 * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Slot for Matinee controlled Animation Trees.
 * Each slot will be able to blend a defined number of channels (AnimNodeSequence connections).

class AnimNodeSlot extends AnimNodeBlendBase

/** True, when we're playing a custom animation */
var const bool		bIsPlayingCustomAnim;
/** save blend out time when playing a one shot animation. */
var const FLOAT		PendingBlendOutTime;
/** Child index playing a custom animation */
var const INT		CustomChildIndex;
/** Child currently active, being blended to */
var const INT		TargetChildIndex;
/** Array of target weights for each child. Size must be the same as the Children array. */
var	Array<FLOAT>	TargetWeight;
/** How long before current blend is complete (ie. target child reaches 100%) */
var	const FLOAT		BlendTimeToGo;

 * If TRUE (default), then forward the AnimEnd notification when we start blending out the animation.
 * This usually improves transitions and blends, as we can start playing new animations as soon as this one
 * starts blending out, as opposed to waiting until it is fully blended out.
 * Setting this to FALSE, will trigger the standard behavior of triggering AnimEnd notifies when the animation is really done playing.
var()	bool	bEarlyAnimEndNotify;

 * if TRUE, do not blend when the Skeletal Mesh is not visible.
 * Optimization to save on blending time when meshes are not rendered.
 * Instant switch instead.
var() bool	bSkipBlendWhenNotRendered;

/** If TRUE, Additive Animations override the source input.
 *  If FALSE, Additive Animations are added to source input. (DEFAULT)
var() bool  bAdditiveAnimationsOverrideSource;

/** TRUE	if current it's used by Matinee, InterpTrackAnimControl
 *	FALSE	if not
var const transient bool		bIsBeingUsedByInterpGroup;

/** allow bPauseAnims to be supported for this node type if we want */
var() bool  bDontAddToAlwaysTickArray;

/** Prevent notifies from being triggered by anim blend children */
var bool bNoNotifies;

	// AnimNode interface
	virtual void InitAnim(USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComp, UAnimNodeBlendBase* Parent);
	/** Deferred Initialization, called only when the node is relevant in the tree. */
	virtual void DeferredInitAnim();

	/** Update position of given channel */
	virtual void MAT_SetAnimPosition(INT ChannelIndex, FName InAnimSeqName, FLOAT InPosition, UBOOL bFireNotifies, UBOOL bLooping, UBOOL bEnableRootMotion);
	/** Update weight of channels */
	virtual void MAT_SetAnimWeights(const FAnimSlotInfo& SlotInfo);
	/** Rename all child nodes upon Add/Remove, so they match their position in the array. */
	virtual void RenameChildConnectors();

	// AnimNode interface
	virtual	void	TickAnim(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
	virtual void	GetBoneAtoms(FBoneAtomArray& Atoms, const TArray<BYTE>& DesiredBones, FBoneAtom& RootMotionDelta, INT& bHasRootMotion, FCurveKeyArray& CurveKeys);

	// AnimNodeBlendBase interface
	virtual void	OnAddChild(INT ChildNum);
	virtual void	OnRemoveChild(INT ChildNum);
	/** A child Anim has been modified */
	virtual void    OnChildAnimChange(INT ChildNum);
	/** Child AnimNodeSequence hit end of animation */
	virtual void    OnChildAnimEnd(UAnimNodeSequence* Child, FLOAT PlayedTime, FLOAT ExcessTime);

	virtual INT		GetNumSliders() const { return 0; }

	 * When requested to play a new animation, we need to find a new child.
	 * We'd like to find one that is unused for smooth blending, 
	 * but that may be a luxury that is not available.
	INT		FindBestChildToPlayAnim(FName AnimToPlay, UBOOL bOverride);

	void	SetActiveChild(INT ChildIndex, FLOAT BlendTime);
	void	UpdateWeightsForAdditiveAnimations();
	/** Called after (copy/)pasted - reset values or re-link if needed**/
	virtual void OnPaste();		

	virtual void SelectedActiveSequence( UAnimNodeSequence* Seq ) {}

	/** Utility functions to ease off Casting */
	virtual class UAnimNodeSlot* GetAnimNodeSlot() { return this; }

	 * Clean up Slot Node Sequence Pool if used 
	 * Called when world is cleaned up
	static void CleanUpSlotNodeSequencePool();

	 * Release unused Sequence nodes if released
	 * Called before Tick is called, so that it doesn't leave any reference during tick
	static void FlushReleasedSequenceNodes(const USkeletalMeshComponent * SkelComp);

