//============================================================================= // KFSM_RecoverFromRagdoll //============================================================================= // Recover from rigid body physics knockdown effects //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= // Based on GSM_RecoverFromRagdoll // Copyright 1998-2011 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //============================================================================= class KFSM_RecoverFromRagdoll extends KFSpecialMove native(SpecialMoves); // Recovery anims var() Name GetUpFrontAnim; var() Name GetUpBackAnim; // Blend out physics var bool bBlendToGetUp; var float GetUpBlendStartTime; var() float GetUpBlendTime; // GetUp orientation var() Name UpDownBoneName; var() EAxis UpDownAxis; var() bool bInvertUpDownBoneAxis; var() Name OrientationBoneName; var() EAxis OrientationAxis; var() INT GetUpFromBackYawOffset; /** If TRUE, ignore pawns when looking for a spot to get up */ var() bool bIgnorePawnsOnRecover; /** enable debugging */ var() bool bDebugSpecialMove; // C++ functions cpptext { virtual void TickSpecialMove(FLOAT DeltaTime); } protected function bool InternalCanDoSpecialMove() { return (PawnOwner.Physics == PHYS_RigidBody); } function SpecialMoveStarted(bool bForced, Name PrevMove) { local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, TraceStart, TraceEnd, Extent; local vector HeightVec; local Actor HitActor; Super.SpecialMoveStarted(bForced,PrevMove); // Stop updating the physics bones to match the animation PawnOwner.Mesh.bUpdateKinematicBonesFromAnimation = FALSE; PawnOwner.Mesh.PhysicsWeight = 1.f; // Restore physics update settings PawnOwner.Mesh.MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate = PawnOwner.default.Mesh.MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate; // Restore tick group PawnOwner.Mesh.SetTickGroup(PawnOwner.Default.Mesh.TickGroup); PawnOwner.SetTickGroup(TG_PreAsyncWork); // This will fix all bones, and stop Actor location being changed. PawnOwner.SetPhysics(PHYS_None); // Figure out Actor Rotation and Recovery animation to play PlayRecoveryAnim(); // Move Pawn off walls Extent = vect(0,0,0); // Trace down to floor level HeightVec = vect(0,0,1) * PawnOwner.CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight; TraceStart = PawnOwner.Location + HeightVec * 1.1f; // Don't go to high, so we don't start trace inside a ceiling. TraceEnd = PawnOwner.Location - HeightVec * 3.f; if(bIgnorePawnsOnRecover) { //HitActor = TraceNoPawns(PawnOwner, TraceEnd, TraceStart, HitLocation); HitActor = PawnOwner.Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, TraceEnd, TraceStart, FALSE, Extent); } else { HitActor = PawnOwner.Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, TraceEnd, TraceStart, TRUE, Extent); } if( HitActor != None ) { MoveOffGeometry(HitLocation, HeightVec, Extent); } else if ( bDebugSpecialMove ) { `log(class @ "Failed trace"); PawnOwner.DrawDebugCylinder(TraceStart + vect(0,0,1) * Extent.Z, TraceEnd - vect(0,0,1) * Extent.Z, Extent.X, 4, 0, 255, 0, TRUE); PawnOwner.DrawDebugLine(TraceStart, TraceEnd, 0, 0, 255, TRUE); } // Start changing PhysicsWeight from 1.f (showing ragdoll position) to 0.f (showing first frame of get up anim) bBlendToGetUp = TRUE; GetUpBlendStartTime = PawnOwner.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds; // Skip BlendToGetUp if Pawn was using partial kinamatics for gore (e.g. Headless) if ( KFPOwner.bHasBrokenConstraints && KFPOwner.HasInjuredHitZones() ) { PawnOwner.Mesh.PhysicsWeight = 0.f; FinishedBlendToGetUp(); } } /** Trace, but ignore volumes and triggers */ simulated function Actor TraceNoPawns(Pawn TraceOwner, vector End, vector Start, out vector HitLocation) { local Actor HitActor; local vector HitLoc, HitNorm; // Iterate over each actor along trace... foreach TraceOwner.TraceActors(class'Actor', HitActor, HitLoc, HitNorm, End, Start, vect(0,0,0)) { // .. if it's not a pawn, use it! if(Pawn(HitActor) == None) { HitLocation = HitLoc; return HitActor; } } return None; } // Move off geometry by collision extent. simulated function MoveOffGeometry(vector HitLocation, vector HeightVec, vector Extent) { local PrimitiveComponent BackupCollisionComponent; HitLocation += HeightVec - vect(0,0,1) * Extent.Z + vect(0,0,1); // nudge by one unit up. Extent = Vect(1,1,0) * PawnOwner.CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius + HeightVec; if ( bDebugSpecialMove ) { PawnOwner.DrawDebugSphere(HitLocation, 16, 8, 255, 0, 0, TRUE); PawnOwner.DrawDebugBox(HitLocation, Extent, 255, 0, 0, TRUE); } if( PawnOwner.FindSpot(Extent, HitLocation) ) { if ( bDebugSpecialMove ) { PawnOwner.DrawDebugSphere(HitLocation, 16, 8, 0, 255, 0, TRUE); PawnOwner.DrawDebugBox(HitLocation, Extent, 0, 255, 0, TRUE); } // Restore collision component just for the SetLocation call. BackupCollisionComponent = PawnOwner.CollisionComponent; PawnOwner.CollisionComponent = PawnOwner.CylinderComponent; if( !PawnOwner.SetLocation(HitLocation) ) { `warn(class @ "SetLocation failed!!!!!!!!!!", bDebugSpecialMove); } PawnOwner.CollisionComponent = BackupCollisionComponent; if ( bDebugSpecialMove ) { PawnOwner.DrawDebugSphere(PawnOwner.Location, 16, 8, 0, 0, 255, TRUE); PawnOwner.DrawDebugBox(PawnOwner.Location, Extent, 0, 0, 255, TRUE); } } else { PawnOwner.SetLocation(HitLocation); if ( bDebugSpecialMove ) { `log(class @ "Failed findspot"); PawnOwner.DrawDebugCylinder(PawnOwner.Location - HeightVec, PawnOwner.Location + HeightVec, PawnOwner.CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius, 12, 255, 0, 0, TRUE); } } } /** * Figure out what the Actor's Rotation should be. * And which recovery animation should be played. */ function PlayRecoveryAnim() { local Rotator NewRotation; local int OrientationBodyIndex, UpDownBodyIndex; local matrix BodyTM; local bool bGetUpFromBack; bGetUpFromBack = FALSE; // Make sure we have a bone set to do these things. OrientationBodyIndex = PawnOwner.Mesh.PhysicsAsset.FindBodyIndex(OrientationBoneName); if( OrientationBodyIndex != INDEX_NONE ) { // force rotation to match the body's direction so the blend to the getup animation looks more natural BodyTM = PawnOwner.Mesh.PhysicsAssetInstance.Bodies[OrientationBodyIndex].GetUnrealWorldTM(); NewRotation.Yaw = rotator(MatrixGetAxis(BodyTM, OrientationAxis)).Yaw; //PawnOwner.DrawDebugCoordinateSystem(MatrixGetOrigin(BodyTM), MatrixGetRotator(BodyTM), 5.f, TRUE); UpDownBodyIndex = PawnOwner.Mesh.PhysicsAsset.FindBodyIndex(UpDownBoneName); if( UpDownBodyIndex != INDEX_NONE ) { BodyTM = PawnOwner.Mesh.PhysicsAssetInstance.Bodies[UpDownBodyIndex].GetUnrealWorldTM(); bGetUpFromBack = (MatrixGetAxis(BodyTM, UpDownAxis).Z > 0.f); //PawnOwner.DrawDebugCoordinateSystem(MatrixGetOrigin(BodyTM), MatrixGetRotator(BodyTM), 5.f, TRUE); if( bInvertUpDownBoneAxis ) { bGetUpFromBack = !bGetUpFromBack; } } // flip it around if the head is facing upwards, since the animation for that makes the character // end up facing in the opposite direction that its body is pointing on the ground if( bGetUpFromBack ) { NewRotation.Yaw += GetUpFromBackYawOffset; NewRotation = Normalize(NewRotation); } PawnOwner.SetRotation(NewRotation); //PawnOwner.DrawDebugCoordinateSystem(PawnOwner.Location, PawnOwner.Rotation, 50.f, TRUE); } else { NewRotation.Yaw = PawnOwner.Rotation.Yaw; PawnOwner.SetRotation(NewRotation); } // Choose correct get-up animation and rewind get up animation to start // The play rate is zero - we just want it frozen on the first frame. PlaySpecialMoveAnim(GetRecoveryAnim(bGetUpFromBack), EAS_FullBody, 0.f, 0.33f, 1.f); // Enable Root Motion EnableRootMotion(); } /** Helper for PlayRecoveryAnim */ function name GetRecoveryAnim(bool bGetUpFromBack) { return (bGetUpFromBack) ? GetUpBackAnim : GetUpFrontAnim; } /** * Done with blend, start updating physics bones again, and show result. * Bones should all be fixed at this point. */ simulated event FinishedBlendToGetUp() { bBlendToGetUp = FALSE; class'KFSM_RagdollKnockdown'.static.TermKnockdownRagdoll(KFPOwner); } function SpecialMoveEnded(Name PrevMove, Name NextMove) { if (bBlendToGetUp) { FinishedBlendToGetUp(); } bBlendToGetUp = FALSE; DisableRootMotion(); Super.SpecialMoveEnded(PrevMove, NextMove); } defaultproperties { Handle=KFSM_RecoverFromRagdoll // --------------------------------------------- // Animations GetUpFrontAnim=Getup_F_V1 GetUpBackAnim=Getup_B_V1 UpDownBoneName="Spine1" UpDownAxis=AXIS_Y bInvertUpDownBoneAxis=TRUE OrientationBoneName="Spine1" OrientationAxis=AXIS_X GetUpFromBackYawOffset=+32768 GetUpBlendTime=0.42f bIgnorePawnsOnRecover=TRUE // --------------------------------------------- // SpecialMove bDisableMovement=TRUE bLockPawnRotation=TRUE bDisablesWeaponFiring=true bCanOnlyWanderAtEnd=true }