/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class MobilePlaceablePawn extends GamePawn placeable; var bool bFixedView; var vector FixedViewLoc; var rotator FixedViewRot; var() const editconst LightEnvironmentComponent LightEnvironment; exec function FixedView() { if (!bFixedView) { FixedViewLoc = Location; FixedViewRot = Controller.Rotation; } bFixedView = !bFixedView; } // overwrite this function to avoid animsets to be be overwritten by default simulated event bool RestoreAnimSetsToDefault() { return FALSE; } simulated function bool CalcCamera( float fDeltaTime, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out float out_FOV ) { // Override camera FOV for first person castle player out_FOV = 65.0; // Handle the fixed camera if (bFixedView) { out_CamLoc = FixedViewLoc; out_CamRot = FixedViewRot; } else { return Super.CalcCamera(fDeltaTime, out_CamLoc, out_CamRot, out_FOV); } return true; } /** * GetPawnViewLocation() * * Called by PlayerController to determine camera position in first person view. Returns * the location at which to place the camera */ simulated function Vector GetPawnViewLocation() { return Location + EyeHeight * vect(0,0,1); } defaultproperties { Begin Object Name=CollisionCylinder CollisionRadius=+0021.000000 CollisionHeight=+0044.000000 End Object CylinderComponent=CollisionCylinder ViewPitchMin=-10000 ViewPitchMax=12000 // @todo: When touching to move while already moving, walking physics may be applied for a single frame. // This means that if WalkingPct is not 1.0, brakes will be applied and movement will appear to stutter. // Until we can figure out how to avoid the state transition glitch, we're forcing WalkingPct to 1.0 WalkingPct=+1.0 CrouchedPct=+0.4 BaseEyeHeight=60.0 // 38.0 EyeHeight=60.0 // 38.0 GroundSpeed=440.0 AirSpeed=440.0 WaterSpeed=220.0 AccelRate=2048.0 JumpZ=322.0 CrouchHeight=29.0 CrouchRadius=21.0 WalkableFloorZ=0.78 AlwaysRelevantDistanceSquared=+1960000.0 RotationRate=(Pitch=20000,Yaw=20000,Roll=20000) AirControl=+0.35 bCanCrouch=true bCanClimbLadders=True bCanPickupInventory=True SightRadius=+12000.0 MaxStepHeight=26.0 MaxJumpHeight=49.0 bScriptTickSpecial=true Begin Object Class=DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent Name=MyLightEnvironment bSynthesizeSHLight=TRUE bUseBooleanEnvironmentShadowing=FALSE ModShadowFadeoutTime=0.75f bIsCharacterLightEnvironment=TRUE bAllowDynamicShadowsOnTranslucency=TRUE End Object Components.Add(MyLightEnvironment) LightEnvironment=MyLightEnvironment Physics = PHYS_Falling bDontPossess = TRUE bRunPhysicsWithNoController = TRUE Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=PawnMesh LightEnvironment=MyLightEnvironment End Object Mesh=PawnMesh Components.Add(PawnMesh) }