/** * Provides a general purpose global storage area for game or configuration data. * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class UIDataStore_Registry extends UIDataStore native(inherit); cpptext { /* === UIDataStore interface === */ /** * Creates the data provider for this registry data store. */ virtual void InitializeDataStore(); } struct native RegistryKeyValuePair { var string Key; var string Value; }; /** * The data fields which have been added to this data store. */ var array<RegistryKeyValuePair> RegistryData; /** * Get data from the RegistryData array * @param Key - The key to get data for * @param out_Data - the data that was recovered * * @return True if there was data to recover, false if there was no data for the specified key */ event bool GetData(string Key, out string out_Data) { local int i; for (i = 0; i < RegistryData.length; i++) { if (RegistryData[i].Key == Key) { out_Data = RegistryData[i].Value; return true; } } return false; } /** * Set data to the RegistryData array * @param Key - The key to set data for * @param Value - the data that is to be stored */ event SetData(string Key, string Value) { local int i; local RegistryKeyValuePair KVP; for (i = 0; i < RegistryData.length; i++) { if (RegistryData[i].Key == Key) { RegistryData[i].Value = Value; return; } } KVP.Key = Key; KVP.Value = Value; RegistryData.AddItem(KVP); } DefaultProperties { Tag=Registry }