 * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class AICommandBase extends Object within AIController

 * When determining the utility value one can think of it in these terms:
 * -how important is doing this action compared to other actions
 * -how exciting is doing this action compared to other actions
 * e.g. I have 2 idle actions; reading a newspaper and picking on a pedestrian.   Picking on the pedestrian is more existing
 *      so it should be higher rated than reading the newspaper
 * e.g. I have an action am drinking ambrosia and responding to a threat.  In this case drinking ambrosia is really 
 *      important.   At the same importance as "EngageThreat" classification.  So we will add EngageThreat.UtilityStartVal
 *      to our utilty score to represent that.
 * Utility functions should be checking for the data that says whether or not something occured.  They should NOT be
 * checking for things like:  If you were in an Idle Action and/or if your current Action has some property set. 
 * That is bad as that is causing undue coupling between Actions.
 * Additionally, the Utilty Function rules all.  Period.
 * If things are not correctly occurring then the utility function is broken in some way.
 * One should not try to set special bools on blackboard/controller/active state and then look for them
 * If the current set of stimuli is not "valid" / "able to have data for the utility" then we need to
 * more than likely add some generalized functionality to it.
 * If that can not be done then we need to start along the "bool cloud" path in the stimulus struct  But that should be the last option.
static event int GetUtility( AIController InAI )
	`warn( "AICommandBase Base Class GetUtility was called.  Please have your Parent Type or your indiv AICmd implement this function" );
	return -1;