	 * Release unused Sequence nodes if released
	 * Called before Tick is called, so that it doesn't leave any reference during tick
	static void ReleaseSequenceNodes(const USkeletalMeshComponent * SkelComp);

	 * Release unused Sequence nodes if released
	 * Called before Tick is called, so that it doesn't leave any reference during tick
	static void PrintSlotNodeSequencePool();

	 * Update Child Weight : Make sure childIndex isn't OOB
	virtual void UpdateChildWeight(INT ChildIndex);

	/** Make sure child exists **/
	void EnsureChildExists(INT ChildIndex, UBOOL bClaimOnly=FALSE);

 * Play a custom animation.
 * Supports many features, including blending in and out.
 * @param	AnimName		Name of animation to play.
 * @param	Rate			Rate animation should be played at.
 * @param	BlendInTime		Blend duration to play anim.
 * @param	BlendOutTime	Time before animation ends (in seconds) to blend out.
 *							-1.f means no blend out. 
 *							0.f = instant switch, no blend. 
 *							otherwise it's starting to blend out at AnimDuration - BlendOutTime seconds.
 * @param	bLooping		Should the anim loop? (and play forever until told to stop)
 * @param	bOverride		play same animation over again only if bOverride is set to true.
 * @param	StartTime		When to start the anim (e.g. start at 2 seconds into the anim)
 * @param	EndTime		    When to end the anim (e.g. end at 4 second into the anim)
 * @return	PlayBack length of animation.
final native function float PlayCustomAnim
	name	AnimName,
	float	Rate,
	optional	float	BlendInTime,
	optional	float	BlendOutTime,
	optional	bool	bLooping,
	optional	bool	bOverride,
	optional	float	StartTime,
	optional	float	EndTime

 * Play a custom animation.
 * Supports many features, including blending in and out.
 * @param	AnimName		Name of animation to play.
 * @param	Duration		duration in seconds the animation should be played.
 * @param	BlendInTime		Blend duration to play anim.
 * @param	BlendOutTime	Time before animation ends (in seconds) to blend out.
 *							-1.f means no blend out. 
 *							0.f = instant switch, no blend. 
 *							otherwise it's starting to blend out at AnimDuration - BlendOutTime seconds.
 * @param	bLooping		Should the anim loop? (and play forever until told to stop)
 * @param	bOverride		play same animation over again only if bOverride is set to true.
 * @return TRUE if animation is playing, FALSE if couldn't play it.
final native function bool PlayCustomAnimByDuration
	name	AnimName,
	float	Duration,
	optional	float	BlendInTime,
	optional	float	BlendOutTime,
	optional	bool	bLooping,
	optional	bool	bOverride = TRUE

/** Returns the Name of the currently played animation or '' otherwise. */
final native function Name GetPlayedAnimation();

 * Stop playing a custom animation. 
 * Used for blending out of a looping custom animation.
final native function StopCustomAnim(float BlendOutTime);

 * Call this function to remove nodes from the AnimAlwaysTickArray so bPauseAnims will work, 
 * sets or clears the bDontAddToAlwaysTickArray 
final native function SetAllowPauseAnims(bool bSet);

 * Switch currently played animation to another one.
final native function SetCustomAnim(Name AnimName);

/** Set bCauseActorAnimEnd flag */
final native function SetActorAnimEndNotification(bool bNewStatus);

/** Set NotifyWeightThreshold to prevent triggering notifies */
final native function SetNotifyWeightThreshold(float Threshold);

 * Returns AnimNodeSequence currently selected for playing animations.
 * Note that calling PlayCustomAnim *may* change which node plays the animation.
 * (Depending on the blend in time, and how many nodes are available, to provide smooth transitions.
final native function AnimNodeSequence GetCustomAnimNodeSeq();

 * Set custom animation root bone options.
final native function SetRootBoneAxisOption
 optional ERootBoneAxis AxisX = RBA_Default,
 optional ERootBoneAxis AxisY = RBA_Default,
 optional ERootBoneAxis AxisZ = RBA_Default

 * Set custom animation root rotation options.
final native function SetRootBoneRotationOption
	optional ERootRotationOption AxisX = RRO_Default,
	optional ERootRotationOption AxisY = RRO_Default,
	optional ERootRotationOption AxisZ = RRO_Default

/* Advance time regarding child weights */
final native function TickChildWeights(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);

	bSkipBlendWhenNotRendered=FALSE // Should be investigated before turning back on. TTP #153546 
	Children(1)=(Name="Channel 01")
