/** * This class is used for rendering a box around a group of kismet objects in the kismet editor, for organization * and clarity. Corresponds to a "comment box" in the kismet editor. * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SequenceFrame extends SequenceObject native(Sequence); // JTODO: Make Kismet handle the case of NULL references in SequenceObjects and mark these objects as 'only for editor' cpptext { #if WITH_EDITOR /** Draws the box part of the comment (including handle) */ void DrawFrameBox(FCanvas* Canvas, UBOOL bSelected); // SequenceObject interface virtual void DrawSeqObj(FCanvas* Canvas, UBOOL bSelected, UBOOL bMouseOver, INT MouseOverConnType, INT MouseOverConnIndex, FLOAT MouseOverTime); #endif } /** Horizontal size of comment box in pixels. */ var() int SizeX; /** Vertical size of comment box in pixels. */ var() int SizeY; /** Width of border of comment box in pixels. */ var() int BorderWidth; /** Should we draw a box for this comment object, or leave it just as text. */ var() bool bDrawBox; /** If we are drawing a box, should it be filled, or just an outline. */ var() bool bFilled; /** If bDrawBox and bFilled are true, and FillMaterial or FillTexture are true, should be tile it across the box or stretch to fit. */ var() bool bTileFill; /** If we are drawing a box for this comment object, what colour should the border be. */ var() color BorderColor; /** If bDrawBox and bFilled are true, what colour should the background be. */ var() color FillColor; /** * If bDrawBox and bFilled, you can optionally specify a texture to fill the box with. * If both FillTexture and FillMaterial are specified, the FillMaterial will be used. */ var() editoronly Texture2D FillTexture; /** * If bDrawBox and bFilled, you can optionally specify a material to fill the box with. * If both FillTexture and FillMaterial are specified, the FillMaterial will be used. */ var() editoronly Material FillMaterial; defaultproperties { bDrawFirst=true ObjName="Sequence Comment" ObjComment="Comment" SizeX=128 SizeY=64 BorderWidth=1 bFilled=true FillColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=16) BorderColor=(R=0,G=0,B=0,A=255) }