/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class AnimNodeRandom extends AnimNodeBlendList native(Anim) hidecategories(Object); cpptext { virtual void TickAnim(FLOAT DeltaSeconds); virtual void InitAnim( USkeletalMeshComponent* meshComp, UAnimNodeBlendBase* Parent ); /** A child has been added, update RandomInfo accordingly */ virtual void OnAddChild(INT ChildNum); /** A child has been removed, update RandomInfo accordingly */ virtual void OnRemoveChild(INT ChildNum); /** Notification to this blend that a child UAnimNodeSequence has reached the end and stopped playing. Not called if child has bLooping set to true or if user calls StopAnim. */ virtual void OnChildAnimEnd(UAnimNodeSequence* Child, FLOAT PlayedTime, FLOAT ExcessTime); /** Notification when node becomes relevant. */ virtual void OnBecomeRelevant(); INT PickNextAnimIndex(); void PlayPendingAnimation(FLOAT BlendTime=0.f, FLOAT StartTime=0.f); } struct native RandomAnimInfo { /** Chance this child will be selected */ var() float Chance; /** Minimum number of loops to play this animation */ var() Byte LoopCountMin; /** Maximum number of loops to play this animation */ var() Byte LoopCountMax; /** Blend in time for this child */ var() float BlendInTime; /** Animation Play Rate Scale */ var() Vector2D PlayRateRange; /** If it's a still frame, don't play animation. Just randomly pick one, and stick to it until we lose focus */ var() bool bStillFrame; /** Number of loops left to play for this round */ var transient byte LoopCount; /** Keep track of last position */ var transient float LastPosition; structdefaultproperties { Chance=1.f LoopCountMin=0 LoopCountMax=0 BlendInTime=0.25f PlayRateRange=(X=1.f,Y=1.f) } }; var() editfixedsize editinline Array<RandomAnimInfo> RandomInfo; /** Pointer to AnimNodeSequence currently playing random animation. */ var transient AnimNodeSequence PlayingSeqNode; var transient INT PendingChildIndex; var transient bool bPickedPendingChildIndex; defaultproperties { ActiveChildIndex=-1 PendingChildIndex=-1 CategoryDesc = "Random" }