//============================================================================= // KFWeap_HRG_Vampire //============================================================================= // A gun that sucks zeds blood and use it against them //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC // FFerrando @ saber3d //============================================================================= /* */ class KFWeap_HRG_Vampire extends KFWeap_FlameBase; //START BLOOD BALL PROPERTIES //Props related to charging the weapon //var float MaxChargeTime; var float MaxChargeAmmo; var float ChargeSpeed; /** While ChargeTime is below this threshold, a static min damage value (MinDamageByCharge) will be used for BloodBall instant damage */ var float MinDamageWhileChargingThreshold; var float ValueIncreaseTime; var float DmgIncreasePerCharge; var float AOEIncreasePerCharge; var float IncapIncreasePerCharge; var transient float ChargeTime; var transient float CurrentCharge; var transient float CurrentChargeOrigin; var transient float CurrentChargeDesired; var transient float CurrentChargeAmmo; var transient float CurrentChargeAccumulatedTime; var transient float CurrentChargeForBloodBallProjectile; var ParticleSystem ChargingEffect; var ParticleSystem ChargedEffect; var ParticleSystem BloodStolenEffect; var const ParticleSystem MuzzleFlashEffectL3; var transient ParticleSystemComponent FullyChargedPSC; var transient ParticleSystemComponent ChargingPSC; var KFEmit_DirectionalPath BloodStolenParticles[15]; var int NumBloodStolenParticlesForPool; var float SpeedBloodParticlesDefault; var float SpawnRateBloodParticlesDefault; var float HalfAngleSpawnConeDefault; var float CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationMidPointDefault; var float CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationFinalDefault; var float LimitDistanceMidPointDefault; var float LimitDistanceFinalPointDefault; var transient float BloodStolenControlTime; //var transient bool bIsFullyCharged; var transient bool bHasCharged; var const WeaponFireSndInfo FullyChargedSound; var const WeaponFireSndInfo ChargingSound; var const WeaponFireSndInfo ChargedSound; var const WeaponFireSndInfo BloodSuctionStartSound; var const WeaponFireSndInfo BloodSuctionEndSound; var const WeaponFireSndInfo BloodSuctionLoopNoAmmoAndBloodBallChargedSound; var bool bIsSprayDisabled; var float SelfDamageReductionValue; var float FullChargedTimerInterval; var float ChargePercentage; /** Value used to lerp projectile damage and scale depending on if ChargePercentage has surpassed MinDamageWhileChargingThreshold */ var float DamageByChargePercentage; var float MinScale, MaxScale; var int MaxDamageByCharge; var int MinDamageByCharge; const SecondaryFireAnim = 'Alt_Fire'; const SecondaryFireIronAnim = 'Alt_Fire_Iron'; const SecondaryFireAnimEmpty = 'Alt_Fire_Empty'; const SecondaryFireIronAnimEmpty = 'Alt_Fire_Iron_Empty'; var bool bHasToLaunchEmptyAnim; var SkelControlSingleBone Control; var bool bBlocked; //END BLOOD BALL PROPERTIES /** Shoot animation to play when shooting secondary fire */ var(Animations) const editconst name FireHeavyAnim; /** Shoot animation to play when shooting secondary fire last shot */ var(Animations) const editconst name FireLastHeavyAnim; /** Shoot animation to play when shooting secondary fire last shot when aiming */ var(Animations) const editconst name FireLastHeavySightedAnim; /** Alt-fire explosion template */ var() GameExplosion ExplosionTemplate; //var float MaxChargeTime, ChargePercentage, ChargeTime; //var bool bIsFullyCharged; var float ReplenishingAmmoOnSuctioningTime; var float ReplenishingAmmoOnSuctioningInterval; var int ReplenishingAmmoOnSuctioningCount; var class BloodBallProjClass; var float SpeedBloodParticles; var float SpawnRateBloodParticles; var float HalfAngleSpawnCone; var float CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationMidPoint; var float CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationFinal; var float LimitDistanceMidPoint; var float LimitDistanceFinalPoint; var float RateUpdateDestinationBloodParticles; var transient float UpdateDestinationBloodParticlesTime; var int InitialAmmoSecondaryCount; /** Variables to scale ammo cost on primary fire (so we can use "floats" on ammo and make ammo has no cost or small cost when no hitting zeds) */ var float AmmoCostScaleDefaultFiremode; var float AmmoCostAccumulated; /** Simulate delay in start charging like waiting for first blood particle to arrive */ var transient bool bFirstBloodParticleCreated; var transient float DelayUntilStartCharging; var float ScaleDelayUntilStartCharging; var transient float CurrentStartChargingTime; var transient bool bIsAlreadyInitializedFX; var class BloodSplashClass; var transient float TimesConsumeAmmoCalled; var transient bool bIsFullCharged;//Only for using in 1p var transient bool bIsChargingSoundStarted;//Only for using in authority Replication { if(bNetDirty) oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed, ChargeTime, ClientCurrentChargeDesired; if (bNetDirty && !bNetOwner) ClientChargePercentage, bClientDisableSprayVisualAndMesh; } var KFPawn_Monster oZedPreviouslyBeingSprayed; /**************************** HRG SPRAY STUFF*/ var repnotify KFPawn_Monster oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed; var repnotify float ClientChargePercentage; var repnotify float ClientCurrentChargeDesired; var repnotify bool bClientDisableSprayVisualAndMesh; /*********************** */ simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName) { if (VarName == nameof(ClientChargePercentage)) { NotifyChargePercentage(ClientChargePercentage); } if (VarName == nameof(oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed)) { NotifyZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed(oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed); } if (VarName == nameof(bClientDisableSprayVisualAndMesh) && bClientDisableSprayVisualAndMesh) { NotifyDisableSprayVisualAndMesh(); } if (VarName == nameof(ClientCurrentChargeDesired)) { CurrentChargeDesired = ClientCurrentChargeDesired; } Super.ReplicatedEvent(VarName); } simulated function PostBeginPlay() { local KFPawn_Human KFPH; local int Index; super.PostBeginPlay(); AmmoCostAccumulated = 0; KFPH = KFPawn_Human(Instigator); bIsAlreadyInitializedFX = false; if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer || (KFPH != none && !KFPH.IsFirstPerson())) { return; } UpdateDestinationBloodParticlesTime = RateUpdateDestinationBloodParticles; bFirstBloodParticleCreated = false; CurrentStartChargingTime = DelayUntilStartCharging * ScaleDelayUntilStartCharging; for( Index = (NumBloodStolenParticlesForPool - 1) ; Index >= 0 ; Index-- ) { BloodStolenParticles[Index] = Spawn(class'KFEmit_DirectionalPath'); BloodStolenParticles[Index].SetTemplate(BloodStolenEffect, true); //BloodStolenParticles[Index].IsEnabled=false; BloodStolenParticles[Index].DeactivateEmitter(); } } simulated event Tick(float DeltaTime) { return; } /** Handle one-hand fire anims */ simulated function name GetWeaponFireAnim(byte FireModeNum) { local bool bPlayFireLast; bPlayFireLast = ShouldPlayFireLast(FireModeNum); if ( FireModeNum == CUSTOM_FIREMODE ) { return FireLoopEndAnim; } if ( bUsingSights ) { if( bPlayFireLast ) { if ( FireModeNum == ALTFIRE_FIREMODE ) { return FireLastHeavySightedAnim; } else { return FireLastSightedAnim; } } else { return FireSightedAnims[FireModeNum]; } } else { if( bPlayFireLast ) { if ( FireModeNum == ALTFIRE_FIREMODE ) { return FireLastHeavyAnim; } else { return FireLastAnim; } } else { if ( FireModeNum == ALTFIRE_FIREMODE ) { return FireHeavyAnim; } else { return