/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SkeletalMeshSocket extends Object native(SkeletalMesh) hidecategories(Object) hidecategories(Actor); /** * Defines a named attachment location on the SkeletalMesh. * These are set up in editor and used as a shortcut instead of specifying * everything explicitly to AttachComponent in the SkeletalMeshComponent. * The Outer of a SkeletalMeshSocket should always be the SkeletalMesh. */ var() editconst name SocketName; var() editconst name BoneName; var() vector RelativeLocation; var() rotator RelativeRotation; var() vector RelativeScale; var() editoronly SkeletalMesh PreviewSkelMesh; var() const editconst transient SkeletalMeshComponent PreviewSkelComp; var() editoronly StaticMesh PreviewStaticMesh; var() editoronly ParticleSystem PreviewParticleSystem; cpptext { /** Utility that returns the current matrix for this socket. Returns false if socket was not valid (bone not found etc) */ UBOOL GetSocketMatrix(FMatrix& OutMatrix, class USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp) const; /** * Utility that returns the current matrix for this socket with an offset. Returns false if socket was not valid (bone not found etc) * * @param OutMatrix The resulting socket matrix * @param SkelComp The skeletal mesh component that the socket comes from * @param InOffset The additional offset to apply to the socket location * @param InRotation The additional rotation to apply to the socket rotation * * @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not */ UBOOL GetSocketMatrixWithOffset(FMatrix& OutMatrix, class USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, const FVector& InOffset, const FRotator& InRotation) const; /** * Utility that returns the current position of this socket with an offset. Returns false if socket was not valid (bone not found etc) * * @param OutPosition The resulting position * @param SkelComp The skeletal mesh component that the socket comes from * @param InOffset The additional offset to apply to the socket location * @param InRotation The additional rotation to apply to the socket rotation * * @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not */ UBOOL GetSocketPositionWithOffset(FVector& OutPosition, class USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, const FVector& InOffset, const FRotator& InRotation) const; } defaultproperties { RelativeScale=(X=1,Y=1,Z=1) }