 * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class ActorFactoryStaticMesh extends ActorFactory

	virtual AActor* CreateActor( const FVector* const Location, const FRotator* const Rotation, const class USeqAct_ActorFactory* const ActorFactoryData );
	 * If the ActorFactory thinks it could create an Actor with the current settings.
	 * Can Used to determine if we should add to context menu or if the factory can be used for drag and drop.
	 * @param	OutErrorMsg		Receives localized error string name if returning FALSE.
	 * @param	bFromAssetOnly	If true, the actor factory will check that a valid asset has been assigned from selection.  If the factory always requires an asset to be selected, this param does not matter
	 * @return	True if the actor can be created with this factory
	virtual UBOOL CanCreateActor( FString& OutErrorMsg, UBOOL bFromAssetOnly = FALSE );

	virtual void AutoFillFields(class USelection* Selection);
	virtual FString GetMenuName();

var()	StaticMesh		StaticMesh;
var()	vector			DrawScale3D;


	MenuName="Add StaticMesh"