//============================================================================= // KFPickupFactory //============================================================================= // Base KF2 PickupFactory //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFPickupFactory extends PickupFactory abstract placeable native; cpptext { #if WITH_EDITOR virtual UBOOL CanConnectTo(ANavigationPoint* Nav, UBOOL bCheckDistance); virtual void CheckForErrors(); #endif //WITH_EDITOR } /** Set to true if we've chosen this pickup factory to respawn */ var bool bToBeActivated; /** If TRUE, will not be added to the standard pickup list, and relies on kismet to enable/disable */ var() bool bKismetDriven; /** [KISMET ONLY] Overrides the respawn time set in the InventoryType by the RespawnTime property */ var() bool bUseRespawnTimeOverride; /** [KISMET ONLY] Time, in seconds, that it will take this pickup to respawn again after being picked up */ var() float RespawnTime; /** [KISMET ONLY] Whether this pickup factory is enabled at the start of play, or spawns in disabled */ var() bool bEnabledAtStart; /** Whether this pickup node has been modified by kismet (enabled or disabled) */ var transient bool bKismetEnabled; function bool CanUsePickup() { return true; } /** Pick a weapon from 'ItemPickups' and enable it in the world */ function Reset() { if (CanUsePickup()) { if( bKismetDriven ) { SetInitialState(); } else { bToBeActivated = false; GotoState('Pickup'); } } else { SetPickupHidden(); } } // Called after PostBeginPlay. // simulated event SetInitialState() { if( !bKismetDriven || Role < ROLE_Authority ) { return; } bKismetEnabled = bEnabledAtStart; if( bEnabledAtStart ) { GotoState( 'Pickup' ); } else { GotoState( 'Disabled' ); } } /** Handling Toggle event from Kismet. */ function OnToggle( SeqAct_Toggle Action ) { // Kismet can only control pickup factories that are kismet-driven if( !bKismetDriven ) { return; } // Turn ON if( Action.InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse ) { bKismetEnabled = true; } // Turn OFF else if( Action.InputLinks[1].bHasImpulse ) { bKismetEnabled = false; } // Toggle else if( Action.InputLinks[2].bHasImpulse ) { bKismetEnabled = !bKismetEnabled; } // Set our state if( bKismetEnabled ) { if( !IsInState('Pickup') ) { GotoState( 'Pickup' ); } } else if( !IsInState('Disabled') ) { GotoState( 'Disabled' ); } } function SetRespawn() { if( bKismetDriven ) { if( !bKismetEnabled ) { GotoState( 'Disabled' ); } else if( bUseRespawnTimeOverride ) { GotoState( 'Sleeping' ); } return; } super.SetRespawn(); } /** Respawns this pickup on a timer */ function float GetRespawnTime() { if( bKismetDriven && bUseRespawnTimeOverride ) { return RespawnTime; } return super.GetRespawnTime(); } /** Hide and stop collision on the pickup */ function StartSleeping() { super.StartSleeping(); // Clear reset if StartSleeping is called at the beginninf of a wave ClearTimer( nameof(Reset) ); } /** Do not try to respawn this pickup on its own */ function bool DelayRespawn() { if( bKismetDriven ) { return false; } return true; } /** Determine what kind of pickup is visible. Used for dialog. */ function bool CurrentPickupIsWeapon() { return false; } function bool CurrentPickupIsArmor() { return false; } function bool CurrentPickupIsAmmo() { return false; } /** * Make pickup mesh and associated effects hidden. */ simulated function SetPickupHidden() { Super.SetPickupHidden(); if ( PickupMesh != None ) { PickupMesh.SetBlockRigidBody(FALSE); } } /** * Make pickup mesh and associated effects visible. */ simulated function SetPickupVisible() { Super.SetPickupVisible(); if ( PickupMesh != None ) { PickupMesh.SetBlockRigidBody(TRUE); } } state Disabled { simulated event EndState(Name NextStateName) { SetPickupVisible(); SetCollision(true, false); } } DefaultProperties { // because we call SetRBCollidesWithChannel in SetPickupVisible/Hidden, we can't be in the asynch tickgroup TickGroup=TG_PostAsyncWork bAllowPathConnections=false bNoAutoConnect=true bMovable=false bKismetDriven=false bUseRespawnTimeOverride=false RespawnTime=45.0f }