/** * Event which is triggered by the AI code when an NPC sees an enemy pawn. * Originator: the pawn associated with the NPC * Insigator: the enemy PC that has been spotted. * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqEvent_AISeeEnemy extends SequenceEvent native(Sequence); cpptext { virtual UBOOL CheckActivate(AActor *InOriginator, AActor *InInstigator, UBOOL bTest=FALSE, TArray* ActivateIndices = NULL, UBOOL bPushTop = FALSE) { if (InOriginator != NULL && InInstigator != NULL && (MaxSightDistance <= 0.f || (InOriginator->Location-InInstigator->Location).Size() <= MaxSightDistance)) { return Super::CheckActivate(InOriginator,InInstigator,bTest,ActivateIndices, bPushTop); } else { return FALSE; } } }; /** Max distance before allowing activation */ var() float MaxSightDistance; defaultproperties { ObjName="See Enemy" ObjCategory="AI" MaxSightDistance=0.f }