - The controller which the key event is from.
	 * @param Tilt			The current orientation of the device
	 * @param RotationRate	How fast the tilt is changing
	 * @param Gravity		Describes the current gravity of the device
	 * @param Acceleration  Describes the acceleration of the device
	 * @return	True to consume the motion event, false to pass it on.
	virtual UBOOL InputMotion(INT ControllerId, const FVector& Tilt, const FVector& RotationRate, const FVector& Gravity, const FVector& Acceleration);