/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class GravityVolume extends PhysicsVolume native placeable; /** * Simple PhysicsVolume that modifies the gravity inside it. */ /** Gravity along Z axis applied to objects inside this volume. */ var() float GravityZ; /** Scaling GravityZ and being used different function (GetGravityZHuman) to retrieve GravityZ */ var() float ScaleGravityHuman; /** Scaling GravityZ and being used different function (GetGravityZMonster) to retrieve GravityZ */ var() float ScaleGravityMonster; cpptext { virtual FLOAT GetGravityZ() { return GravityZ; } virtual FLOAT GetGravityZHuman() { return GravityZ * ScaleGravityHuman; } virtual FLOAT GetGravityZMonster() { return GravityZ * ScaleGravityMonster; } } defaultproperties { GravityZ = -520.0 ScaleGravityHuman = 1.0 ScaleGravityMonster = 1.0 }