/** * Computes doppler pitch shift * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SoundNodeDoppler extends SoundNode native( Sound ) hidecategories( Object ) editinlinenew; /** Scales the magnitude of the pitch shift. 1.0 is normal. */ var(Doppler) float DopplerIntensity; cpptext { public: /** * USoundNode interface. */ virtual void ParseNodes( UAudioDevice* AudioDevice, USoundNode* Parent, INT ChildIndex, class UAudioComponent* AudioComponent, TArray& WaveInstances ); /** * Used to create a unique string to identify unique nodes */ virtual FString GetUniqueString( void ); protected: FLOAT GetDopplerPitchMultiplier(FListener const& InListener, UAudioComponent const& AudioComponent) const; } defaultproperties { DopplerIntensity=1.f }