/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Event mapped to button/key input. */ class SeqEvent_Input extends SequenceEvent native(Sequence); cpptext { UBOOL RegisterEvent(); /** * @return Does this event care about the given input name? */ UBOOL HasMatchingInput(FName InputName); /** * Trigger the event as needed. If this returns TRUE, and bTrapInput is TRUE, then the caller should * stop processing the input. */ UBOOL CheckInputActivate(INT PlayerIndex, FName InputName, EInputEvent Action); } /** Should the input be eaten by the event, or allowed to propagate to gameplay? */ var() bool bTrapInput; /** -1 for any player, or an index of a specific player to restrict to */ var() int AllowedPlayerIndex; /** The binding to listen to - this can be something like SpaceBar, XboxTypeS_A, Fire, or GBA_Jump */ var() array InputNames; defaultproperties { ObjName="Key/Button Pressed" ObjCategory="Input" bTrapInput=TRUE VariableLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="Input Name",ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_String') OutputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Pressed") OutputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="Repeated") OutputLinks(2)=(LinkDesc="Released") AllowedPlayerIndex = -1; MaxTriggerCount=0 ReTriggerDelay=0.01 }