//============================================================================= // PlayerReplicationInfo. // Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // A PlayerReplicationInfo is created for every player on a server (or in a standalone game). // Players are PlayerControllers, or other Controllers with bIsPlayer=true // PlayerReplicationInfos are replicated to all clients, and contain network game relevant information about the player, // such as playername, score, etc. //============================================================================= class PlayerReplicationInfo extends ReplicationInfo native(ReplicationInfo) nativereplication dependson(SoundNodeWave,OnlineSubsystem); /** Player's current score. */ var repnotify float Score; /** Number of player's deaths. */ var int Deaths; /** Replicated compressed ping for this player (holds ping in msec divided by 4) */ var byte Ping; /** Number of lives used by this player */ var int NumLives; /** Player name, or blank if none. */ var repnotify string PlayerName; /** Voice to use for TTS */ var transient ETTSSpeaker TTSSpeaker; /** Previous playername. Saved on client-side to detect playername changes. */ var string OldName; /** Unique id number. */ var int PlayerID; /** Player team */ var editinline RepNotify TeamInfo Team; /** Player logged in as Administrator */ var bool bAdmin; /** Whether this player is currently a spectator */ var bool bIsSpectator; /** Whether this player can only ever be a spectator */ var bool bOnlySpectator; /** Whether this player is waiting to enter match */ var bool bWaitingPlayer; /** Whether this player has confirmed ready to play */ var bool bReadyToPlay; /** Can't respawn once out of lives */ var bool bOutOfLives; /** True if this PRI is associated with an AIController */ var bool bBot; /** client side flag - whether this player has been welcomed or not (player entered message) */ var bool bHasBeenWelcomed; /** Means this PRI came from the GameInfo's InactivePRIArray */ var repnotify bool bIsInactive; /** indicates this is a PRI from the previous level of a seamless travel, * waiting for the player to finish the transition before creating a new one * this is used to avoid preserving the PRI in the InactivePRIArray if the player leaves */ var bool bFromPreviousLevel; /** Elapsed time on server when this PRI was first created. */ var int StartTime; /** Used for reporting player location */ var localized String StringSpectating; var localized String StringUnknown; /** Kills by this player. Not replicated. */ var int Kills; /** Message class to use for PRI originated localized messages */ var class<GameMessage> GameMessageClass; /** Exact ping as float (rounded and compressed in Ping) */ var float ExactPing; /** Used to match up InactivePRI with rejoining playercontroller. */ var string SavedNetworkAddress; /** The id used by the network to uniquely identify a player. * NOTE: this property should *never* be exposed to the player as it's transient * and opaque in meaning (ie it might mean date/time followed by something else) */ var repnotify UniqueNetId UniqueId; /** The session that the player needs to join/remove from as it is created/leaves */ var const name SessionName; struct native AutomatedTestingDatum { /** Number of matches played (maybe remove this before shipping) This is really useful for doing soak testing and such to see how long you lasted! NOTE: This is not replicated out to clients atm. **/ var int NumberOfMatchesPlayed; /** Keeps track of the current run so when we have repeats and such we know how far along we are **/ var int NumMapListCyclesDone; }; var AutomatedTestingDatum AutomatedTestingData; var int StatConnectionCounts; // Used for Averages; var int StatPingTotals; var int StatPingMin; var int StatPingMax; var int StatPKLTotal; var int StatPKLMin; var int StatPKLMax; var int StatMaxInBPS, StatAvgInBPS; var int StatMaxOutBPS, StatAvgOutBPS; /** The online avatar for this player. May be None if we haven't downloaded it yet, or player doesn't have one. */ var transient Texture2D Avatar; // not