/** * SceneCaptureReflectActor * * Place this actor in a level to capture the reflected/clipped scene * to a texture target using a SceneCaptureReflectComponent * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SceneCaptureReflectActor extends SceneCaptureActor native placeable; /** draws the face using a static mesh */ var() const StaticMeshComponent StaticMesh; /** material instance used to apply the target texture to the static mesh */ var transient MaterialInstanceConstant ReflectMaterialInst; cpptext { // SceneCaptureActor interface /** * Update any components used by this actor */ virtual void SyncComponents(); // AActor interface virtual void Spawned(); // UObject interface virtual void FinishDestroy(); virtual void PostLoad(); private: /** * Init the helper components */ virtual void Init(); } defaultproperties { // reflection is based on actor rotation // default to reflect about z-axis so do 90 degree rot Rotation=(Pitch=16384,Roll=0,Yaw=0) // uses reflection scene capture component // this is needed to actually capture the scene to a texture Begin Object Class=SceneCaptureReflectComponent Name=SceneCaptureReflectComponent0 bSkipUpdateIfTextureUsersOccluded=true End Object SceneCapture=SceneCaptureReflectComponent0 Components.Add(SceneCaptureReflectComponent0) // used to apply the reflection material for visualization Begin Object Class=StaticMeshComponent Name=StaticMeshComponent0 HiddenGame=true CastShadow=false bAcceptsLights=false CollideActors=false Scale3D=(X=4.0,Y=4.0,Z=4.0) StaticMesh=StaticMesh'EditorMeshes.TexPropPlane' End Object StaticMesh=StaticMeshComponent0 Components.Add(StaticMeshComponent0) }