/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class ImageBasedReflectionComponent extends StaticMeshComponent native(Mesh) hidecategories(StaticMeshComponent) placeable editinlinenew; /** Whether to render the reflection. */ var() bool bEnabled; /** Whether the reflection should be visible from the back. */ var() bool bTwoSided; /** * Texture that will be applied to this reflection. * This texture will be used in a texture array and therefore must have the same size, number of mips, texture group settings and format * As the ReflectionTexture of every ImageBasedReflectionComponent that can be loaded at the same time. */ var() Texture2D ReflectionTexture; /** Color that will be multiplied against ReflectionTexture. Alpha is a brightness control. */ var() interp LinearColor ReflectionColor; cpptext { protected: // ActorComponent interface. virtual UBOOL IsValidComponent() const { return ReflectionTexture != NULL; } virtual void Attach(); virtual void UpdateTransform(); virtual void Detach( UBOOL bWillReattach = FALSE ); virtual FPrimitiveSceneProxy* CreateSceneProxy(); virtual void PostLoad(); virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent); } /** * Changes the enabled state of the image reflection component. * @param bSetEnabled - The new value for bEnabled. */ native final function SetEnabled(bool bSetEnabled); native final function UpdateImageReflectionParameters(); /** Called from matinee code when ReflectionColor property changes. */ function OnUpdatePropertyReflectionColor() { UpdateImageReflectionParameters(); } defaultproperties { bEnabled=true ReflectionTexture=Texture2D'Engine_MI_Shaders.Textures.DefaultReflectionTexture_IBR' Materials(0)=Material'EditorMaterials.Utilities.ImageReflectionPreview' ReflectionColor=(R=1.0f, G=1.0f, B=1.0f, A=1.0f) StaticMesh=StaticMesh'EditorMeshes.TexPropPlane' bCastDynamicShadow=FALSE BlockRigidBody=FALSE CollideActors=FALSE bForceDirectLightMap=FALSE bAcceptsDynamicLights=FALSE bAcceptsLights=FALSE CastShadow=FALSE bUsePrecomputedShadows=FALSE bAcceptsStaticDecals=FALSE bAcceptsDynamicDecals=FALSE bUseAsOccluder=FALSE HiddenGame=true WireframeColor=(R=100,G=100,B=200,A=255) }