//============================================================================= // KFCharacterInfo_Human //============================================================================= // Class Description //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Author 3/19/2014 //============================================================================= class KFCharacterInfo_Human extends KFCharacterInfoBase native(Pawn) implements(KFUnlockableAsset) hidecategories(Object); `include(KFGame\KFGameAnalytics.uci); `include(KFGame\KFMatchStats.uci); /************************************************************************/ /* Identification */ /************************************************************************/ var() const int UnlockAssetID; /** Whether these are female characters */ var() bool bIsFemale; /************************************************************************/ /* 3P Mesh Info */ /************************************************************************/ /** The material ID for the skin in the mesh */ var(ThirdPerson) int HeadMaterialID; var(ThirdPerson) int BodyMaterialID; enum ECosmeticType { ECosmeticType_Head, ECosmeticType_Body, ECosmeticType_Attachment, ECosmeticType_Arms }; struct native SkinVariant { var() const int UnlockAssetID; /** The path to this skins package and texture */ var() Texture UITexture; /** The material this outfit can use */ var MaterialInstance Skin; var() string SkinName; /** The first person material of this outfit */ var MaterialInstance Skin1p; var() string Skin1pName; }; struct native OutfitVariants { //var() const int UnlockAssetID; /** The path to this skins package and texture */ var() Texture UITexture; /** Hard reference to the mesh, async load. */ var edithide transient SkeletalMesh Mesh; /** Outfit mesh name. Must be of form PackageName.MeshName */ var() string MeshName; /** Reference to the different skin variants for a particular outfit mesh */ var() array SkinVariations; }; /** List of booleans that will effect which items can be attached with the current attachment */ struct native AttachmentOverrideList { var() bool bHat; var() bool bFace; var() bool bEyes; var() bool bJaw; var() bool bArmband; var() bool bBackpack; /** List of cosmetic indices that this attachment will detach, if they are currently attached to a player */ var array SpecialOverrideIds; }; struct native AttachmentVariants { var() KFCharacterAttachment AttachmentItem; var() const int UnlockAssetID; /** The path to this skins package and texture */ var Texture UITexture; /** If set enables the material mask parameter on the assigned head variant */ var() bool bMaskHeadMesh; /** Hard reference to the mesh, async load. */ var edithide transient StaticMesh MeshStatic; /** Hard reference to the mesh, async load. */ var edithide transient SkeletalMesh MeshSkeletal; /** Attachment mesh name. Must be of form PackageName.MeshName */ var() string MeshName; /** Name of the socket that it attaches to. The socket MUST exist in the body mesh for static mesh attachments to work. SocketName is also used to resolve conflicts - when more than one attachment tries to attach to the same socket, it will replace the previously existing attachment. It will keep both if there is no conflict. NOTE: Skeletal meshes do not require sockets for attachment, but the socket name can still be used for conflit resolution. */ var name SocketName; /** Hard reference to the mesh, async load. */ var edithide transient StaticMesh MeshStatic1p; /** Hard reference to the mesh, async load. */ var edithide transient SkeletalMesh MeshSkeletal1p; /** Mesh name for 1p attachmentt */ var() string MeshName1p; /** Name of the socket that the 1p mesh attaches to. If bIsSkeletalAttachment is true, then the mesh will attach to the ParentAnimComponent. */ var() name SocketName1p; /** Translation relative to given socket (for additional control) */ var() vector RelativeTranslation; /** Rotation relative to given socket (for additional control) */ var() rotator RelativeRotation; /** Scale relative to given socket (for additional control) */ var() vector RelativeScale; /** Distance at which the attachment will be hidden (distance culled). If 0, it is never culled */ var float MaxDrawDistance; /** Material ID used for skin variations for this attachment (default is 0) */ var int SkinMaterialID; /** Reference to the different skin variants for a particular attachment mesh */ var array SkinVariations; /** List of sockets that this attachment will detach, if they are currently attached to a player */ var AttachmentOverrideList OverrideList; /** List of cosmetic indices that this attachment will detach, if