/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SpotLightComponent extends PointLightComponent native(Light) hidecategories(Object) editinlinenew; var() float InnerConeAngle; var() float OuterConeAngle; /** Angle from the spot direction that pixels must be in to affect light shafts from this light. */ var(LightShafts) float LightShaftConeAngle; var const DrawLightConeComponent PreviewInnerCone; var const DrawLightConeComponent PreviewOuterCone; var() const rotator Rotation; cpptext { // UActorComponent interface. virtual void Attach(); // ULightComponent interface. virtual FLightSceneInfo* CreateSceneInfo() const; virtual UBOOL AffectsBounds(const FBoxSphereBounds& Bounds) const; virtual FLinearColor GetDirectIntensity(const FVector& Point) const; virtual ELightComponentType GetLightType() const; virtual void PostLoad(); // update the LocalToWorld matrix virtual void SetTransformedToWorld(); } native final function SetRotation( rotator NewRotation ); defaultproperties { InnerConeAngle=0 OuterConeAngle=44 LightShaftConeAngle=89 }