replicated. //@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 4-12-16 - Playfab support /** The playfab player Id */ var string PlayfabPlayerId; //@HSL_END cpptext { // AActor interface. INT* GetOptimizedRepList( BYTE* InDefault, FPropertyRetirement* Retire, INT* Ptr, UPackageMap* Map, UActorChannel* Channel ); } replication { // Things the server should send to the client. if (bNetDirty) Score, Deaths, PlayerName, Team, bAdmin, bIsSpectator, bOnlySpectator, bWaitingPlayer, bReadyToPlay, StartTime, bOutOfLives, bFromPreviousLevel, `if(`__TW_) Kills, //Added this for Scoreboard. `endif // NOTE: This needs to be replicated to the owning client so don't move it from here //@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 4-12-16 - Playfab support UniqueId, PlayfabPlayerId; //@HSL_END // sent to everyone except the player that belongs to this pri if (bNetDirty && !bNetOwner) Ping; if (bNetInitial) PlayerID, bBot, bIsInactive; } simulated event PostBeginPlay() { // register this PRI with the game's ReplicationInfo if ( WorldInfo.GRI != None ) WorldInfo.GRI.AddPRI(self); if ( Role < ROLE_Authority ) return; if (AIController(Owner) != None) { bBot = true; } StartTime = WorldInfo.GRI.ElapsedTime; } /* epic =============================================== * ::ClientInitialize * * Called by Controller when its PlayerReplicationInfo is initially replicated. * Now that * * ===================================================== */ simulated function ClientInitialize(Controller C) { local Actor A; local PlayerController PlayerOwner; SetOwner(C); PlayerOwner = PlayerController(C); if (PlayerOwner != None) { // any replicated playercontroller must be this client's playercontroller if (Team != default.Team) { // wasnt' able to call this in ReplicatedEvent() when Team was replicated, because PlayerController did not have me as its PRI foreach AllActors(class'Actor', A) { A.NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived(); } } } } function SetPlayerTeam( TeamInfo NewTeam ) { bForceNetUpdate = Team != NewTeam; Team = NewTeam; } /* epic =============================================== * ::ReplicatedEvent * * Called when a variable with the property flag "RepNotify" is replicated * * ===================================================== */ simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName) { local Pawn P; local PlayerController PC; local int WelcomeMessageNum; local Actor A; local UniqueNetId ZeroId; if ( VarName == 'Team' ) { ForEach DynamicActors(class'Pawn', P) { // find my pawn and tell it if ( P.PlayerReplicationInfo == self ) { P.NotifyTeamChanged(); break; } } ForEach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC) { if ( PC.PlayerReplicationInfo == self ) { ForEach AllActors(class'Actor', A) { A.NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived(); } break; } } } else if ( VarName == 'PlayerName' ) { // If the new name doesn't match what the local player thinks it should be, // then reupdate the name forcing it to be the unique profile name if (IsInvalidName()) { return; } if ( WorldInfo.TimeSeconds < 2 ) { bHasBeenWelcomed = true; OldName = PlayerName; return; } // new player or name change if ( bHasBeenWelcomed ) { if( ShouldBroadCastWelcomeMessage() ) { ForEach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC) { PC.ReceiveLocalizedMessage( GameMessageClass, 2, self ); } } } else { if ( bOnlySpectator ) WelcomeMessageNum = 16; else WelcomeMessageNum = 1; bHasBeenWelcomed = true; if( ShouldBroadCastWelcomeMessage() ) { ForEach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC) { PC.ReceiveLocalizedMessage( GameMessageClass, WelcomeMessageNum, self ); } } } OldName = PlayerName; } else if (VarName == 'UniqueId') { if (UniqueId != ZeroId) { // Register the player as part of the session RegisterPlayerWithSession(); } } else if (VarName == 'bIsInactive') { // remove and re-add from the GRI so it's in the right list if( WorldInfo.GRI != none ) { WorldInfo.GRI.RemovePRI(self); WorldInfo.GRI.AddPRI(self); } } } /** * update average ping based on newly received round trip timestamp. */ final native function