//============================================================================= // Scout used for path generation. // Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //============================================================================= class Scout extends Pawn native(Pawn) config(Game) notplaceable transient dependsOn(ReachSpec); cpptext { NO_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR(AScout) virtual FVector GetSize(FName desc) { for (INT idx = 0; idx < PathSizes.Num(); idx++) { if (PathSizes(idx).Desc == desc) { return FVector(PathSizes(idx).Radius,PathSizes(idx).Height,0.f); } } return FVector(PathSizes(0).Radius,PathSizes(0).Height,0.f); } virtual void InitForPathing( ANavigationPoint* Start, ANavigationPoint* End ) { Physics = PHYS_Walking; JumpZ = TestJumpZ; bCanWalk = 1; bJumpCapable = 1; bCanJump = 1; bCanSwim = 1; bCanClimbLadders = 1; bCanFly = 0; GroundSpeed = TestGroundSpeed; MaxFallSpeed = TestMaxFallSpeed; } virtual void SetPathColor(UReachSpec* ReachSpec) { FVector CommonSize = GetSize(FName(TEXT("Common"),FNAME_Find)); if ( ReachSpec->CollisionRadius >= CommonSize.X ) { FVector MaxSize = GetSize(FName(TEXT("Max"),FNAME_Find)); if ( ReachSpec->CollisionRadius >= MaxSize.X ) { ReachSpec->PathColorIndex = 2; } else { ReachSpec->PathColorIndex = 1; } } else { ReachSpec->PathColorIndex = 0; } } virtual FVector GetDefaultForcedPathSize(UReachSpec* Spec) { return GetSize(FName(TEXT("Common"),FNAME_Find)); } virtual void PostBeginPlay(); virtual void SetPrototype(); #if WITH_EDITOR /** returns the largest size in the PathSizes list */ FVector GetMaxSize(); virtual void AddSpecialPaths(INT NumPaths, UBOOL bOnlyChanged) {}; /** updates the highest landing Z axis velocity encountered during a reach test */ virtual void SetMaxLandingVelocity(FLOAT NewLandingVelocity) { if (-NewLandingVelocity > MaxLandingVelocity) { MaxLandingVelocity = -NewLandingVelocity; } } virtual UClass* GetDefaultReachSpecClass() { return DefaultReachSpecClass; } /** * Toggles collision on all actors for path building. */ virtual void SetPathCollision(UBOOL bEnabled); /** * Moves all interp actors to the path building position. */ virtual void UpdateInterpActors(UBOOL &bProblemsMoving, TArray<USeqAct_Interp*> &InterpActs); /** * Moves all updated interp actors back to their original position. */ virtual void RestoreInterpActors(TArray<USeqAct_Interp*> &InterpActs); /** * Clears all the paths and rebuilds them. * * @param bReviewPaths If TRUE, review paths if any were created. * @param bShowMapCheck If TRUE, conditionally show the Map Check dialog. * @param bUndefinePaths IF TRUE, paths will be undefined first */ virtual void DefinePaths( UBOOL bReviewPaths, UBOOL bShowMapCheck, UBOOL bUndefinePaths ); /** * Clears all pathing information in the level. */ virtual void UndefinePaths(); virtual void AddLongReachSpecs( INT NumPaths ); virtual void PrunePaths(INT NumPaths); // interface to allow easy overides of path prune behavior (without copy+pasting ;) ) virtual INT PrunePathsForNav(ANavigationPoint* Nav); // called after PrunePathsForNav is called on all pathnodes virtual INT SecondPassPrunePathsForNav(ANavigationPoint* Nav){return 0;} virtual void ReviewPaths(); virtual void Exec( const TCHAR* Str ); virtual void AdjustCover( UBOOL bFromDefinePaths = FALSE ); virtual void BuildCover( UBOOL bFromDefinePaths = FALSE ); virtual void FinishPathBuild(); /** * Rebuilds nav meshes * @param PassNum Pass number given. * @param bShowMapCheck If TRUE, conditionally show the Map Check dialog. * @param bOnlyBuildSelected if TRUE only pylons