they are currently attached to a player */ var array SpecialOverrideIds; var() array SpecialOverrideAttachments; structdefaultproperties { RelativeScale=(X=1.f,Y=1.f,Z=1.f) } }; /** Whether to enable Character Customization. If TRUE, it uses the settings below to assemble the character, otherwise it uses the CharacterMesh */ /** The package key for async loading purposes. Console only. */ var(ThirdPerson) string CosmeticsPackageKey; /** The outfit variants for a character. Used for Character Customization */ var(ThirdPerson) const array BodyVariants; /** The head variants for a character. Used for Character Customization */ var(ThirdPerson) const array HeadVariants; /** Various cosmetic variants for a character. Used for Character Customization */ var(ThirdPerson) const array CosmeticVariants; /************************************************************************/ /* 1P Character Info */ /************************************************************************/ struct native FirstPersonArmVariants { /** Arms mesh. */ var edithide transient SkeletalMesh Mesh; /** Mesh name. Must be of form PackageName.MeshName */ var() string MeshName; /** Reference to the different skin variants for a particular arms mesh */ var edithide init array SkinVariants; var() array SkinVariantsName; }; /** The outfit variants for a character. Used for Character Customization */ var(FirstPerson) array CharacterArmVariants; /** Package to load to find the arm mesh for this char. */ var(FirstPerson) string ArmMeshPackageName; /** Name of mesh within ArmMeshPackageName to use for arms. */ var(FirstPerson) SkeletalMesh ArmMesh; /** Package that contains team-skin materials for first-person arms. */ var(FirstPerson) string ArmSkinPackageName; /************************************************************************/ /* Favorite Weapons (for dialog) */ /************************************************************************/ // make sure this matches NUM_FAVE_WEAPS in KFDialogManager const NUM_FAVE_WEAPS = 8; var(FaveWeapons) editconst name FavoriteWeaponClassNames[NUM_FAVE_WEAPS]; var(FaveWeapons) editoronly class FavoriteWeaponClassDefs[NUM_FAVE_WEAPS]; /************************************************************************/ /* Emote AnimSets */ /************************************************************************/ var Animset EmoteAnimset; /************************************************************************/ /* Native Functions */ /************************************************************************/ cpptext { virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent); // set FavoriteWeaponClassNames from FavoriteWeaponClassDefs void SetFavoriteWeaponClassNames(); virtual void AddReferencedObjects(TArray& ObjectArray); } /************************************************************************/ /* Script Functions */ /************************************************************************/ /** Implements KFUnlockableAsset */ function int GetAssetId() { return UnlockAssetID; } function string GetMesh(const out AttachmentVariants Variant) { if (Len(Variant.MeshName) > 0) { return Variant.MeshName; } else { return Variant.AttachmentItem.MeshName; } } function string GetMeshByIndex(int index) { return GetMesh(CosmeticVariants[index]); } function string Get1pMesh(const out AttachmentVariants Variant) { if (Len(Variant.MeshName1p) > 0) { return Variant.MeshName1p; } else { return Variant.AttachmentItem.MeshName1p; } } function string Get1pMeshByIndex(int index) { return Get1pMesh(CosmeticVariants[index]); } /** Return the 1P arm skeletal mesh representation for the class */ function SkeletalMesh GetFirstPersonArms() { if (ArmMesh == None) { `warn("Unable to load first person arms"); } return ArmMesh; } /** Return the texture portrait stored for this character */ /*function Texture GetCharPortrait(int TeamNum) { return (TeamNum < DefaultTeamHeadPortrait.length) ? DefaultTeamHeadPortrait[TeamNum] : DefaultHeadPortrait; }*/ function int GetFavoriteWeaponIndexOf( Weapon W ) { local int i; for( i = 0; i < NUM_FAVE_WEAPS; ++i ) { if( W.Class.Name == FavoriteWeaponClassNames[i] ) { return i; } } return -1; } /** Sets misc. properties from the character info */ simulated function SetCharacterFromArch( KFPawn KFP, optional KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI ) { super.SetCharacterFromArch( KFP, KFPRI ); if ( KFPRI == none ) { `Warn("Does not have a KFPRI" @ Self); return; } // a little hacky, relies on presumption that enum vals 0-3 are male, 4-8 are female if ( bIsFemale ) { KFPRI.TTSSpeaker = ETTSSpeaker(Rand(4)); } else { KFPRI.TTSSpeaker = ETTSSpeaker(Rand(5) + 4); } } /** Sets