//============================================================================= // KFSM_PlayerSiren_VortexVictim //============================================================================= // Victim special move when caught in siren vortex //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2016 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFSM_PlayerSiren_VortexVictim extends KFSM_GrappleVictim; /** Animation to play */ var() name AnimName; /** Warning message to display to team numbers of the person being grabbed */ var localized string VortexGrabTeamWarningMsg; /** Start grabbed anim */ function SpecialMoveStarted( bool bForced, Name PrevMove ) { local KFPlayerController KFPC; Super.SpecialMoveStarted( bForced, PrevMove ); // if this fails (e.g. missing anim) it's okay to continue unlike with PlaySpecialMoveAnim KFPOwner.PlayBodyAnim( AnimName, EAS_FullBody, 1.f, 0.33f, 0.33f, true ); // Show a non-critical message to the rest of the players if( KFPOwner.WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer /*&& !KFPOwner.IsLocallyControlled()*/ ) { KFPC = KFPlayerController( KFPOwner.WorldInfo.GetALocalPlayerController() ); if( KFPC != none /*&& KFPC.GetTeamNum() == KFPOwner.GetTeamNum()*/ && KFPC.Pawn != none && KFPC.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell() ) { KFPC.MyGFxHUD.ShowNonCriticalMessage( Repl(VortexGrabTeamWarningMsg, "%x%", KFPOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName) ); } } } /** Stop grabbed anim */ function SpecialMoveEnded(Name PrevMove, Name NextMove) { Super.SpecialMoveEnded( PrevMove, NextMove ); KFPOwner.StopBodyAnim( EAS_FullBody, 0.33f ); // Let other zeds attack you again KFPOwner.ExclusiveTargetingController = none; } function SetGrabEffect( KFPlayerController KFPC, bool bValue ) { KFPC.SetGrabEffect( bValue, true, true ); } DefaultProperties { // --------------------------------------------- // SpecialMove Handle=KFSM_PlayerSiren_VortexVictim bDisableMovement=true bLockPawnRotation=true bDisableLook=true bDisableWeaponInteraction=true // KFSpecialMove bAllowThirdPersonWeaponAnims=false AnimName=Grabbed_LifeDrain_V1 }