/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class UDKGameViewportClient extends GameViewportClient native config(Game); /** Name of localized files containing hints */ var string HintLocFileName; /** * Locates a random localized hint message string for the specified two categories. * See UTGameViewportClient implementation, and UTGameUI.int for an example of use. * In the localization file, the section will be LoadingHints_CategoryName * For each category section, Hint_Count must be specified * Each hit message should be prefixed by Hint_, followed by the index of that hint * * @param Category1Name Name of the first hint category we're interested in * @param Category2Name Name of the second hint category we're interested in * * @return Returns random hint string for the specified game types */ native final function string LoadRandomLocalizedHintMessage( string Category1Name, string Category2Name );