the pawns character mesh from it's CharacterInfo, and updates instance of player in map if there is one. */ simulated function SetCharacterMeshFromArch( KFPawn KFP, optional KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI ) { local int AttachmentIdx, CosmeticMeshIdx; local bool bMaskHeadMesh; local int NumberOfCosmetics, NumberOfCosmeticsPostRemoval; super.SetCharacterMeshFromArch( KFP, KFPRI ); if ( KFPRI == none ) { `Warn("Does not have a KFPRI" @ Self); return; } // Body mesh & skin. Index of 255 implies use index 0 (default). SetBodyMeshAndSkin( KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.BodyMeshIndex, KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.BodySkinIndex, KFP, KFPRI); // Head mesh & skin. Index of 255 implies use index 0 (default). SetHeadMeshAndSkin( KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.HeadMeshIndex, KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.HeadSkinIndex, KFP, KFPRI); // First person arms mesh and skin are based on body mesh & skin. // Index of 255 implies use index 0 (default). SetArmsMeshAndSkin( KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.BodyMeshIndex, KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.BodySkinIndex, KFP, KFPRI); // skip dedicated for purely cosmetic stuff if ( KFP.WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { // Must clear all attachments before trying to attach new ones, // otherwise we might accidentally remove things we're not supposed to for( AttachmentIdx=0; AttachmentIdx < `MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS; AttachmentIdx++ ) { // Clear any previous attachments from other characters DetachAttachment(AttachmentIdx, KFP); } // Cosmetic attachment mesh & skin. Index of 255 implies don't use any attachments (default) for( AttachmentIdx=0; AttachmentIdx < `MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS; AttachmentIdx++ ) { CosmeticMeshIdx = KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.AttachmentMeshIndices[AttachmentIdx]; if ( CosmeticMeshIdx != `CLEARED_ATTACHMENT_INDEX && CosmeticMeshIdx != INDEX_NONE) { NumberOfCosmetics++; bMaskHeadMesh = bMaskHeadMesh || CosmeticVariants[CosmeticMeshIdx].bMaskHeadMesh; // Attach all saved attachments to the character SetAttachmentMeshAndSkin( CosmeticMeshIdx, KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.AttachmentSkinIndices[AttachmentIdx], KFP, KFPRI); } } // Check again for all cosmetic in case one of them was removed, this will fix problems with masked heads /*for( AttachmentIdx=0; AttachmentIdx < `MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS; AttachmentIdx++ ) { CosmeticMeshIdx = KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.AttachmentMeshIndices[AttachmentIdx]; if ( CosmeticMeshIdx != `CLEARED_ATTACHMENT_INDEX && CosmeticMeshIdx != INDEX_NONE) { NumberOfCosmeticsPostRemoval++; } }*/ // If the number of cosmetics changed, made a new set of the mesh/cosmetics recursively and return /*if(NumberOfCosmeticsPostRemoval != NumberOfCosmetics) { SetCharacterMeshFromArch( KFP, KFPRI ); return; }*/ InitCharacterMICs(KFP, bMaskHeadMesh); } } /** Create all the MICs we'll need for material params later */ private function InitCharacterMICs(KFPawn P, optional bool bMaskHead) { local int i; if( P.WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer ) { return; } P.CharacterMICs.Remove(0, P.CharacterMICs.Length); // body MIC if ( P.Mesh != None ) { P.CharacterMICs[0] = P.Mesh.CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceConstant(BodyMaterialID); } // head MIC if( P.ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent != None ) { P.CharacterMICs[1] = P.ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent.CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceConstant(HeadMaterialID); if ( bMaskHead ) { // initial mask for new head MIC (also see ResetHeadMaskParam()) P.CharacterMICs[1].SetScalarParameterValue('Scalar_Mask', 1.f); } } // attachment MIC for( i=0; i < `MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS; i++ ) { if( P.ThirdPersonAttachments[i] != none ) { P.CharacterMICs.AddItem(P.ThirdPersonAttachments[i].CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceConstant(0)); } if (P.FirstPersonAttachments[i] != none) { P.CharacterMICs.AddItem(P.FirstPersonAttachments[i].CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceConstant(0)); } } } private function SetBodyMeshAndSkin( byte CurrentBodyMeshIndex, byte CurrentBodySkinIndex, KFPawn KFP, KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI) { local string CharBodyMeshName; local SkeletalMesh CharBodyMesh; //Always use default body on servers if (KFP.WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer) { CurrentBodyMeshIndex = 0; CurrentBodySkinIndex = 0; } // Character Mesh if( BodyVariants.length > 0 ) { // Assign a skin to the body mesh as a material override CurrentBodyMeshIndex = (CurrentBodyMeshIndex < BodyVariants.length) ? CurrentBodyMeshIndex : 0; if (KFPRI.StartLoadCosmeticContent(self, ECOSMETICTYPE_Body, CurrentBodyMeshIndex)) { return; } // Retrieve the name of the meshes to be used from the archetype CharBodyMeshName = BodyVariants[CurrentBodyMeshIndex].MeshName; // Load the meshes CharBodyMesh = SkeletalMesh(DynamicLoadObject(CharBodyMeshName, class'SkeletalMesh')); // Assign the body mesh to the pawn if ( CharBodyMesh != KFP.Mesh.SkeletalMesh ) { KFP.Mesh.SetSkeletalMesh(CharBodyMesh); KFP.OnCharacterMeshChanged(); } if (KFP.WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer) { SetBodySkinMaterial(BodyVariants[CurrentBodyMeshIndex], CurrentBodySkinIndex, KFP); } } else { `warn("Character does not have a valid mesh"); } } protected simulated function SetBodySkinMaterial(OutfitVariants CurrentVariant, byte NewSkinIndex, KFPawn KFP) { local int i; if (KFP.WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer) { if( CurrentVariant.SkinVariations.length > 0 ) { // Assign a skin to the body mesh as a material override NewSkinIndex = (NewSkinIndex < CurrentVariant.SkinVariations.length) ? NewSkinIndex : 0; KFP.Mesh.SetMaterial(BodyMaterialID, CurrentVariant.SkinVariations[NewSkinIndex].Skin); } else { // Use material specified in the mesh asset for( i=0; i 0 ) { // Assign a skin to the body mesh as a material override NewSkinIndex = (NewSkinIndex < CurrentVariant.SkinVariations.length) ? NewSkinIndex : 0; KFP.ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent.SetMaterial(HeadMaterialID, CurrentVariant.SkinVariations[NewSkinIndex].Skin); } else { // Use material specified in the mesh asset for( i=0; i 0 ) { CurrentHeadMeshIndex = (CurrentHeadMeshIndex < HeadVariants.length) ? CurrentHeadMeshIndex : 0; if (KFPRI.StartLoadCosmeticContent(self, ECOSMETICTYPE_Head, CurrentHeadMeshIndex)) { return; } CharHeadMeshName = HeadVariants[CurrentHeadMeshIndex].MeshName; CharHeadMesh = SkeletalMesh(DynamicLoadObject(CharHeadMeshName, class'SkeletalMesh')); // Parent the third person head mesh to the body mesh KFP.ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent.SetSkeletalMesh(CharHeadMesh); KFP.ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent.SetScale(DefaultMeshScale); KFP.ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent.SetParentAnimComponent(KFP.Mesh); KFP.ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent.SetShadowParent(KFP.Mesh); KFP.ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent.SetLODParent(KFP.Mesh); KFP.AttachComponent(KFP.ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent); if (KFP.WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer) { SetHeadSkinMaterial(HeadVariants[CurrentHeadMeshIndex], CurrentHeadSkinIndex, KFP); } } } /** * Check to see if the attachment is supported for this mesh. Go through all the sockets of the mesh * and check if the socket for the attachment is present. If not, that attachment is not supported. * Network: Local Player Only */ function bool IsAttachmentAvailable(const out AttachmentVariants Attachment, Pawn PreviewPawn) { if ( !class'KFUnlockManager'.static.GetAvailableAttachment(Attachment) ) { //`log("Attachment" @ Attachment.MeshName @ "is not purchased."); return FALSE; } else if ( Attachment.AttachmentItem.SocketName != '' && PreviewPawn.Mesh.GetSocketByName(Attachment.AttachmentItem.SocketName) == None ) { `log("Attachment" @ Attachment.MeshName @ "is missing a required socket."); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // Assigning the Arms Mesh default properties to the 1p cosmetic. native function SetFirstPersonCosmeticAttachment(SkeletalMeshComponent SkeletalComponent); protected simulated function SetAttachmentMesh(int CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex, int AttachmentSlotIndex, string CharAttachmentMeshName, name CharAttachmentSocketName, SkeletalMeshComponent PawnMesh, KFPawn KFP, bool bIsFirstPerson = false) { local StaticMeshComponent StaticAttachment; local SkeletalMeshComponent SkeletalAttachment; local bool bIsSkeletalAttachment; local StaticMesh CharAttachmentStaticMesh; local SkeletalMesh CharacterAttachmentSkelMesh; local float MaxDrawDistance; local SkeletalMeshSocket AttachmentSocket; local vector AttachmentLocationRelativeToSocket, AttachmentScaleRelativeToSocket; local rotator AttachmentRotationRelativeToSocket; MaxDrawDistance = CosmeticVariants[CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex].AttachmentItem.MaxDrawDistance; AttachmentLocationRelativeToSocket = CosmeticVariants[CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex].RelativeTranslation; AttachmentRotationRelativeToSocket = CosmeticVariants[CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex].RelativeRotation; AttachmentScaleRelativeToSocket = CosmeticVariants[CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex].RelativeScale; bIsSkeletalAttachment = CosmeticVariants[CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex].AttachmentItem.bIsSkeletalAttachment; //`log("AttachmentLocationRelativeToSocket: x="$AttachmentLocationRelativeToSocket.x@"y="$AttachmentLocationRelativeToSocket.y@"z="$AttachmentLocationRelativeToSocket.z); // If it is a skeletal attachment, parent anim it to the body mesh if (bIsSkeletalAttachment) { if (bIsFirstPerson && (SkeletalMeshComponent(KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[AttachmentSlotIndex]) != none)) { SkeletalAttachment = SkeletalMeshComponent(KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[AttachmentSlotIndex]); } else if (!bIsFirstPerson && (SkeletalMeshComponent(KFP.ThirdPersonAttachments[AttachmentSlotIndex]) != none)) { SkeletalAttachment = SkeletalMeshComponent(KFP.ThirdPersonAttachments[AttachmentSlotIndex]); } else { SkeletalAttachment = new(KFP) class'KFSkeletalMeshComponent'; if (bIsFirstPerson) { SetFirstPersonCosmeticAttachment(SkeletalAttachment); } SkeletalAttachment.SetActorCollision(false, false); if(bIsFirstPerson) { KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[AttachmentSlotIndex] = SkeletalAttachment; } else { KFP.ThirdPersonAttachments[AttachmentSlotIndex] = SkeletalAttachment; } } // Load and assign skeletal mesh CharacterAttachmentSkelMesh = SkeletalMesh(DynamicLoadObject(CharAttachmentMeshName, class'SkeletalMesh')); SkeletalAttachment.SetSkeletalMesh(CharacterAttachmentSkelMesh); // Parent animation and LOD transitions to body mesh SkeletalAttachment.SetParentAnimComponent(PawnMesh); SkeletalAttachment.SetLODParent(PawnMesh); SkeletalAttachment.SetScale(DefaultMeshScale); SkeletalAttachment.SetCullDistance(MaxDrawDistance); SkeletalAttachment.SetShadowParent(PawnMesh); SkeletalAttachment.SetLightingChannels(KFP.PawnLightingChannel); KFP.AttachComponent(SkeletalAttachment); } // Otherwise (if static), attach to a socket on the body mesh else { if (!bIsFirstPerson && (StaticMeshComponent(KFP.ThirdPersonAttachments[AttachmentSlotIndex]) != none)) { StaticAttachment = StaticMeshComponent(KFP.ThirdPersonAttachments[AttachmentSlotIndex]); } else if (bIsFirstPerson && (StaticMeshComponent(KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[AttachmentSlotIndex]) != none)) { StaticAttachment = StaticMeshComponent(KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[AttachmentSlotIndex]); } else { StaticAttachment = new(KFP) class'StaticMeshComponent'; StaticAttachment.SetActorCollision(false, false); if(bIsFirstPerson) { KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[AttachmentSlotIndex] = StaticAttachment; } else { KFP.ThirdPersonAttachments[AttachmentSlotIndex] = StaticAttachment; } } // Load and assign static mesh CharAttachmentStaticMesh = StaticMesh(DynamicLoadObject(CharAttachmentMeshName, class'StaticMesh')); StaticAttachment.SetStaticMesh(CharAttachmentStaticMesh); // Set properties StaticAttachment.SetScale(DefaultMeshScale); StaticAttachment.SetCullDistance(MaxDrawDistance); StaticAttachment.SetShadowParent(KFP.Mesh); StaticAttachment.SetLightingChannels(KFP.PawnLightingChannel); // For static meshes, attach to given socket AttachmentSocket = PawnMesh.GetSocketByName(CharAttachmentSocketName); PawnMesh.AttachComponent( StaticAttachment, AttachmentSocket.BoneName, AttachmentSocket.RelativeLocation + AttachmentLocationRelativeToSocket, AttachmentSocket.RelativeRotation + AttachmentRotationRelativeToSocket, AttachmentSocket.RelativeScale * AttachmentScaleRelativeToSocket); } if(bIsFirstPerson) { KFP.FirstPersonAttachmentSocketNames[AttachmentSlotIndex] = CharAttachmentSocketName; } else { KFP.ThirdPersonAttachmentSocketNames[AttachmentSlotIndex] = CharAttachmentSocketName; } } protected simulated function SetAttachmentSkinMaterial( int PawnAttachmentIndex, const out AttachmentVariants CurrentVariant, byte NewSkinIndex, KFPawn KFP, optional bool bIsFirstPerson) { local int i; if (KFP.WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer) { if( CurrentVariant.AttachmentItem.SkinVariations.length > 0 ) { // Assign a skin to the attachment mesh as a material override if ( NewSkinIndex < CurrentVariant.AttachmentItem.SkinVariations.length ) { if (bIsFirstPerson) { if (KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex] != none) { KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex].SetMaterial( CurrentVariant.AttachmentItem.SkinMaterialID, CurrentVariant.AttachmentItem.SkinVariations[NewSkinIndex].Skin1p); } } else { KFP.ThirdPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex].SetMaterial( CurrentVariant.AttachmentItem.SkinMaterialID, CurrentVariant.AttachmentItem.SkinVariations[NewSkinIndex].Skin); } } else { `log("Out of bounds skin index for" @ CurrentVariant.MeshName); RemoveAttachmentMeshAndSkin(PawnAttachmentIndex, KFP); } } else { if (bIsFirstPerson) { if (KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex] != none) { for (i = 0; i < KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex].GetNumElements(); i++) { KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex].SetMaterial(i, none); } } } else { // Use material specified in the mesh asset for( i=0; i < KFP.ThirdPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex].GetNumElements(); i++ ) { KFP.ThirdPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex].SetMaterial(i, none); } } } } } /** Called on owning client to change a cosmetic attachment or on other clients via replication */ private function SetAttachmentMeshAndSkin( int CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex, int CurrentAttachmentSkinIndex, KFPawn KFP, KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI) { local string CharAttachmentMeshName; local name CharAttachmentSocketName; local int AttachmentSlotIndex; if (KFP.WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer) { return; } // Clear any previously attachments for the same slot //DetachConflictingAttachments(CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex, KFP, KFPRI); // Get a slot where this attachment could fit AttachmentSlotIndex = GetAttachmentSlotIndex(CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex, KFP, KFPRI); if (AttachmentSlotIndex == INDEX_NONE) { return; } // Since cosmetic attachments are optional, do not choose index 0 if none is // specified unlike the the head and body meshes if ( CosmeticVariants.length > 0 && CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex < CosmeticVariants.length ) { if (KFPRI.StartLoadCosmeticContent(self, ECOSMETICTYPE_Attachment, CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex)) { return; } // Attach 1p attachment, if applicable CharAttachmentMeshName = Get1pMeshByIndex(CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex); if (CharAttachmentMeshName != "") { CharAttachmentSocketName = CosmeticVariants[CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex].AttachmentItem.SocketName1p; // If previously attached and we could have changed outfits (e.g. local player UI) then re-validate // required skeletal mesh socket. Must be after body mesh DLO, but before AttachComponent. if ( KFP.IsLocallyControlled() ) { if ( CharAttachmentSocketName != '' && KFP.Mesh.GetSocketByName(CharAttachmentSocketName) == None ) { RemoveAttachmentMeshAndSkin(AttachmentSlotIndex, KFP, KFPRI); return; } } SetAttachmentMesh(CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex, AttachmentSlotIndex, CharAttachmentMeshName, CharAttachmentSocketName, KFP.ArmsMesh, KFP, true); SetAttachmentSkinMaterial( AttachmentSlotIndex, CosmeticVariants[CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex], CurrentAttachmentSkinIndex, KFP, true); } else { KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[AttachmentSlotIndex] = none; KFP.FirstPersonAttachmentSocketNames[AttachmentSlotIndex] = ''; } // Attach 3p attachment, if applicable CharAttachmentMeshName = GetMeshByIndex(CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex); if (CharAttachmentMeshName != "") { CharAttachmentSocketName = CosmeticVariants[CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex].AttachmentItem.SocketName; // If previously attached and we could have changed outfits (e.g. local player UI) then re-validate // required skeletal mesh socket. Must be after body mesh DLO, but before AttachComponent. if ( KFP.IsLocallyControlled() ) { if ( CharAttachmentSocketName != '' && KFP.Mesh.GetSocketByName(CharAttachmentSocketName) == None ) { RemoveAttachmentMeshAndSkin(AttachmentSlotIndex, KFP, KFPRI); return; } } SetAttachmentMesh(CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex, AttachmentSlotIndex, CharAttachmentMeshName, CharAttachmentSocketName, KFP.Mesh, KFP, false); SetAttachmentSkinMaterial( AttachmentSlotIndex, CosmeticVariants[CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex], CurrentAttachmentSkinIndex, KFP, false); } } // Treat `CLEARED_ATTACHMENT_INDEX