FireAnim; } } } } /** * Instead of a toggle, just immediately fire alternate fire. */ simulated function AltFireMode() { // LocalPlayer Only if ( !Instigator.IsLocallyControlled() ) { return; } StartFire(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE); } /** Disable auto-reload for alt-fire */ simulated function bool ShouldAutoReload(byte FireModeNum) { local bool bRequestReload; bRequestReload = Super.ShouldAutoReload(FireModeNum); // Must be completely empty for auto-reload or auto-switch if ( FireModeNum == ALTFIRE_FIREMODE && AmmoCount[DEFAULT_FIREMODE] > 0 ) { bPendingAutoSwitchOnDryFire = false; return false; } return bRequestReload; } static simulated event EFilterTypeUI GetTraderFilter() { return FT_Projectile; } simulated protected function TurnOnPilot() { Super.TurnOnPilot(); if( FlamePool[0] != None && KFSprayActor_HRG_Vampire(FlamePool[0]) != None && KFSprayActor_HRG_Vampire(FlamePool[0]).OwnerWeapon == None) { KFSprayActor_HRG_Vampire(FlamePool[0]).OwnerWeapon = self; } if( FlamePool[1] != None && KFSprayActor_HRG_Vampire(FlamePool[1]) != None && KFSprayActor_HRG_Vampire(FlamePool[1]).OwnerWeapon == None) { KFSprayActor_HRG_Vampire(FlamePool[1]).OwnerWeapon = self; } } simulated function float FlameHeatCalc() { //hack in order to make the arc gen always glow LastBarrelHeat = 1.0f; return 1.0f; } simulated function SetCurrentSprayedZed(KFPawn_Monster _Monster) { if(role != role_authority && WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_ListenServer && WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_StandAlone) { return; } oZedPreviouslyBeingSprayed = oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed; oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed = _Monster; bNetDirty=true; AmmoCostScaleDefaultFiremode=1.0; if (oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed == none || !oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed.IsAliveAndWell()) { AmmoCostScaleDefaultFiremode=default.AmmoCostScaleDefaultFiremode; } } /** * Drop this item out in to the world */ function DropFrom(vector StartLocation, vector StartVelocity) { super.DropFrom(StartLocation, StartVelocity); self.SetTickIsDisabled(true); } function SetOriginalValuesFromPickup( KFWeapon PickedUpWeapon ) { super.SetOriginalValuesFromPickup(PickedUpWeapon); self.SetTickIsDisabled(false); } /** * Functions to notify KFWeapAttach (used for 3P FX) about state */ simulated function NotifyChargePercentage(float ChargePercentageNotified) { local KFPawn KFPawn; local KFWeapAttach_HRG_Vampire KFWeapAttach; KFPawn = KFPawn(Instigator); KFWeapAttach = KFWeapAttach_HRG_Vampire(KFPawn.WeaponAttachment); if(KFWeapAttach != none) { KFWeapAttach.SetChargePercentage(ChargePercentageNotified); } } simulated function NotifyZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed(KFPawn_Monster Monster) { local KFPawn KFPawn; local KFWeapAttach_HRG_Vampire KFWeapAttach; KFPawn = KFPawn(Instigator); KFWeapAttach = KFWeapAttach_HRG_Vampire(KFPawn.WeaponAttachment); if(KFWeapAttach != none) { KFWeapAttach.SetZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed(Monster); } } simulated function NotifyDisableSprayVisualAndMesh() { local KFPawn KFPawn; local KFWeapAttach_HRG_Vampire KFWeapAttach; KFPawn = KFPawn(Instigator); KFWeapAttach = KFWeapAttach_HRG_Vampire(KFPawn.WeaponAttachment); if(KFWeapAttach != none) { KFWeapAttach.DisableSprayVisualAndMesh(); } } simulated function CreateBloodParticle(KFPawn_Monster Monster) { Local KFEmit_DirectionalPath Emitter; local vector DestinationLocation, MonsterLocation, BloodParticlesMidPointSocketLocation; local Rotator DestinationRotation, BloodParticlesMidPointSocketRotation; local vector BloodSplashVelocity; local int Index; if (!IsInState('FiringSuctioning')) { return; } Emitter = none; for( Index = (NumBloodStolenParticlesForPool - 1) ; Index >= 0 ; Index-- ) { if(BloodStolenParticles[Index].IsEnabled == false) { Emitter = BloodStolenParticles[Index]; break; } } if(Emitter == none) { return; } if(MySkelMesh != none) { GetFlameSocketLocAndRot(DestinationLocation, DestinationRotation); MySkelMesh.GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation('BloodParticlesMidPoint', BloodParticlesMidPointSocketLocation, BloodParticlesMidPointSocketRotation); } MonsterLocation = ActiveFlameSpray.GetLastContactPositionMeshHit(); if (IsZero(MonsterLocation)) { Monster.Mesh.GetBoneLocation('Spine1'); } if(MonsterLocation == vect(0,0,0)) { MonsterLocation = Monster.Location + vect(0,0,20); } if (FRand() > 0.4) { BloodSplashVelocity = BloodParticlesMidPointSocketLocation - MonsterLocation; BloodSplashVelocity = VRandCone(vect(0,0,-1), PI / 5) * 100; SpawnBloodSplash(BloodSplashClass, MonsterLocation, BloodSplashVelocity); } //Emitter = Spawn(class'KFEmit_DirectionalPath',,, MonsterLocation); Emitter.ParticleSpeed = SpeedBloodParticles; //BloodStolenParticles.AddItem(Emitter); Emitter.SetLocation(MonsterLocation); Emitter.SetDestination( DestinationLocation, BloodParticlesMidPointSocketLocation, LimitDistanceFinalPoint, LimitDistanceMidPoint, CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationFinal, CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationMidPoint, HalfAngleSpawnCone); Emitter.ActivateEmitter(); //Emitter.isEnabled = true; } simulated function SpawnBloodSplash( class SpawnClass, vector SpawnLoc, vector SpawnVel ) { local TraceHitInfo HitInfo; local vector HitLocation, HitRotation; local KFGoreManager GoreManager; // Grab the gore manager GoreManager = KFGoreManager(WorldInfo.MyGoreEffectManager); if (GoreManager == none || oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed == none) { return; } //EffectStartTrace = Location + vect(0,0,1) * 4.f; //EffectEndTrace = EffectStartTrace - vect(0,0,1) * 32.f; // Find where to put the decal Trace(HitLocation, HitRotation, SpawnLoc + SpawnVel * 32.f, SpawnLoc, false,, HitInfo, TRACEFLAG_Bullet); //DrawDebugLine(SpawnLoc,SpawnLoc + SpawnVel * 32.f,0,255,0,TRUE); // If the locations are zero (probably because this exploded in the air) set defaults if( IsZero(HitLocation) ) { HitLocation = Location; } if( IsZero(HitRotation) ) { HitRotation = vect(0,0,1); } //Put the decals GoreManager.LeaveABloodSplatterDecal(oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed, HitLocation, HitRotation); //GoreManager. LeaveAPersistentBloodSplat(HitLocation, HitNormal, 1.0); if (oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed != none) { GoreManager.CausePersistentBlood(oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed, class'KFDamageType', HitLocation, vect(0,0,-1), 0, false, false); } } simulated function RemoveAllBloodParticles() { local int Index; local KFEmit_DirectionalPath EmitterToRemove; for( Index = (NumBloodStolenParticlesForPool - 1) ; Index >= 0 ; Index-- ) { EmitterToRemove = BloodStolenParticles[Index]; //BloodStolenParticles.Remove(Index, 1); EmitterToRemove.DeactivateEmitter(); } } simulated function OnStartFire() { local KFPawn PawnInst; PawnInst = KFPawn(Instigator); if (PawnInst != none) { PawnInst.OnStartFire(); } } simulated function InitBloodBallFX() { if (FullyChargedPSC == none) { FullyChargedPSC = new(self) class'ParticleSystemComponent'; if(MySkelMesh != none) { MySkelMesh.AttachComponentToSocket(FullyChargedPSC, 'MuzzleFlash'); } else { AttachComponent(FullyChargedPSC); } FullyChargedPSC.SetTemplate(ChargedEffect); } FullyChargedPSC.SetActive( false ); if (ChargingPSC == none) { ChargingPSC = new(self) class'ParticleSystemComponent'; if(MySkelMesh != none) { MySkelMesh.AttachComponentToSocket(ChargingPSC, 'MuzzleFlash'); } else { AttachComponent(ChargingPSC); } ChargingPSC.SetTemplate(ChargingEffect); } ChargingPSC.SetActive( false ); } // Placing the actual Weapon Firing end state here since we need it to happen at the end of the actual firing loop. simulated function Timer_StopFireEffects() { // Simulate weapon firing effects on the local client if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client) { Instigator.WeaponStoppedFiring(self, false); } ClearFlashCount(); ClearFlashLocation(); } simulated function name GetLoopEndFireAnim(byte FireModeNum) { if (FireModeNum == DEFAULT_FIREMODE) { return ''; } return super.GetLoopEndFireAnim(FireModeNum); } simulated function KFProjectile SpawnProjectile(class KFProjClass, vector RealStartLoc, vector AimDir) { local KFProj_BloodBall_HRG_Vampire BloodBall; local KFProjectile Projectile; Projectile = super.SpawnProjectile(KFProjClass, RealStartLoc, AimDir); BloodBall = KFProj_BloodBall_HRG_Vampire(Projectile); //Calc and set scaling values if (BloodBall != none) { BloodBall.SetInheritedScale(CurrentChargeForBloodBallProjectile, DamageByChargePercentage); return BloodBall; } //If reaches here, projectile will be CRYSTALIZED SPIKE return Projectile; } simulated function DisableRecoil() { maxRecoilPitch = 0; minRecoilPitch = 0; maxRecoilYaw = 0; minRecoilYaw = 0; } simulated function RestoreRecoil() { maxRecoilPitch = default.maxRecoilPitch; minRecoilPitch = default.minRecoilPitch; maxRecoilYaw = default.maxRecoilYaw; minRecoilYaw = default.minRecoilYaw; } function InitializeAmmo() { super.InitializeAmmo(); AmmoCount[1] = InitialAmmoSecondaryCount; } simulated function ConsumeAmmo( byte FireModeNum ) { local byte AmmoType; local KFPerk InstigatorPerk; if (FireModeNum == DEFAULT_FIREMODE) { //Code from super.ConsumeAmmo() `if(`notdefined(ShippingPC)) if( bInfiniteAmmo ) { return; } `endif AmmoType = GetAmmoType(FireModeNum); InstigatorPerk = GetPerk(); if( InstigatorPerk != none && InstigatorPerk.GetIsUberAmmoActive( self ) ) { return; } TimesConsumeAmmoCalled+=AmmoCost[FireModeNum]; // If AmmoCount is being replicated, don't allow the client to modify it here if ( Role == ROLE_Authority || bAllowClientAmmoTracking ) { // Don't consume ammo if magazine size is 0 (infinite ammo with no reload) if (MagazineCapacity[AmmoType] > 0 && AmmoCount[AmmoType] > 0) { AmmoCostAccumulated += AmmoCost[FireModeNum] * AmmoCostScaleDefaultFiremode; CurrentChargeDesired = FMin(1.0, (float(AmmoConsumed) + AmmoCostAccumulated) / MaxChargeAmmo); if (CurrentChargeDesired > 0) { bHasCharged = true; } if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer) { ClientCurrentChargeDesired = CurrentChargeDesired; } if (AmmoCostAccumulated >= AmmoCost[FireModeNum]) { AmmoCostAccumulated=0; AmmoConsumed+=AmmoCost[CurrentFireMode]; CurrentChargeDesired = FMin(1.0, float(AmmoConsumed) / MaxChargeAmmo); if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer) { ClientCurrentChargeDesired = CurrentChargeDesired; } // Ammo cost needs to be firemodenum because it is independent of ammo type. AmmoCount[AmmoType] = Max(AmmoCount[AmmoType] - AmmoCost[FireModeNum], 0); } } } return; } else { super.ConsumeAmmo(FireModeNum); } } simulated function Timer_CreateBloodParticle() { if (oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed != none && oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed.IsAliveAndWell()) { CreateBloodParticle(oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed); } } simulated state FiringSuctioning extends SprayingFire { // Overriden to not call FireAmmunition right at the start of the state simulated event BeginState( Name PreviousStateName ) { Super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); NotifyBeginState(); if ( KFPawn(Owner).IsLocallyControlled() ) { PlaySoundBase(BloodSuctionStartSound.FirstPersonCue); } else { PlaySoundBase(BloodSuctionStartSound.DefaultCue); } CurrentCharge = 