//============================================================================= // KFWeap_LMG_MG3 //============================================================================= // The MG3 rifle //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2023 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFWeap_LMG_MG3 extends KFWeap_RifleBase; /** Alternate reload anims (when below the bullet belt threshold */ const ReloadLowAmmoAnim = 'Reload_Empty_Half'; const ReloadLowAmmoEliteAnim = 'Reload_Empty_Half_Elite'; const AltFireLoopAnim = 'ShootLoop_Secondary'; const AltFireLoopStartAnim = 'ShootLoop_Start_Secondary'; const AltFireLoopEndAnim = 'ShootLoop_End_Secondary'; /** Array of bone names corresponding to bullets in the ammo belt */ var protected const string AmmoBeltBulletBonePrefix; /** Number of bullets in the ammo belt */ var protected const int NumAmmoBeltBullets; /** How much ammo we had the last time we updated the ammo belt */ var transient protected int LastAmmoCount; /** TRUE when set for the first time */ var transient protected bool bAmmoBeltInitialized; /** Number of bullets fired (Alt firemode)) */ var byte NumAltBullets; /** Degrees used in altfire */ var float SpreadWidthDegrees; /** Max offset from shot in Y and X axes. */ var vector2d SpreadMaxOffset; var transient float StartingAltBulletPosition; /** Just in case we spawned in with an ammo count that's lower than the threshold */ simulated event ReplicatedEvent( name VarName ) { super.ReplicatedEvent( VarName ); if( !bAmmoBeltInitialized ) { UpdateAmmoBeltBullets(); } } simulated event PreBeginPlay() { Super.PreBeginPlay(); Spread[ALTFIRE_FIREMODE] = SpreadWidthDegrees * DegToRad / (NumAltBullets - 1); StartingAltBulletPosition = -SpreadWidthDegrees * DegToRad * 0.5f; } /** Just in case we spawned in with an ammo count that's lower than the threshold */ simulated event PostBeginPlay() { super.PostBeginPlay(); if( !bAmmoBeltInitialized && Role == ROLE_Authority ) { UpdateAmmoBeltBullets(); } } /** Update ammo belt */ simulated function ConsumeAmmo( byte FireModeNum ) { super.ConsumeAmmo( FireModeNum ); UpdateAmmoBeltBullets(); } /** Update ammo belt */ simulated function PerformReload( optional byte FireModeNum ) { super.PerformReload( FireModeNum ); UpdateAmmoBeltBullets(); } /** Notify triggered by reload animations, when ammo belt is grabbed offscreen */ simulated function ANIMNOTIFY_RestoreAmmoBelt() { local int AmmoType, PendingAmmoCount; AmmoType = GetAmmoType(0); // This value will sync with the amount actually reloaded in PerformReload() PendingAmmoCount = Min( AmmoCount[AmmoType] + SpareAmmoCount[AmmoType], MagazineCapacity[AmmoType] ); if( PendingAmmoCount < NumAmmoBeltBullets ) { UpdateAmmoBeltBullets( PendingAmmoCount ); } else { UpdateAmmoBeltBullets( , true ); } } /** Hides/shows bones on the weapon to simulate reaching the end of the ammo belt */ simulated function UpdateAmmoBeltBullets( optional int ForcedBulletCount=INDEX_NONE, optional bool bShowAll=false ) { local Name BulletBoneName; local int NumAmmo, i; if( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer ) { return; } // Don't do any bone alterations until the bone array has been filled out if( MySkelMesh.LocalAtoms.Length == 0 ) { // Check on the next frame to see if we can init our ammo belt if( !IsTimerActive(nameOf(Timer_AttemptAmmoBeltUpdate)) ) { SetTimer( 0.01f, false, nameOf(Timer_AttemptAmmoBeltUpdate) ); } return; } // So we don't do this in PostInitAnimTree() or again in Timer_AttemptAmmoBeltUpdate() if we don't have to bAmmoBeltInitialized = true; // Don't do anything if ammo hasn't changed NumAmmo = ForcedBulletCount != INDEX_NONE ? ForcedBulletCount : AmmoCount[GetAmmoType(0)]; if( !bShowAll && (LastAmmoCount == NumAmmo || (LastAmmoCount >= NumAmmoBeltBullets && NumAmmo >= NumAmmoBeltBullets)) ) { return; } // Hide or unhide depending on place in array for( i = 0; i < NumAmmoBeltBullets; ++i ) { BulletBoneName = Name( AmmoBeltBulletBonePrefix $ (i+1) ); // Unhide all bullets if our ammo count is higher than the number of bullets if( bShowAll || NumAmmo >= NumAmmoBeltBullets ) { MySkelMesh.UnHideBoneByName( BulletBoneName ); continue; } if( i > NumAmmo-1 ) { MySkelMesh.HideBoneByName( BulletBoneName, PBO_None ); } else { MySkelMesh.UnHideBoneByName( BulletBoneName ); } } LastAmmoCount = NumAmmo; } simulated function Timer_AttemptAmmoBeltUpdate() { if( !bAmmoBeltInitialized ) { UpdateAmmoBeltBullets(); } } /** Returns animation to play based on reload type and status */ simulated function name GetReloadAnimName( bool bTacticalReload ) { if( AmmoCount[0] > 0 && AmmoCount[0] < NumAmmoBeltBullets ) { // If we are below the threshold, play our low ammo reload return bTacticalReload ? ReloadLowAmmoEliteAnim : ReloadLowAmmoAnim; } else { return super.GetReloadAnimName( bTacticalReload ); } } /** * State WeaponEquipping * The Weapon is in this state while transitioning from Inactive to Active state. * Typically, the weapon will remain in this state while its selection animation is being played. * While in this state, the weapon cannot be fired. */ simulated state WeaponEquipping { simulated event BeginState( Name PreviousStateName ) { super.BeginState( PreviousStateName ); // Just in case a reload was interrupted after ANIMNOTIFY_RestoreAmmoBelt() was called, // set the ammo belt to the current amount of bullets in the magazine on equip UpdateAmmoBeltBullets(); } } simulated function KFProjectile SpawnAllProjectiles(class KFProjClass, vector RealStartLoc, vector AimDir) { local int i; local float InitialOffset; if (CurrentFireMode != ALTFIRE_FIREMODE) { return Super.SpawnAllProjectiles(KFProjClass, RealStartLoc, AimDir); } InitialOffset = StartingAltBulletPosition; for (i = 0; i < NumAltBullets; i++) { SpawnProjectile(KFProjClass, RealStartLoc, CalculateSpread(InitialOffset, Spread[ALTFIRE_FIREMODE], i)); } return None; } simulated function vector CalculateSpread(float InitialOffset, float CurrentSpread, byte BulletNum) { local Vector X, Y, Z, POVLoc; local Quat R; local rotator POVRot; local float RandValue; if (Instigator != None && Instigator.Controller != none) { Instigator.Controller.GetPlayerViewPoint(POVLoc, POVRot); } GetAxes(POVRot, X, Y, Z); // Calculate random offset on X axis RandValue = FRand() * SpreadMaxOffset.X * DegToRad * (Rand(2) == 0 ? 1 : -1); R = QuatFromAxisAndAngle(Z, InitialOffset + CurrentSpread * BulletNum + RandValue); // Calculate random offset on Y axisÂș RandValue = FRand() * SpreadMaxOffset.Y * DegToRad * (Rand(2) == 0 ? 1 : -1); R = QuatProduct(R, QuatFromAxisAndAngle(Y, RandValue)); return QuatRotateVector(R, vector(POVRot)); } simulated function StartFire(byte FireModeNum) { if (FireModeNum == DEFAULT_FIREMODE && bUseAltFireMode) { if (AmmoCount[FireModeNum] < AmmoCost[ALTFIRE_FIREMODE] && SpareAmmoCount[FireModeNum] > 0) { BeginFire(RELOAD_FIREMODE); return; } } super.StartFire(FireModeNum); } simulated function InstantFireClient() { local vector StartTrace, EndTrace; local rotator AimRot; local Array ImpactList; local int Idx; local ImpactInfo RealImpact; local float CurPenetrationValue; // see Controller AimHelpDot() / AimingHelp() bInstantHit = true; // define range to use for CalcWeaponFire() StartTrace = GetSafeStartTraceLocation(); AimRot = GetAdjustedAim(StartTrace); EndTrace = StartTrace + vector(AimRot) * GetTraceRange(); bInstantHit = false; // Initialize penetration power PenetrationPowerRemaining = GetInitialPenetrationPower(CurrentFireMode); CurPenetrationValue = PenetrationPowerRemaining; if (bUseAltFireMode) { EndTrace = StartTrace + CalculateSpread(StartingAltBulletPosition, Spread[ALTFIRE_FIREMODE], 0) * GetTraceRange(); } // Perform shot RealImpact = CalcWeaponFire(StartTrace, EndTrace, ImpactList); // Set flash location to trigger client side effects. Bypass Weapon.SetFlashLocation since // that function is not marked as simulated and we want instant client feedback. // ProjectileFire/IncrementFlashCount has the right idea: // 1) Call IncrementFlashCount on Server & Local // 2) Replicate FlashCount if ( !bNetOwner ) // 3) Call WeaponFired() once on local player if( Instigator != None ) { Instigator.SetFlashLocation( Self, CurrentFireMode, RealImpact.HitLocation ); } // local player only for clientside hit detection if ( Instigator != None && Instigator.IsLocallyControlled() ) { // allow weapon to add extra bullet impacts (useful for shotguns) InstantFireClient_AddImpacts(StartTrace, AimRot, ImpactList); for (Idx = 0; Idx < ImpactList.Length; Idx++) { ProcessInstantHitEx(CurrentFireMode, ImpactList[Idx],, CurPenetrationValue, Idx); } if ( Instigator.Role < ROLE_Authority ) { SendClientImpactList(CurrentFireMode, ImpactList); } } } simulated function InstantFireClient_AddImpacts(vector StartTrace, rotator Aim, out array ImpactList) { local int i; local ImpactInfo RealImpact; if (!bUseAltFireMode) { return; } for (i = 1; i < NumAltBullets; ++i) { RealImpact = CalcWeaponFire(StartTrace, StartTrace + CalculateSpread(StartingAltBulletPosition, Spread[ALTFIRE_FIREMODE], i) * GetTraceRange(), ImpactList); if( Instigator != None ) { Instigator.SetFlashLocation( Self, CurrentFireMode, RealImpact.HitLocation ); } } } /** Get name of the animation to play for PlayFireEffects */ simulated function name GetLoopingFireAnim(byte FireModeNum) { if (FireModeNum == ALTFIRE_FIREMODE && !bUsingSights) { return AltFireLoopAnim; } return super.GetLoopingFireAnim(FireModeNum); } /** Get name of the animation to play for PlayFireEffects */ simulated function name GetLoopStartFireAnim(byte FireModeNum) { if (FireModeNum == ALTFIRE_FIREMODE && !bUsingSights) { return AltFireLoopStartAnim; } return super.GetLoopStartFireAnim(FireModeNum); } /** Get name of the animation to play for PlayFireEffects */ simulated function name GetLoopEndFireAnim(byte FireModeNum) { if (FireModeNum == ALTFIRE_FIREMODE && !bUsingSights) { return AltFireLoopEndAnim; } return super.GetLoopEndFireAnim(FireModeNum); } defaultproperties { // Shooting Animations FireSightedAnims[0]=Shoot_Iron FireSightedAnims[1]=Shoot_Iron2 FireSightedAnims[2]=Shoot_Iron3 // FOV MeshFOV=75 MeshIronSightFOV=35 PlayerIronSightFOV=70 // Depth of field DOF_FG_FocalRadius=85 DOF_FG_MaxNearBlurSize=2.5 // Content PackageKey="MG3" FirstPersonMeshName="WEP_1P_MG3_MESH.Wep_1stP_MG3_Rig" FirstPersonAnimSetNames(0)="WEP_1P_MG3_ANIM.Wep_1stP_MG3_Anim" PickupMeshName="WEP_3P_MG3_MESH.Wep_MG3_Pickup" AttachmentArchetypeName="WEP_MG3_ARCH.Wep_MG3_3P" MuzzleFlashTemplateName="WEP_MG3_ARCH.Wep_MG3_MuzzleFlash" // Zooming/Position PlayerViewOffset=(X=-5,Y=9,Z=-5) // (X=-8.5,Y=9,Z=-5) IronSightPosition=(X=5,Y=0,Z=-5) // (X=8.5,Y=0,Z=-5) // Ammo MagazineCapacity[0]=75 SpareAmmoCapacity[0]=525 InitialSpareMags[0]=1 bCanBeReloaded=true bReloadFromMagazine=true // Recoil maxRecoilPitch=120 minRecoilPitch=70 maxRecoilYaw=130 minRecoilYaw=-130 RecoilRate=0.08 RecoilMaxYawLimit=500 RecoilMinYawLimit=65035 RecoilMaxPitchLimit=900 RecoilMinPitchLimit=65035 RecoilISMaxYawLimit=75 RecoilISMinYawLimit=65460 RecoilISMaxPitchLimit=375 RecoilISMinPitchLimit=65460 