as special value (for client detachment) if( CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex == `CLEARED_ATTACHMENT_INDEX ) { RemoveAttachmentMeshAndSkin(AttachmentSlotIndex, KFP, KFPRI); } } /** * Removes any attachments that exist in the same socket or have overriding cases * Network: Local Player */ function array DetachConflictingAttachments(int NewAttachmentMeshIndex, KFPawn KFP, optional KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI, optional out array out_RemovedAttachments ) { local name NewAttachmentSocketName; local int i, CurrentAttachmentIdx; if ( CosmeticVariants.length > 0 && NewAttachmentMeshIndex < CosmeticVariants.length && NewAttachmentMeshIndex != INDEX_NONE) { // The socket that this attachment requires NewAttachmentSocketName = CosmeticVariants[NewAttachmentMeshIndex].AttachmentItem.SocketName; for( i=0; i < `MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS; i++ ) { CurrentAttachmentIdx = KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.AttachmentMeshIndices[i]; if ( CurrentAttachmentIdx == `CLEARED_ATTACHMENT_INDEX ) continue; // Remove the object if it is taking up our desired slot if( KFP.ThirdPersonAttachmentSocketNames[i] != '' && KFP.ThirdPersonAttachmentSocketNames[i] == NewAttachmentSocketName ) { RemoveAttachmentMeshAndSkin(i, KFP, KFPRI); out_RemovedAttachments.AddItem(i); continue; } // Remove the object if it cannot exist at the same time as another equipped item if( GetOverrideCase(CurrentAttachmentIdx, NewAttachmentMeshIndex) ) { RemoveAttachmentMeshAndSkin(i, KFP, KFPRI); out_RemovedAttachments.AddItem(i); continue; } // Check inverse override if( GetOverrideCase(NewAttachmentMeshIndex, CurrentAttachmentIdx) ) { RemoveAttachmentMeshAndSkin(i, KFP, KFPRI); out_RemovedAttachments.AddItem(i); continue; } } } } /** * Removes any attachments that exist in the same socket or have overriding cases * Network: Local Player */ function bool GetOverrideCase(int AttachmentIndex1, int AttachmentIndex2) { local KFCharacterAttachment Attachment1; if (AttachmentIndex1 == INDEX_NONE || AttachmentIndex2 == INDEX_NONE) { return false; } //dont try to access out of bound elements if (AttachmentIndex1 >= CosmeticVariants.Length || AttachmentIndex2 >= CosmeticVariants.Length) return FALSE; Attachment1 = CosmeticVariants[AttachmentIndex1].AttachmentItem; if (CosmeticVariants[AttachmentIndex2].SpecialOverrideAttachments.length > 0) { if (CosmeticVariants[AttachmentIndex2].SpecialOverrideAttachments.Find(Attachment1) != INDEX_NONE) { return TRUE; } } else { if (CosmeticVariants[AttachmentIndex2].AttachmentItem.DefaultSpecialOverrideAttachments.Find(Attachment1) != INDEX_NONE) { return TRUE; } } switch (CosmeticVariants[AttachmentIndex1].AttachmentItem.SocketName) { case 'Hat_Attach': return CosmeticVariants[AttachmentIndex2].AttachmentItem.OverrideList.bHat; case 'Face_Attach': return CosmeticVariants[AttachmentIndex2].AttachmentItem.OverrideList.bFace; case 'Eyes_Attach': return CosmeticVariants[AttachmentIndex2].AttachmentItem.OverrideList.bEyes; case 'Jaw_Attach': return CosmeticVariants[AttachmentIndex2].AttachmentItem.OverrideList.bJaw; case 'Armband_Attach': return CosmeticVariants[AttachmentIndex2].AttachmentItem.OverrideList.bArmband; case 'Backpack_Attach': return CosmeticVariants[AttachmentIndex2].AttachmentItem.OverrideList.bBackpack; } return false; } /** Called on owning client to get the most appropriate slot for a cosmetic attachment. @returns -1 if no available slot otherwise returns the next available. If there is a socket conflict with an existing attachment, it returns the index of the existing attachment (to be replaced) */ function int GetAttachmentSlotIndex( int CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex, KFPawn KFP, KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI) { local int AttachmentIdx; if (KFPRI == none) { `warn("GetAttachmentSlotIndex - NO KFPRI"); return INDEX_NONE; } // Return the next available attachment index or the index that matches this mesh for( AttachmentIdx=0; AttachmentIdx < `MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS; AttachmentIdx++ ) { if (KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.AttachmentMeshIndices[AttachmentIdx] == CurrentAttachmentMeshIndex) { return AttachmentIdx; } } return INDEX_NONE; } /** Called on owning client directly to remove a cosmetic attachment, or by SetAttachmentMeshAndSkin() on a replicated client when attachment index is `CLEARED_ATTACHMENT_INDEX */ simulated function RemoveAttachmentMeshAndSkin( int PawnAttachmentIndex, KFPawn KFP, optional KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI) { // Detach the