0; bHasCharged = false; global.OnStartFire(); bIsSprayDisabled = false; AmmoCostScaleDefaultFiremode=default.AmmoCostScaleDefaultFiremode; CurrentCharge = 0; CurrentChargeOrigin = 0; CurrentChargeDesired = 0; CurrentChargeForBloodBallProjectile = 0; if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer) { ClientCurrentChargeDesired = 0; } TimesConsumeAmmoCalled = 0; bIsChargingSoundStarted = false; } simulated function EndState(Name NextStateName) { local KFPawn_Human KFPH; Super.EndState(NextStateName); NotifyEndState(); ClearZedTimeResist(); ClearPendingFire(CurrentFireMode); ClearTimer(nameof(RefireCheckTimer)); KFPawn(Instigator).bHasStartedFire = false; KFPawn(Instigator).bNetDirty = true; if (oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed == None || !oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed.IsAliveAndWell()) { if ( KFPawn(Owner).IsLocallyControlled() ) { PlaySoundBase(BloodSuctionEndSound.FirstPersonCue); } else { PlaySoundBase(BloodSuctionEndSound.DefaultCue); } } KFPawn(Instigator).SetWeaponAmbientSound(none); KFPawn(Instigator).SetSecondaryWeaponAmbientSound(none); //BLOOD PARTICLES AND BALL MANAGEMENT KFPH = KFPawn_Human(Instigator); if (!(WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer) || !(KFPH != none && !KFPH.IsFirstPerson())) { RemoveAllBloodParticles(); CurrentChargeAccumulatedTime = 0; if( ChargingPSC != none) { ChargingPSC.SetActive( false ); } if (FullyChargedPSC != none) { FullyChargedPSC.SetActive( false ); } } CurrentChargeForBloodBallProjectile = CurrentChargeDesired; CurrentCharge = 0; CurrentChargeOrigin = 0; CurrentChargeDesired = 0; } simulated function bool ShouldRefire() { if (!HasAmmo(CurrentFireMode)) { return StillFiring(CurrentFireMode); } return StillFiring(CurrentFireMode) || TimesConsumeAmmoCalled < MinAmmoConsumed; } simulated function ConsumeAmmo( byte FireMode ) { global.ConsumeAmmo(FireMode); } simulated event Tick(float DeltaTime) { //In this tick enters: //- Role == Role_Authority //- WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer //- WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_StandAlone //Blood particle variables local int Index; local vector MuzzleFlashSocketLocation, BloodParticlesMidPointSocketLocation; local Rotator DestinationRotation, BloodParticlesMidPointSocketRotation; local KFEmit_DirectionalPath EmitterToRemove; local vector VectorParameterParticle; local vector BloodSplashVelocity; local KFPawn_Human KFPH; //Charging variables local vector ChargePercentageVector; local float InstantHitDamageValue; Super.Tick(DeltaTime); if (!HasAmmo(CurrentFireMode) && !bIsSprayDisabled) { if (CurrentChargeDesired <= 0) { GoToState('Active'); } else { TurnOffFireSpray(); KFPawn(Instigator).SetWeaponAmbientSound(BloodSuctionLoopNoAmmoAndBloodBallChargedSound.DefaultCue, BloodSuctionLoopNoAmmoAndBloodBallChargedSound.FirstPersonCue); KFPawn(Instigator).SetSecondaryWeaponAmbientSound(None, None); oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed = none; DisableRecoil(); bIsSprayDisabled = true; bClientDisableSprayVisualAndMesh=true; } } if(oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed == none) { bIsChargingSoundStarted = false; KFPawn(Instigator).SetSecondaryWeaponAmbientSound(None, None); } if(oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed != none && oZedCurrentlyBeingSprayed.IsAliveAndWell()) { //Replenishing secondary ammo ReplenishingAmmoOnSuctioningTime -= DeltaTime; if (ReplenishingAmmoOnSuctioningTime <= 0) { AmmoCount[ALTFIRE_FIREMODE] = Min(MagazineCapacity[ALTFIRE_FIREMODE], AmmoCount[ALTFIRE_FIREMODE] + ReplenishingAmmoOnSuctioningCount); ReplenishingAmmoOnSuctioningTime += ReplenishingAmmoOnSuctioningInterval; } //Scaling damage values depending on charge if (CurrentChargeDesired > 0) { DamageByChargePercentage = FMin((CurrentChargeDesired - MinDamageWhileChargingThreshold)/(1 - MinDamageWhileChargingThreshold), 1); InstantHitDamageValue = FMax(MinDamageByCharge, Lerp(MinDamageByCharge, MaxDamageByCharge, DamageByChargePercentage )); InstantHitDamage[CUSTOM_FIREMODE] = InstantHitDamageValue;//TODO InstantHitDamageTypes[CUSTOM_FIREMODE]=class'KFDT_Ballistic_HRG_Vampire_BloodBallImpact'; if(CurrentChargeDesired >= 1.0) { InstantHitDamageTypes[CUSTOM_FIREMODE]=class'KFDT_Ballistic_HRG_Vampire_BloodBallHeavyImpact'; } KFPawn(Instigator).SetWeaponComponentRTPCValue("Weapon_Charge", CurrentChargeDesired); //For looping component Instigator.SetRTPCValue('Weapon_Charge', CurrentChargeDesired); //For one-shot sounds if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer) { ClientChargePercentage = CurrentChargeDesired; } if (!bIsChargingSoundStarted) { KFPawn(Instigator).SetSecondaryWeaponAmbientSound(ChargingSound.DefaultCue, ChargingSound.FirstPersonCue); } bIsChargingSoundStarted = true; } } //BLOOD PARTICLES AND BALL MANAGEMENT KFPH = KFPawn_Human(Instigator); if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer || (KFPH != none && !KFPH.IsFirstPerson())) { return; } //Blood Ball and Blood Particles are managed here for 1P offline and 1P online. //Blood particles updating destination and removing, and spawning blood splashes. UpdateDestinationBloodParticlesTime -= DeltaTime; if (UpdateDestinationBloodParticlesTime <= 0) { UpdateDestinationBloodParticlesTime = RateUpdateDestinationBloodParticles; GetFlameSocketLocAndRot(MuzzleFlashSocketLocation, DestinationRotation); if(MySkelMesh != none) { MySkelMesh.GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation('BloodParticlesMidPoint', BloodParticlesMidPointSocketLocation, BloodParticlesMidPointSocketRotation); } for( Index = (NumBloodStolenParticlesForPool - 1) ; Index >= 0 ; Index-- ) { if (!BloodStolenParticles[Index].IsEnabled || BloodStolenParticles[Index] == None) { continue; } if( BloodStolenParticles[Index].bReachDestinationFinal ) { EmitterToRemove = BloodStolenParticles[Index]; //BloodStolenParticles.Remove(Index, 1); EmitterToRemove.DeactivateEmitter(); } else { if (BloodStolenParticles[Index].ParticleSystemComponent != None) { VectorParameterParticle.X = WorldInfo.TimeDilation; VectorParameterParticle.Y = WorldInfo.TimeDilation; VectorParameterParticle.Z = WorldInfo.TimeDilation; BloodStolenParticles[Index].ParticleSystemComponent.SetVectorParameter( name("ZedtimeScale"), VectorParameterParticle ); } BloodStolenParticles[Index].UpdateDestination( MuzzleFlashSocketLocation, BloodParticlesMidPointSocketLocation ); if (FRand() > 0.8) { BloodSplashVelocity.x = 0; BloodSplashVelocity.y = RandRange(-100, 100); BloodSplashVelocity.z = -200; SpawnBloodSplash(BloodSplashClass, BloodStolenParticles[Index].Location, BloodSplashVelocity); } } } } for( Index = (NumBloodStolenParticlesForPool - 1) ; Index >= 0 ; Index-- ) { if(BloodStolenParticles[Index].IsEnabled == true) { bFirstBloodParticleCreated=true; } } CurrentStartChargingTime = FMax(0, CurrentStartChargingTime - DeltaTime); if (CurrentChargeDesired > 0 && CurrentStartChargingTime <= 0) { CurrentChargeAccumulatedTime = FMin(CurrentChargeAccumulatedTime + DeltaTime * ChargeSpeed, CurrentChargeDesired); CurrentCharge = CurrentChargeAccumulatedTime; } if ( CurrentCharge > 0 ) { if( ChargingPSC != none) { ChargingPSC.SetActive( true, true ); ChargePercentageVector.X = CurrentCharge; ChargePercentageVector.Y = CurrentCharge; ChargePercentageVector.Z = CurrentCharge; ChargingPSC.SetVectorParameter( name("BlobCharge"), ChargePercentageVector ); } if (FullyChargedPSC != none && CurrentCharge >= 1.0) { if (!bIsFullCharged) { //WeaponPlaySound(ChargedSound.FirstPersonCue); //PlaySoundBase(BloodSuctionEndSound.DefaultCue); if ( KFPawn(Owner).IsLocallyControlled() ) { PlaySoundBase(ChargedSound.FirstPersonCue); } else { PlaySoundBase(ChargedSound.DefaultCue); } } bIsFullCharged = true; FullyChargedPSC.SetActive( true, true ); } } } simulated function HandleFinishedFiring() { if (bPlayingLoopingFireAnim) { StopLoopingFireEffects(CurrentFireMode); } SetTimer(0.1f, false, 'Timer_StopFireEffects'); NotifyWeaponFinishedFiring(CurrentFireMode); super.HandleFinishedFiring(); } simulated function PutDownWeapon() { if (bPlayingLoopingFireAnim) { StopLoopingFireEffects(CurrentFireMode); } SetTimer(0.1f, false, 'Timer_StopFireEffects'); NotifyWeaponFinishedFiring(CurrentFireMode); super.PutDownWeapon(); } } simulated state Active { simulated event BeginState( Name PreviousStateName ) { local KFPawn KFPawn; local KFWeapAttach_HRG_Vampire KFWeapAttach; //Safest place to start firing Blood Ball (after finishing all logic for Blood Suck firing) if (PreviousStateName == 'FiringSuctioning' && Role == Role_Authority && bHasCharged) { StartFire(CUSTOM_FIREMODE); } super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); RestoreRecoil(); bClientDisableSprayVisualAndMesh = false; bHasCharged = false; bIsFullCharged = false; if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer || bIsAlreadyInitializedFX) { return; } //All of the following would make more sense to initialize it in PostBeginPlay, but at that moment KFPawn.WeaponAttachment and MySkelMesh are not populated //Setting parameters for blood particles from 3P attachment KFPawn = KFPawn(Instigator); KFWeapAttach = KFWeapAttach_HRG_Vampire(KFPawn.WeaponAttachment); if (KFWeapAttach != None) { SpeedBloodParticles = KFWeapAttach.SpeedBloodParticles; SpawnRateBloodParticles = KFWeapAttach.SpawnRateBloodParticles; HalfAngleSpawnCone = KFWeapAttach.HalfAngleSpawnCone; CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationMidPoint = KFWeapAttach.CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationMidPoint; CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationFinal = KFWeapAttach.CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationFinal; LimitDistanceMidPoint = KFWeapAttach.LimitDistanceMidPoint; LimitDistanceFinalPoint = KFWeapAttach.LimitDistanceFinalPoint; } if (SpeedBloodParticles <= 0) { SpeedBloodParticles = SpeedBloodParticlesDefault; } if (SpawnRateBloodParticles <= 0) { SpawnRateBloodParticles = SpawnRateBloodParticlesDefault; } if (HalfAngleSpawnCone <= 0) { HalfAngleSpawnCone = HalfAngleSpawnConeDefault; } if (CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationMidPoint <= 0) { CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationMidPoint = CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationMidPointDefault; } if (CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationFinal <= 0) { CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationFinal = CurveTurnRateUntilDestinationFinalDefault; } if (LimitDistanceMidPoint <= 0) { LimitDistanceMidPoint = LimitDistanceMidPointDefault; } if (LimitDistanceFinalPoint <= 0) { LimitDistanceFinalPoint = LimitDistanceFinalPointDefault; } if (KFPawn != none && !KFPawn.IsFirstPerson()) { return; } InitBloodBallFX(); SetTimer(SpawnRateBloodParticles, true, nameOf(Timer_CreateBloodParticle)); bIsAlreadyInitializedFX = true; } } simulated function PerformReload(optional byte FireModeNum) { super.PerformReload(FireModeNum); //Ammo is count on server. If reload finishes in client before ammo value comes from server, it will not fire if it is pending fire. This is a fix. if(role != role_authority && WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_ListenServer && WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_StandAlone) { SetTimer(0.09f, true, nameOf(Timer_CheckPendingFire)); SetTimer(0.5f, false, nameOf(Timer_EndCheckPendingFire)); } } simulated function Timer_CheckPendingFire() { local int i; for( i=0; i