/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyVelocity extends ParticleModuleSizeBase native(Particle) editinlinenew hidecategories(Object); /** * The amount the velocity should be scaled prior to scaling the size of the particle. * The value is retrieved using the RelativeTime of the particle during its update. */ var(Size) rawdistributionvector VelocityMultiplier; /** * If true, the X-component of the scale factor will be applied to the particle size X-component. * If false, the X-component is left unaltered. */ var(Size) bool MultiplyX; /** * If true, the Y-component of the scale factor will be applied to the particle size Y-component. * If false, the Y-component is left unaltered. */ var(Size) bool MultiplyY; /** * If true, the Z-component of the scale factor will be applied to the particle size Z-component. * If false, the Z-component is left unaltered. */ var(Size) bool MultiplyZ; /** * If set to non zero, the size will not be scaled above this size */ var(Size) vector CapMaxSize; /** * If set to non zero, the size will not be scaled below this size */ var(Size) vector CapMinSize; cpptext { virtual void Spawn(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, INT Offset, FLOAT SpawnTime); virtual void Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, INT Offset, FLOAT DeltaTime); /** * Called when the module is created, this function allows for setting values that make * sense for the type of emitter they are being used in. * * @param Owner The UParticleEmitter that the module is being added to. */ virtual void SetToSensibleDefaults(UParticleEmitter* Owner); /** * Called when a property has change on an instance of the module. * * @param PropertyChangedEvent Information on the change that occurred. */ virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent); /** * Applies the scaling factor and min/max caps */ FLOAT ScaleSize(FLOAT Size, FLOAT Scale, FLOAT Min, FLOAT Max); } defaultproperties { bSpawnModule=true bUpdateModule=true MultiplyX=true MultiplyY=true MultiplyZ=true Begin Object Class=DistributionVectorConstant Name=DistributionVelocityMultiplier End Object VelocityMultiplier=(Distribution=DistributionVelocityMultiplier) }