attachment DetachAttachment(PawnAttachmentIndex, KFP); // Notify clients if( KFPRI != none ) { KFPRI.ClearCharacterAttachment(PawnAttachmentIndex); } } /** Remove the attachment from the mesh */ function DetachAttachment(int PawnAttachmentIndex, KFPawn KFP) { // Detach the attachment if( KFP.ThirdPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex] != none ) { // We have a different attachment path if it is a skeletal mesh component if( SkeletalMeshComponent(KFP.ThirdPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex]) != none ) { KFP.DetachComponent(KFP.ThirdPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex]); if (KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex] != none) { KFP.DetachComponent(KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex]); } } else { KFP.mesh.DetachComponent(KFP.ThirdPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex]); if (KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex] != none) { KFP.ArmsMesh.DetachComponent(KFP.FirstPersonAttachments[PawnAttachmentIndex]); } } } // Update the pawn's attachment metadata KFP.ThirdPersonAttachmentSocketNames[PawnAttachmentIndex] = ''; KFP.FirstPersonAttachmentSocketNames[PawnAttachmentIndex] = ''; } /** Assign an arm mesh and material to this pawn */ simulated function SetFirstPersonArmsFromArch( KFPawn KFP, optional KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI ) { local int CosmeticMeshIdx, AttachmentIdx; if ( KFPRI == none ) { `Warn("Does not have a KFPRI" @ Self); return; } // First person arms mesh and skin are based on body mesh & skin. // Index of 255 implies use index 0 (default). SetArmsMeshAndSkin( KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.BodyMeshIndex, KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.BodySkinIndex, KFP, KFPRI); // Cosmetic attachment first person mesh & skin. Index of 255 implies don't use any attachments (default) // Don't have to worry about clearing out attachments since that was handled in 3rd person cosmetics. for (AttachmentIdx = 0; AttachmentIdx < `MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS; AttachmentIdx++) { CosmeticMeshIdx = KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.AttachmentMeshIndices[AttachmentIdx]; if (CosmeticMeshIdx != `CLEARED_ATTACHMENT_INDEX && CosmeticMeshIdx != INDEX_NONE) { `log("Attach 1p mesh" @ CosmeticMeshIdx); // Attach all saved attachments to the character SetAttachmentMeshAndSkin( CosmeticMeshIdx, KFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.AttachmentSkinIndices[AttachmentIdx], KFP, KFPRI); } } } simulated function SetArmsMeshAndSkin( byte ArmsMeshIndex, byte ArmsSkinIndex, KFPawn KFP, KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI) { local byte CurrentArmMeshIndex, CurrentArmSkinIndex; local string CharArmMeshName; local SkeletalMesh CharArmMesh; if (KFP.WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && KFP.IsHumanControlled() && KFP.IsLocallyControlled()) { // Character mesh if( CharacterArmVariants.length > 0 ) { CurrentArmMeshIndex = (ArmsMeshIndex < CharacterArmVariants.length) ? ArmsMeshIndex : 0; if (KFPRI.StartLoadCosmeticContent(self, ECOSMETICTYPE_Arms, CurrentArmMeshIndex)) { return; } // Retrieve the name of the meshes to be used from the archetype CharArmMeshName = CharacterArmVariants[CurrentArmMeshIndex].MeshName; // Load the meshes CharArmMesh = SkeletalMesh(DynamicLoadObject(CharArmMeshName, class'SkeletalMesh')); // Assign the arms mesh to the pawn KFP.ArmsMesh.SetSkeletalMesh(CharArmMesh); if( CharacterArmVariants[CurrentArmMeshIndex].SkinVariants.length > 0 ) { // Assign a skin to the arms mesh as a material override CurrentArmSkinIndex = (ArmsSkinIndex < CharacterArmVariants[CurrentArmMeshIndex].SkinVariants.length) ? ArmsSkinIndex : 0; KFP.ArmsMesh.SetMaterial(0, CharacterArmVariants[CurrentArmMeshIndex].SkinVariants[CurrentArmSkinIndex]); } else { // Use material specified in the asset KFP.ArmsMesh.SetMaterial(0, none); } } else if( ArmMesh != none ) { // Clear character customization settings KFP.ArmsMesh.SetMaterial(0, none); // Assign the arms mesh to the pawn KFP.ArmsMesh.SetSkeletalMesh(ArmMesh); } else { `warn("Character does not have a valid arms mesh"); } } } static function int GetWeaponAnimSetIdx() { return default.EmoteAnimset != none ? default.AnimSets.length + 1 : default.AnimSets.length; } simulated function SetCharacterAnimFromArch( KFPawn Pawn ) { super.SetCharacterAnimFromArch( Pawn ); if( EmoteAnimset != none ) { Pawn.Mesh.Animsets.AddItem(EmoteAnimset); } } defaultproperties { SoundGroupArch=KFPawnSoundGroup'FX_Pawn_Sounds_ARCH.HumanPawnSounds' EmoteAnimset=AnimSet'ECON_emote.ECON_Emotes' }