UpdatePing(float TimeStamp); /** * Returns true if should broadcast player welcome/left messages. * Current conditions: must be a human player a network game */ simulated function bool ShouldBroadCastWelcomeMessage(optional bool bExiting) { return (!bIsInactive && WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_StandAlone); } simulated event Destroyed() { local PlayerController PC; local UniqueNetId ZeroId; if ( WorldInfo.GRI != None ) { WorldInfo.GRI.RemovePRI(self); } if( ShouldBroadCastWelcomeMessage(TRUE) ) { ForEach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC) { PC.ReceiveLocalizedMessage( GameMessageClass, 4, self); } } if (UniqueId != ZeroId) { // Remove the player from the online session UnregisterPlayerFromSession(); } Super.Destroyed(); } /* Reset() reset actor to initial state - used when restarting level without reloading. */ function Reset() { Super.Reset(); Score = 0; Kills = 0; Deaths = 0; bReadyToPlay = false; NumLives = 0; bOutOfLives = false; bForceNetUpdate = TRUE; } simulated function string GetHumanReadableName() { return PlayerName; } /* DisplayDebug() list important controller attributes on canvas */ simulated function DisplayDebug(HUD HUD, out float YL, out float YPos) { local float XS, YS; if ( Team == None ) HUD.Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,255,0); else if ( Team.TeamIndex == 0 ) HUD.Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,0,0); else HUD.Canvas.SetDrawColor(64,64,255); HUD.Canvas.SetPos(4, YPos); HUD.Canvas.Font = class'Engine'.Static.GetSmallFont(); HUD.Canvas.StrLen(PlayerName, XS, YS); HUD.Canvas.DrawText(PlayerName); HUD.Canvas.SetPos(4 + XS, YPos); HUD.Canvas.Font = class'Engine'.Static.GetTinyFont(); HUD.Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,255,0); YPos += YS; HUD.Canvas.SetPos(4, YPos); if ( (PlayerController(Owner) != None) && (PlayerController(HUD.Owner).ViewTarget != PlayerController(HUD.Owner).Pawn) ) { HUD.Canvas.SetDrawColor(128,128,255); HUD.Canvas.DrawText(" bIsSpec:"@bIsSpectator@"OnlySpec:"$bOnlySpectator@"Waiting:"$bWaitingPlayer@"Ready:"$bReadyToPlay@"OutOfLives:"$bOutOfLives); YPos += YL; HUD.Canvas.SetPos(4, YPos); } } event SetPlayerName(string S) { PlayerName = S; // ReplicatedEvent() won't get called by net code if we are the server if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Standalone || WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer) { ReplicatedEvent('PlayerName'); } OldName = PlayerName; bForceNetUpdate = TRUE; } function SetWaitingPlayer(bool B) { bIsSpectator = B; bWaitingPlayer = B; bForceNetUpdate = TRUE; } /* epic =============================================== * ::Duplicate Create duplicate PRI (for saving Inactive PRI) */ function PlayerReplicationInfo Duplicate() { local PlayerReplicationInfo NewPRI; NewPRI = Spawn(class); CopyProperties(NewPRI); return NewPRI; } /* epic =============================================== * ::OverrideWith Get overridden properties from old PRI */ function OverrideWith(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI) { bIsSpectator = PRI.bIsSpectator; bOnlySpectator = PRI.bOnlySpectator; bWaitingPlayer = PRI.bWaitingPlayer; bReadyToPlay = PRI.bReadyToPlay; bOutOfLives = PRI.bOutOfLives || bOutOfLives; Team = PRI.Team; } /* epic =============================================== * ::CopyProperties Copy properties which need to be saved in inactive PRI */ function CopyProperties(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI) { PRI.Score = Score; PRI.Deaths = Deaths; PRI.Ping = Ping; PRI.NumLives = NumLives; PRI.PlayerName = PlayerName; PRI.PlayerID = PlayerID; PRI.StartTime = StartTime; PRI.Kills = Kills; PRI.bOutOfLives = bOutOfLives; PRI.SavedNetworkAddress = SavedNetworkAddress; PRI.Team = Team; PRI.UniqueId = UniqueId; PRI.AutomatedTestingData = AutomatedTestingData; //@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 4-12-16 - Playfab support PRI.PlayfabPlayerId = PlayfabPlayerId; //@HSL_END } function IncrementDeaths(optional int Amt = 1) { Deaths += Amt; } /** called by seamless travel when initializing a player on the other side - copy properties to the new PRI that should persist */ function SeamlessTravelTo(PlayerReplicationInfo NewPRI) { CopyProperties(NewPRI); NewPRI.bOnlySpectator = bOnlySpectator; } /** * Sets the player's unique net id on the server. */ simulated function SetUniqueId( UniqueNetId PlayerUniqueId ) { // Store the unique id, so it will be replicated to all clients UniqueId = PlayerUniqueId; } simulated native function byte GetTeamNum(); /** * Validates that the new name matches the profile if the player is logged in * * @return TRUE if the name doesn't match, FALSE otherwise */ simulated function bool IsInvalidName() { local LocalPlayer LocPlayer; local PlayerController PC; local string ProfileName; local OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub; OnlineSub = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem(); if (OnlineSub != None) { PC = PlayerController(Owner); if (PC != None) { LocPlayer = LocalPlayer(PC.Player); if (LocPlayer != None && OnlineSub.GameInterface != None && OnlineSub.PlayerInterface != None) { // Check to see if they are logged in locally or not if (OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.GetLoginStatus(LocPlayer.ControllerId) == LS_LoggedIn) { // Ignore what ever was specified and use the profile's nick ProfileName = OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.GetPlayerNickname(LocPlayer.ControllerId); if (ProfileName != PlayerName) { // Force an update to the proper name PC.SetName(ProfileName); return true; } } } } } return false; } /** * The base implementation registers the player with the online session so that * recent players list and session counts are updated. */ simulated function RegisterPlayerWithSession() { local OnlineSubsystem Online; local OnlineRecentPlayersList PlayersList; local UniqueNetId ZeroId; Online = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem(); if (UniqueId != ZeroId && Online != None && Online.GameInterface != None && SessionName != 'None' && Online.GameInterface.GetGameSettings(SessionName) != None) { // Register the player as part of the session Online.GameInterface.RegisterPlayer(SessionName,UniqueId,false); // If this is not us, then add the player to the recent players list if (!bNetOwner) { PlayersList = OnlineRecentPlayersList(Online.GetNamedInterface('RecentPlayersList')); if (PlayersList != None) { PlayersList.AddPlayerToRecentPlayers(UniqueId); } } } } /** * The base implementation unregisters the player with the online session so that * session counts are updated. */ simulated function UnregisterPlayerFromSession() { local OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub; local UniqueNetId ZeroId; OnlineSub = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem(); // If there is a game and we are a client, unregister this remote player if (UniqueId != ZeroId && WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client && SessionName != 'None') { if (OnlineSub != None && OnlineSub.GameInterface != None && //@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 12-12-16 - Game settings is not important for this // OnlineSub.GameInterface.GetGameSettings(SessionName) != None && //@HSL_END // if host migration is currently in-progress then don't unregister players as this is handled manually (see RemoveMissingPeersFromSession) !(WorldInfo.PeerHostMigration.bHostMigrationEnabled && WorldInfo.PeerHostMigration.HostMigrationProgress != HostMigration_None)) { // Remove the player from the session OnlineSub.GameInterface.UnregisterPlayer(SessionName,UniqueId); } } } /** return TRUE if PRI is primary (ie. non-splitscreen) player */ simulated function bool IsPrimaryPlayer() { return true; } //@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 10-5-16 - Check to see if player has had initial spawn. used for PS4 realtime multiplay native simulated function bool HasHadInitialSpawn(); //@HSL_END defaultproperties { TickGroup=TG_DuringAsyncWork RemoteRole=ROLE_SimulatedProxy bAlwaysRelevant=True NetUpdateFrequency=1 GameMessageClass=class'GameMessage' // The default online session is the game one SessionName="Game" }