/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqEvent_ParticleEvent extends SequenceEvent native(Sequence); /************************************************************************/ /* Enums, consts, structs, etc. */ /************************************************************************/ enum EParticleEventOutputType { ePARTICLEOUT_Spawn, ePARTICLEOUT_Death, ePARTICLEOUT_Collision, ePARTICLEOUT_AttractorCollision, ePARTICLEOUT_Kismet }; /** The type of event. */ var EParticleEventOutputType EventType; /** The particle position of the event. */ var vector EventPosition; /** The emitter time of the event. */ var float EventEmitterTime; /** The particle velocity of the event. */ var vector EventVelocity; /** The particle time of the event. */ var float EventParticleTime; /** The collision normal of the event. */ var vector EventNormal; /** If TRUE, use the impact direction reflected about the hit normal as the normal. */ var() bool UseRelfectedImpactVector; cpptext { virtual void OnCreated(); virtual UBOOL CheckActivate(AActor *InOriginator, AActor *InInstigator, UBOOL bTest=FALSE, TArray* ActivateIndices = NULL, UBOOL bPushTop = FALSE); /** Called via PostEditChange(), lets ops create/remove dynamic links based on data. */ virtual void UpdateDynamicLinks(); /** Helper function for filling in the output links according to the assigned emitter. */ virtual void SetupOutputLinks(UBOOL bPreserveExistingLinks = TRUE); } /** * Return the version number for this class. Child classes should increment this method by calling Super then adding * a individual class version to the result. When a class is first created, the number should be 0; each time one of the * link arrays is modified (VariableLinks, OutputLinks, InputLinks, etc.), the number that is added to the result of * Super.GetObjClassVersion() should be incremented by 1. * * @return the version number for this specific class. */ static event int GetObjClassVersion() { return Super.GetObjClassVersion() + 0; } defaultproperties { ObjName="ParticleEvent" ObjCategory="Particles" bPlayerOnly=false MaxTriggerCount=0 ReTriggerDelay=0.0f VariableLinks(1)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int',LinkDesc="Type",bWriteable=true,PropertyName=EventType) VariableLinks(2)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Vector',LinkDesc="Pos",bWriteable=true,PropertyName=EventPosition) VariableLinks(3)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Float',LinkDesc="ETime",bWriteable=true,PropertyName=EventEmitterTime) VariableLinks(4)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Vector',LinkDesc="Vel",bWriteable=true,PropertyName=EventVelocity) VariableLinks(5)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Float',LinkDesc="PTime",bWriteable=true,PropertyName=EventParticleTime) VariableLinks(6)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Vector',LinkDesc="Normal",bWriteable=true,PropertyName=EventNormal) }