/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class UDKSkelControl_DamageHinge extends UDKSkelControl_Damage hidecategories(Translation, Rotation, Adjustments) native(Animation); /** The Maximum size of the angle this hinge can open to in Degrees */ var(Hinge) float MaxAngle; /** Which axis this hinge opens around */ var(Hinge) EAxis PivotAxis; /** The angular velocity that is used to calculate the angle of the hinge will be multipled by this value. * NOTE: This should be negative */ var(Hinge) float AVModifier; /** The current angle of the hinge */ var transient float CurrentAngle; /** How stiff is the spring */ var float SpringStiffness; cpptext { virtual void TickSkelControl(FLOAT DeltaSeconds, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp); } defaultproperties { MaxAngle=45.0 AVModifier=-1.5 PivotAxis=AXIS_Y SpringStiffness=-0.035 bApplyRotation=true BoneRotationSpace=BCS_ActorSpace }