/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class UDKAnimNodeCopyBoneTranslation extends AnimNodeBlendBase native(Animation); /** Structure for duplicating bone information */ struct native BoneCopyInfo { var() Name SrcBoneName; var() Name DstBoneName; var const INT SrcBoneIndex; var const INT DstBoneIndex; }; var AnimNodeAimOffset CachedAimNode; var name OldAimProfileName; var() Array DefaultBoneCopyArray; var() Array DualWieldBoneCopyArray; var Array ActiveBoneCopyArray; /** Internal, array of required bones. Selected bones and their parents for local to component space transformation. */ var Array RequiredBones; /** Cached list of UDKAnimNodeSeqWeap nodes - this node will call WeapTypeChanged when weapon type changes. */ var Array SeqWeaps; /** Cached list of UDKAnimBlendByWeapType nodes - this node will call WeapTypeChanged when weapon type changes. */ var Array WeapTypeBlends; cpptext { // UObject interface virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent); /** Update cached list of required bones, use to transform skeleton from parent space to component space. */ void UpdateListOfRequiredBones(FName AimProfileName); // AnimNode interface virtual void InitAnim(USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComp, UAnimNodeBlendBase* Parent); virtual void TickAnim(FLOAT DeltaSeconds); virtual void GetBoneAtoms(FBoneAtomArray& Atoms, const TArray& DesiredBones, FBoneAtom& RootMotionDelta, INT& bHasRootMotion, FCurveKeyArray& CurveKeys); } defaultproperties { Children(0)=(Name="Input",Weight=1.0) bFixNumChildren=TRUE }