RecoilViewRotationScale=0.25 IronSightMeshFOVCompensationScale=2.3 HippedRecoilModifier=1.5 // Inventory / Grouping InventorySize=9 GroupPriority=100 WeaponSelectTexture=Texture2D'WEP_UI_MG3_TEX.UI_WeaponSelect_MG3' AssociatedPerkClasses(0)=class'KFPerk_Commando' // DEFAULT_FIREMODE FireModeIconPaths(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=Texture2D'ui_firemodes_tex.UI_FireModeSelect_BulletAuto' FiringStatesArray(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=WeaponFiring WeaponFireTypes(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=EWFT_InstantHit WeaponProjectiles(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=class'KFProj_Bullet_AssaultRifle' InstantHitDamageTypes(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=class'KFDT_Ballistic_MG3' FireInterval(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=+0.066 // 900 RPM Spread(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=0.0085 InstantHitDamage(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=35.0 FireOffset=(X=30,Y=4.5,Z=-5) // ALT_FIREMODE FireModeIconPaths(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=Texture2D'ui_firemodes_tex.UI_FireModeSelect_BulletBurst' FiringStatesArray(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=WeaponFiring WeaponFireTypes(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=EWFT_InstantHit WeaponProjectiles(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=class'KFProj_Bullet_MG3_Alt' InstantHitDamageTypes(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=class'KFDT_Ballistic_MG3_Alt' FireInterval(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=+0.132 // 900 RPM it was +0.066 originally Spread(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=0.001 InstantHitDamage(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=15.0 // 30 AmmoCost(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=3 // BASH_FIREMODE InstantHitDamageTypes(BASH_FIREMODE)=class'KFDT_Bludgeon_MG3' InstantHitDamage(BASH_FIREMODE)=26 // Fire Effects WeaponFireSnd(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=(DefaultCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_MG3.Play_WEP_MG3_Fire_3P_Loop', FirstPersonCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_MG3.Play_WEP_MG3_Fire_1P_Loop') WeaponFireSnd(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=(DefaultCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_MG3.Play_WEP_MG3_AltFire_3P_Single', FirstPersonCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_MG3.Play_WEP_MG3_AltFire_1P_Single') WeaponFireLoopEndSnd(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=(DefaultCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_MG3.Play_WEP_MG3_Fire_3P_EndLoop', FirstPersonCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_MG3.Play_WEP_MG3_Fire_1P_EndLoop') WeaponDryFireSnd(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=AkEvent'WW_WEP_SA_L85A2.Play_WEP_SA_L85A2_Handling_DryFire' WeaponDryFireSnd(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=AkEvent'WW_WEP_SA_L85A2.Play_WEP_SA_L85A2_Handling_DryFire' EjectedShellForegroundDuration=0.8f // Advanced (High RPM) Fire Effects bLoopingFireAnim(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=true bLoopingFireSnd(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=true bLoopingFireAnim(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=true SingleFireSoundIndex=ALTFIRE_FIREMODE // Attachments bHasIronSights=true bHasFlashlight=false // Ammo belt AmmoBeltBulletBonePrefix="RW_Bullets" NumAmmoBeltBullets=14 LastAmmoCount=-1 NumAltBullets=5 SpreadWidthDegrees=30 StartingAltBulletPosition=0.0f SpreadMaxOffset=(X=1.2f, Y=1.5f) }