//============================================================================= // KFAnim_Health //============================================================================= // Anim Node used to determine state based on health //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2019 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFAnim_Health extends AnimNodeBlendList native(Anim); /** Current percent health of the actor */ var float HealthPct; /** List of Health Pcts to switch between channels*/ var() array Constraints; /** If set, calculate speed from owner's base instead of owner */ var() bool bUseOwnersBase; /** The last selected child index */ var int LastChannel; /** Amount of time to blend between these anims */ var() float BlendTime; cpptext { virtual void TickAnim(FLOAT DeltaSeconds); virtual void HandleSliderMove(INT SliderIndex, INT ValueIndex, FLOAT NewSliderValue); virtual float GetSliderPosition(INT SliderIndex, INT ValueIndex); virtual FString GetSliderDrawValue(INT SliderIndex); } defaultproperties { Children(0)=(Name="Broken") Children(1)=(Name="Damaged") Children(2)=(Name="Normal") bSkipBlendWhenNotRendered=true bFixNumChildren=true bPlayActiveChild=true Constraints=(0.01f,0.5f,1.0f) LastChannel=-1 BlendTime=0.3f }