/** * If they are bShowInGame they are still evaluated and will take up GPU time even if their effects are not seen. * So for MaterialEffects that are in your Post Process Chain you will want to manage them by toggling bShowInGame * for when you see them if they are not always evident. (e.g. you press a button to go into "see invis things" mode * which has some expensive and cool looking material. You want to toggle that on the button press and not have it on * all the time) * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class MaterialEffect extends PostProcessEffect native; var() MaterialInterface Material; cpptext { // UPostProcessEffect interface /** * Creates a proxy to represent the render info for a post process effect * @param WorldSettings - The world's post process settings for the view. * @return The proxy object. */ virtual class FPostProcessSceneProxy* CreateSceneProxy(const FPostProcessSettings* WorldSettings); }