which are selected will be built */ virtual UBOOL GenerateNavMesh( UBOOL bShowMapCheck, UBOOL bOnlyBuildSelected ); virtual void AbortNavMeshGeneration( TArray<USeqAct_Interp*>& InterpActs ); #if __TW_PATHFINDING_ /** Make it so we can build nav lists outside of this class */ virtual void ScoutBuildNavLists(); #endif #endif static AScout* GetGameSpecificDefaultScoutObject(); // ** Navigation mesh functions follow typedef UBOOL(APylon::*NavMashPassFunc)(); /** * Prepares list of NavMesh generation passes executed for every pylon * @param PassList - list of passes * @param GeneratorType - NavMesh generator type (check ENavigationMeshGeneratorType for details) */ virtual void GetNavMeshPassList( TArray<NavMashPassFunc>& PassList, BYTE GeneratorType = 0 ); // ** End navigation mesh functions virtual UBOOL CanDoMove( const TCHAR* Str, ANavigationPoint* Nav, INT Item = -1, UBOOL inbSeedPylon = FALSE ) { return FALSE; } virtual void CreateMantleEdge( struct FNavMeshPolyBase* SrcPoly, FVector& EdgeEndPt1, FVector& EdgeEndPt2, FRotator& EdgeEndRot1, FRotator& EdgeEndRot2, INT Dir, AActor* RelActor, INT RelItem ) {} /** * NavMeshGen_IsValidGroundHit * allows the scout to determien if the passed ground hit is a valid spot for navmesh to exist * @param Hit - the hit to determine validity for * @return - TRUE If the passed spot was valid */ virtual UBOOL NavMeshGen_IsValidGroundHit( FCheckResult& Hit ); /** * if your game adds custom edge types, you should call Register() on them in your overidden scout class here */ virtual void InitializeCustomEdgeClasses() {} protected: #if WITH_EDITOR /** * Builds the per-level nav lists and then assembles the world list. */ virtual void BuildNavLists(); #endif }; struct native PathSizeInfo { var Name Desc; var float Radius, Height, CrouchHeight; var byte PathColor; }; var array<PathSizeInfo> PathSizes; // dimensions of reach specs to test for var float TestJumpZ, TestGroundSpeed, TestMaxFallSpeed, TestFallSpeed; var const float MaxLandingVelocity; var int MinNumPlayerStarts; /** Specifies the default class to use when constructing reachspecs connecting NavigationPoints */ var class<ReachSpec> DefaultReachSpecClass; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Navigation Mesh generation configuration parameters // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EdgePathColors - color to draw edges at the given index var array<Color> EdgePathColors; // NavMeshGen_StepSize - Size of our expansion step. (also the size of the base square added at each step to the mesh) var float NavMeshGen_StepSize; // NavMeshGen_EntityHalfHeight - half height of expansion tests done (this should be the half height of your smallest pathing entity) var float NavMeshGen_EntityHalfHeight; // NavMeshGen_StartingHeightOffset - starting offset for ground checks done during each expansion step var float NavMeshGen_StartingHeightOffset; // NavMeshGen_MaxDropHeight - maximum valid height for ledges to drop before no expansion is allowed var float NavMeshGen_MaxDropHeight; // NavMeshGen_MaxStepHeight - maximum height to consider valid for step-ups var float NavMeshGen_MaxStepHeight; // NavMeshGen_VertZDeltaSnapThresh - when two potential vert locations are within stepheight, but greater than this threshold // a line check is done to snap the new shared vert to the ground // (should probably be about half of max step height) var float NavMeshGen_VertZDeltaSnapThresh; // NavMeshGen_MinPolyArea - minimum area of polygons (below threshold will be culled) var float NavMeshGen_MinPolyArea; // NavMeshGen_BorderBackfill_CheckDist - size around each vertex to check for other verts which might be candidates for backfilling var float NavMeshGen_BorderBackfill_CheckDist; // NavMeshGen_MinMergeDotAreaThreshold - multiplier of NAVMESHGEN_STEP_SIZE used to determine if small area mindot or large area mindot should be used var float NavMeshGen_MinMergeDotAreaThreshold; // NavMeshGen_MinMergeDotSmallArea - minimum dot product necessary for merging polys of an area below NAVMESHGEN_MERGE_DOT_AREA_THRESH var float NavMeshGen_MinMergeDotSmallArea; // NavMeshGen_MinMergeDotLargeArea - minimum dot product necessary for merging polys of an area above NAVMESHGEN_MERGE_DOT_AREA_THRESH var float NavMeshGen_MinMergeDotLargeArea; // NavMeshGen_MaxPolyHeight - maximum height to check height against (should be the height of your biggest entity) var float NavMeshGen_MaxPolyHeight; // NavMeshGen_HeightMergeThreshold - height threshold used when determining if two polys can be merged (e.g. if the two poly heights are within this value, they are OK to merge) var float NavMeshGen_HeightMergeThreshold; // NavMeshGen_EdgeCreationThreshold - the maximum distance off projected points along paralell edges var float NavMeshGen_EdgeMaxDelta; // NavMeshGen_MaxGroundCheckSize - the maximum size (used as Extent X/Y on ground check) to be used for ground checks. this is useful to allow large step sizes, while still maintaining // ground check resolution. var float NavMeshGen_MaxGroundCheckSize; // NavMeshGen_MinEdgeLength - minimum length for an edge. Edges shorter than this value will be thrown out var float NavMeshGen_MinEdgeLength; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NavMeshGen_ExpansionDoObstacleMeshSimplification - simplify the obstacle mesh with a basic poly merge?? var bool NavMeshGen_ExpansionDoObstacleMeshSimplification; /** when this is TRUE a dashed-red line will be drawn across the gap of a one-way edge to highlight those situations */ var() bool bHightlightOneWayReachSpecs; //** these vars are used when automatically generating mantles. var float MinMantleFallDist; var float MaxMantleFallDist; var float MinMantleLateralDist; var float MaxMantleLateralDist; var float MaxMantleFallTime; simulated event PreBeginPlay() { // make sure this scout has all collision disabled if (bCollideActors) { SetCollision(FALSE,FALSE); } } defaultproperties { Components.Remove(Sprite) Components.Remove(Arrow) RemoteRole=ROLE_None AccelRate=+00001.000000 bCollideActors=false bCollideWorld=false bBlockActors=false bProjTarget=false bPathColliding=true PathSizes(0)=(Desc=Human,Radius=48,Height=80) PathSizes(1)=(Desc=Common,Radius=72,Height=100) PathSizes(2)=(Desc=Max,Radius=120,Height=120) PathSizes(3)=(Desc=Vehicle,Radius=260,Height=120) EdgePathColors(0)=(R=0,G=0,B=255) EdgePathColors(1)=(R=0,G=255,B=0) EdgePathColors(2)=(R=255,G=0,B=0) EdgePathColors(3)=(R=0,G=255,B=255) TestJumpZ=420 TestGroundSpeed=600 TestMaxFallSpeed=2500 TestFallSpeed=1200 MinNumPlayerStarts=1 DefaultReachSpecClass=class'Engine.Reachspec' NavMeshGen_StepSize=30.0 NavMeshGen_MaxGroundCheckSize=30.0f NavMeshGen_EntityHalfHeight=72.0 NavMeshGen_StartingHeightOffset=65.0 NavMeshGen_MaxDropHeight=60.0 NavMeshGen_MaxStepHeight=35.0 NavMeshGen_VertZDeltaSnapThresh=20.0 NavMeshGen_MinPolyArea=25 NavMeshGen_BorderBackfill_CheckDist=70.0 NavMeshGen_MinMergeDotAreaThreshold=2.0 NavMeshGen_MinMergeDotSmallArea=0.0 NavMeshGen_MinMergeDotLargeArea=0.95 NavMeshGen_MaxPolyHeight=160.0 NavMeshGen_HeightMergeThreshold=10 NavMeshGen_EdgeMaxDelta=2.0 NavMeshGen_MinEdgeLength=7.0 NavMeshGen_ExpansionDoObstacleMeshSimplification=TRUE }