/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ // @warning: When you update this, you must add an entry to GPixelFormats(see UnRenderUtils.cpp) // @warning: The *Tools DLLs will also need to be recompiled if the ordering is changed, but should not need code changes. // @warning: The script compiler does not pick up changes in .uci files, you will need to do a full remake after changing this file. enum EPixelFormat { PF_Unknown, PF_A32B32G32R32F, PF_A8R8G8B8, PF_G8, PF_G16, PF_DXT1, PF_DXT3, PF_DXT5, PF_UYVY, PF_FloatRGB, // A RGB FP format with platform-specific implementation, for use with render targets PF_FloatRGBA, // A RGBA FP format with platform-specific implementation, for use with render targets PF_DepthStencil, // A depth+stencil format with platform-specific implementation, for use with render targets PF_ShadowDepth, // A depth format with platform-specific implementation, for use with render targets PF_FilteredShadowDepth, // A depth format with platform-specific implementation, that can be filtered by hardware PF_R32F, PF_G16R16, PF_G16R16F, PF_G16R16F_FILTER, PF_G32R32F, PF_A2B10G10R10, PF_A16B16G16R16, PF_D24, PF_R16F, PF_R16F_FILTER, PF_BC5, PF_V8U8, PF_A1, PF_FloatR11G11B10, // A low precision floating point format. PF_A4R4G4B4, PF_R5G6B5, PF_R8G8, PF_R32_UINT };