/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class UDKAnimNodeSequence extends AnimNodeSequence native(Animation); /** If true, this node will automatically start playing */ var() bool bAutoStart; /** When a given sequence is finished, it will continue to select new sequences from this list */ var array SeqStack; /** If true, when the last sequence in the stack is reached, it will be looped */ var bool bLoopLastSequence; cpptext { virtual void OnAnimEnd(FLOAT PlayedTime, FLOAT ExcessTime); } native function PlayAnimation(name Sequence, float SeqRate, bool bSeqLoop); native function PlayAnimationSet(array Sequences, float SeqRate, bool bLoopLast); event OnInit() { Super.OnInit(); if (bAutoStart) { PlayAnim(bLooping, Rate); } } defaultproperties { bCallScriptEventOnInit=TRUE }