/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqAct_FeatureTest extends SeqAct_Log native(Sequence); /** Location and Orientation values for the FreezeAt command. */ var() string FreezeAtParameters; /** The delay (in seconds) between freezing and taking the screenshot. */ var() float ScreenShotDelay; /** (Optional) File name for the screenshot. */ var() string ScreenShotName; /** The time remaining between freezing and taking the screenshot. */ var float RemainingScreenShotDelay; cpptext { virtual void PostLoad(); void Activated(); UBOOL UpdateOp(FLOAT deltaTime); }; defaultproperties { ObjName="Feature Test" ObjCategory="Misc" bLatentExecution=TRUE bAutoActivateOutputLinks=FALSE FreezeAtParameters="" ScreenShotDelay=1 ScreenShotName="" }